Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 315

Chapter 310 Five

Autumn Chrysanthemum in Wind and Blossom (8)

Let's say that Deng Chen's name is Weiqing. This person's ancestors have been officials for generations, and his father was also an official in Yuzhang. After drinking for three rounds, my son solemnly raised his glass to all his brothers and said, "The old thief Wang Mang has usurped the Han against the sky, disturbed the rules and regulations, and even poisoned the loyal and good himself, causing the people to suffer and the treacherous officials to run rampant." Then he continued: "My ancestors are deeply favored by the country, but I, Deng Chen, am nearly [-] years old, and I have not made an inch of merit. Although the fat crabs are beautiful, I still have to eat them..."

Cheng Hongjian felt dejected, Liu Yan felt even more resentful, Deng Yu suddenly snorted, and said: "I see that Wang Mang is like a fat crab in the banquet. Although he can be strong with his big claws at the beginning, he is just a dish. It's just delicious." After finishing speaking, he unfolded the folding fan in his left hand, picked up a very big fat crab, and picked up a small plate in his right hand, then threw the fat crab into the air, swung the fan vigorously, and split the fat crab into pieces. The two halves were caught again in a small plate.

Deng Chen saw that the opponent was holding a wooden folding fan, which could easily split the thick armor of fat crabs. He couldn't help secretly admiring him, then nodded and said: "There is a bit of truth in this statement."

The crab roe on the plate was slightly overflowing and tasted sweet, Deng Yu's face was bright, and he said immediately: "The soldiers and horses surrounded by the old thief Wang Mang are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals. As long as all the brothers of the family work together, why don't you worry about the old thief!"

Cheng Hongjian was afraid that his brother-in-law would underestimate the officers and soldiers, but at this moment he cupped his hands and said, "Brothers of the family can only fight against the officers and soldiers if they plan properly, and we must fight cautiously..."

Deng Yu just wanted to encourage him with his words and deeds, and when he heard his righteous brother's persuasion, he had no choice but to laugh. Deng Chen then solemnly said to everyone: "Wang Mang is rebellious, suspicious and prone to murder. I always want to give up my life to eliminate evil thieves." After speaking, he went straight to Li Tong and raised wine to pay respects, and then continued: "Brother's master Liu Xin has already said that Liu Xiu sent troops to arrest him, and you have calculated that Liu Shi should be happy. Thinking about it, it should be done this time.”

Li Tong also respected the other party's fine wine, and then said: "These prophecies are indeed destiny. My teacher was obsessed with the throne before, so he changed his name to Liu Xiu, which is why he violated the law of heaven and caused death..." Feeling very sad, he sighed a little, and then continued: "If the family teacher can obey the destiny, help protect the Ming Lord, and be a wife and son, wouldn't it be very good..."

The ancients often believed in the destiny, and Liu Xiu and others had such prophecies circulated before the incident, and they were recorded in the annals of history, but seeing Hung Chien's conviction, he blurted out: "The emperor does not mean that anyone can do it." If you do it, if you have a little ability, you will become the emperor, and the world will inevitably have constant disputes. It is the common people who will suffer, so it is better to be good ministers and generals, so that the country can be rich and the army strong, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment."

Deng Chen only felt that the brothers in the family were like-minded, and he said to himself earnestly: "I think Deng Chen has never fought side by side with the brothers in the family before. From now on, even if I go through fire and water, I will not hesitate." Xiu took out the voting certificate, bit her index finger, and signed her name with bright red blood.

The brothers of the family felt the righteousness, Liu Yan jumped up and said: "My brother-in-law is a hero, and I will swear to you." As soon as the words fell, he took out the dagger and swiped it towards the index finger, causing the blood to flow Thinly flowing, dripping into the wine cup.

The brothers drank their blood one after another, and Deng Chen resolutely held up the wine and said: "The emperor is above, and the earth is below. Deng Chen respectfully told the gods of all roads that from now on, he will be loyal to the country, do his best for the people, and share the difficulties with all the brothers. Now, help and protect the Han Dynasty, if you violate this oath, you will be punished by heaven."

Li Tong immediately led his cousin to swear an oath, so he felt more ambitious, and then suggested: "Earlier when we harvested the grain, we managed to get ahead of the officers and soldiers, but the officers and soldiers were eager to find out where the grain was. Although we were acting cautiously , but you can’t avoid being noisy from the officials, everyone should start an incident as soon as possible, and then attack Xiangyang, so that the overall situation of Jingzhou is initially determined.” After talking, he couldn’t help laughing, and continued: “My cousin and I can gather two thousand troops. "

Liu Yan felt that a big event could be expected, and at this moment, he said majesticly: "The brothers of the family can gather [-] soldiers and horses. In the past few days, everyone will follow the leader and enter Xiangyang." Li Yi was already gearing up, but he shouted angrily : "Let's go to Xinye first, and take down the dog heads of the chief secretary and the county magistrate!"

At this moment, Cheng Hongjian bowed his hands to everyone and persuaded them: "Brothers, don't be too busy, I think I have something important to do..." Li Yi asked inquiringly, "I don't know what to do next." Brother Jian, what else is going on?"

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