Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 318

Chapter 310 Seven

Autumn Chrysanthemum in Wind and Blossom (10)

However, after the wine was gone, Li Tong immediately urged Deng Chen to prepare generous gifts, and then went to Xiangyang together, but Deng Chen said: "I have thought about it just now, but there is no need to rush to visit Liang Qiuci, it is best for us to ask this guy to personally Send someone to invite you." Li Tong sighed with a smile: "Liang Qiuci, as the guard general, is now called Tiling Jing Xiang, and he is actually cleaning up the mess of the boss for Wang Kuang, I am afraid that he will not have the time to send someone to invite him." Ours."

Deng Chen looked at Li Tong and didn't take it seriously, and just now he said again: "At present, the heroes of the green forest are thriving in Jingxiang, Liangqiu grants the lack of soldiers and food, and if we distribute ten thousand stones of food and grass to the people for Brother Hongjian, I guess the officials will I will send someone to look for it."

Li Tong suddenly felt ashamed, and thought to himself: "I think Li Tong prides himself on being resourceful, so why didn't I figure out this calculation..." Thinking of this, he immediately laughed, and said: "I fell in love with you earlier. I also thought about it this way, since my elder brother and I share this concern, let's act accordingly."

The two discussed it and reached a conclusion, so they greeted Hung-chien, and stayed until dawn the next day, set off to the grain and grass camp, took out ten thousand stones of military rations, and ordered hundreds of farmers to distribute them to the people of Xiangyang and Linxian.

In addition, many dealers made great fanfare, but they were quite powerful, and it didn't take long for them to spread to the ears of officials.On this day, Liang Qiuci gathered a group of officials to promote the hall, and then he said in a tone: "Since Your Highness has led many important officials back to Beijing to report on their duties, this general has to lead Jing Xiang here. Don't think that this is just What a blessing, don't you know that the rebels are becoming more and more arrogant, and the counties and counties in this state are short of soldiers and food, if not for this general to do his duty, Jing Xiang would have already fallen into the hands of the rebels."

Some of the bureaucrats flattered and agreed, but Cen Peng, the general who rebelled against the bandits, suddenly said: "Now that the bandits are getting more and more powerful, Jingxiang, Wen and Wu should not fight openly and secretly. General Liang also made calculations earlier." Liang Qiuci said angrily, "General Cen seems to There is something in the words, I think it is to instigate the generals to disagree." Cen Peng said: "It is not instigation by the last general, I think you all know what kind of atmosphere is here."

Liang Qiuci's face turned livid, he turned to snort softly, and said: "You behave like this, no wonder you were captured by bandits together with General Gai Yan earlier, and His Highness didn't treat you at all."

Cen Pengdeng felt resentful, and said solemnly: "The last general hopes to have a clear conscience, no matter whether you have waited to see him." While speaking, he couldn't help but lift the handle of Yanyue knife a little, and hit the stone slab under his feet with a loud sound.

Many civil and military personnel tended to stay away from the sidelines, General Polu General Gai Yan immediately went out of the train, and went straight to Liang Qiuci to bow his fists and said: "The last general and General Cen both hope that the general can lead everyone to defeat the enemy and win, or report to the imperial court and ask the emperor to increase his strength." Send reinforcements."

These words were originally not malicious, but Liang Qiuci snorted softly and said: "It seems that you two are the only ones who are loyal to the imperial court. Don't you know that your highness has reported victories one after another before, but you want this general to report to the imperial court like this, and your highness has Very face..." At the end of the sentence, he suddenly smiled, and then continued: "The two generals really want to share the worries of the court, so they should do more things, and don't talk too much."

Cen Peng was angry and said nothing, but he looked at Gai Yan and said: "General Liang, just give orders." Liang Qiu said: "Recently Deng Chen and Li Tong distributed ten thousand stones of grain and grass to the people of Jingxiang. These two are really profiteers. The two generals Quickly lead them both to this general, and you have to take back the ten thousand stones of food and grass." Gai Yan immediately replied: "The last general dare not obey orders..."

Liangqiu Cideng felt that the boss didn't mean anything, and immediately shouted: "How dare you disobey the military order, I think you have already secretly communicated with the green forest bandits and betrayed the imperial court!"

Cen Peng lowered his eyes and said nothing at first, but at this moment he said righteously: "Nowadays the Li people are poor, and it is a righteous act to distribute food to the people. Since we are officials, how can we rob the poor of their rations, so we are no different from grassroots bandits!"

Liang Qiuci was well aware that what he said was true and wrong, so he didn't get angry just now, but he said in a strange way: "The two generals are loyal, but the invaders suppressed the border and wanted to attack Nanjun. You two didn't want to raise food and grass, so you went to Nanjun to defend against the enemy. Bar."

The officials in Jingxiang knew that Liang Qiuci was a snobbish person, and it was rumored that the two generals, Cen and Gai, were not treated by Wang Kuang, so they were often pushed aside. Asked: "Wang Changqin, the deputy village chief of the Green Forest Army, raised tens of thousands of soldiers to suppress the border. It is not a pity that the last general and General Cen will die, but Nanjun is really an important town, and now there are only more than 5000 officers and troops guarding. Dare to ask General Liang to send troops, horses, food and grass."

Liang Qiuci's face turned pale, and then he sighed happily: "It's not that this general is unwilling to be considerate, but I hate that Jingxiang's soldiers and horses are all short of food and wages, and the two generals would rather starve to death than take any food from the people. Wait. You two died in battle, and this general will honor the imperial court and reward you for your great achievements."

This guy's intentions are sinister, how can the group of officials not know it, General Cen Peng suppressed his anger, and turned to Gai Yan and said: "It's a pity that although we want to serve the court loyally, but we encounter treacherous craftsmen, General Gai doesn't need to ask him. The two of us will die for our country." As soon as the words fell, he immediately stepped forward to receive the order and led General Gai Yan to leave without looking back.

Liang Qiuci looked at the situation and babbled, and after a while, he ordered the group of officials to leave, and ordered the generals to invite Deng Chen and Li Tong to come to discuss the matter.After the two people entered the government office, Liang Qiuci rose up first, and then said decisively: "Have you ever been convicted of a crime like a profiteer!"

This is exactly: sitting high in the courtroom and appalling the court, and the conviction has nothing to say.A self-reliant official prestige kills Punwei, and a big stick surrounds him with a military staff.If you want to know how Deng Chen and Li Tongfeng will care about each other in such a situation, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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