Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 312

Chapter 310 Two

Autumn Chrysanthemum in Wind and Blossom (5)

Before he knew it, it was late at night, Liu Yanshang invited all his brothers to have a drink, Cheng Hongjian looked at Yiren, and asked gently: "I've been sitting here for a long time, why don't my little sister go home and rest... "..." Yao Zhenzhen said with a coquettish smile, "I'm not tired, we will go back together later."

Chen Lian'er was very good at socializing, now that she heard this, she bowed to Hongjian without waiting for Li Yi's instructions, and said with a smile, "Since you heroes have brought their wives to the humble house, the servants should live well for the officials Treat each other well, there are plenty of houses on the left and right, so I might as well stay here tonight." Cheng Hongjian clasped his fists and said, "I dare not disturb you." Chen Lian'er sighed frivolously, "My lord, if you refuse like this, the officials will definitely blame me If you are negligent, why don't the servants serve these three daughters first and go have tea."

Li Yi was about to instruct Chen Lian'er to treat her well, Liu Yan said to Hung-chien, "This young woman is right, so I want the female relatives to have tea by themselves, and we brothers and sisters can also drink to their heart's content."

After saying this, Chen Lian'er got Li Yi's consent first, then led Yao Zhenzhen, Yin Lihua and Liu Boji into the side room for tea, then went out to call the servants to arrange several rooms.

The female relatives in the house tasted some fragrant tea, Yao Zhenzhen asked Liu Boji, "My sister didn't seem to be very happy before, what is the reason?"

Liu Boji sighed lightly, and said: "I think elder brother is a rough man, but he doesn't know how to restrain his temperament, lest he offend others in the future and cause trouble for nothing..."

Yin Lihua thought so deeply, and then said with words of relief: "If that's the case, sister doesn't need to worry too much, it's just a matter of persuading her with kind words in the future..."

At this moment, Yao Zhenzhen nodded happily and said: "What my sister Lihua said is very true. I originally thought of a happy event for Sister Boji, and I am going to discuss it with you."

Liu Boji was puzzled, and then asked: "What's the happy event?" Yao Zhenzhen slyly said: "Sister, what do you think of Li Tong?" ····Why such inquiries······"

Yao Zhenzhen giggled, and then jokingly said: "Why is there no reason, Auntie is very worried about my sister, my little brother and I are going to find a good husband's house for you." Liu Boji whispered again: "I and him It’s just the beginning, when it comes to this person, it’s really a little...unfortunate to talk about..." Yao Zhenzhen said: "It's right to be a sister and chat."

Liu Boji pondered for a while, and then said: "I heard that this person is famous, and he is worth taking advantage of, he is comparable to his cousin Li Yi..." Yao Zhenzhen nodded and said, "That's true." Liu Boji said: "Since this is the case, how can I be worthy of him..." Yao Zhenzhen blurted out happily: "This is not a business." Liu Boji still hesitated, and said: "I think he seems to secretly like others... ···You may not take pity on me..."

Let's say that this woman is smart after all, so why can't she see a little way, but Yao Zhenzhen said with a bright face: "The woman that guy likes has already married his little brother, no matter how thoughtful she is, she will not pay attention to him .”

Yin Lihua also wanted to help Liu Boji match up a good match, so she persuaded her with kind words: "I don't think Li Tong is a paranoid person, if Sister Boji married into this kind of family and can take care of the good people in the house, then she might not be unsympathetic of."

Liu Boji felt that there was some truth in this remark, so she hesitated again and again, before she said: "As a wife, I should be virtuous and virtuous, but Li Tong and I are not in the same family, I'm afraid I will be underestimated... "..."

Yao Zhenzhen leaned against Xianyun's hand, Shen Sihui murmured, and after a short while, she smiled sweetly and said: "If Sister Bo Ji has such thoughts, I will ask my little brother to help you match, and I will definitely not let you be underestimated." ’” Liu Boji didn’t dare to believe it, she couldn’t help sighing, and said: “I know my sister is very smart, but it’s not so easy…”

At this moment, the little girl suddenly acted coquettishly, and asked Wanyue: "Sister, would you like to get acquainted with Li Tong first..."

Liu Boji looked at the situation with pity, and this woman already had such thoughts, so she nodded quietly just now, Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said: "Then I will ask my little brother to match you and Li Tong." Liu Boji said: "Young lady and Hong Brother Jian has made a fuss for me like this, but my sister really has no way of repaying it..." The words were very sentimental, and it was definitely not pretentious.

The women's relatives in the house had already discussed with each other, so they sipped some fragrant tea and chatted leisurely. When Chen Lian'er led the servants to clean up a few upper rooms, Liu Yan also had a good time drinking with all the brothers, and then found a way to go to bed.

Jian Zhen was still sleeping together, the little girl snuggled into Tan Lang's arms comfortably, and said softly at that moment: "Little brother has drunk so much wine this time, it seems that he didn't seem to be drunk at all... "..." Cheng Hongjian said softly, "I was afraid that I would bully you, so while drinking, I secretly exercised my energy, and just now... forced out most of the alcohol..."

The pair of wings were sleeping together so well, before there was any obscene play, Yao Zhenzhen is the daughter of the boudoir after all, and she is also young and innocent, so it is difficult to understand what it means at the moment, and then she said with a charming smile: "Little brother, what is it?" You are still thinking about bullying me, maybe you want to hit someone..." Cheng Hongjian hurriedly said: "No, no, how could I be willing to hit you..." Yao Zhenzhen played Tan Lang slyly, Unexpectedly, he asked handsomely, "then how are you going to bully others?"

Cheng Hongjian smiled and said nothing, and hugged Yi Ren tightly, revealing his youthful vigor, and his gestures were not very disciplined.The little girl was trembling and weak, dazed and drunk, she asked softly: "Little brother... what are you going to do..."

Cheng Hongjian has always kept the teachings, and even though the jade voice he heard was subtle, he also secretly felt ashamed, and hurriedly suppressed the intoxication in his heart, so after a while, he said: "I...I don't it is good······"

Yao Zhenzhen just half-understood, murmured to herself: "It turns out that the little brother wants to bully others like this..."

Chapter 310 Trailer:

Yao Zhenzhen's eyes moved Gu Shanlai, pretending to be at ease at this moment, playing with Tan Lang's light clothes, and said shyly: "Actually, I'm just a little scared... but... ok joy······"

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