Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Autumn Chrysanthemum in Wind and Blossom (3)

Besides, the manor house where Li Yi lives is also very rich. Liu Boji's family has been poor, and she has been living in poverty since she was a child. Be cautious.

In this way, when he was at the table, Li Tong suddenly caught a glimpse of Bo Ji's reserved expression, so he made jokes, only then did he win the woman's smile.Li Yi felt very complacent, and he raised his wine to make amends with a smile and said, "My cousin has been honored by all the heroes, so let me, Li Tong, be grateful for this. Dare to invite me to drink this cup to the brim."

Liu Yan had a boozy drink, Cheng Hongjian, Liu Xiu and Li Yi drank together, the women all drank lightly during the banquet, everyone tasted good wine, Li Tong said to Yao Zhenzhen: "Previously the girl claimed to be Mr. Yu from Qiya Pavilion , I only know that you are really a dignified man, this move will really be very hard to deceive me..."

Yao Zhenzhen knew the other party's thoughts very well, and then she said with high spirits: "I pretend to be a rich and noble son to avoid a lot of noise." Cheng Hongjian was so heartbroken, he turned to Li Yi and cupped his hands, and then said: "My little sister After all, it's a girl's house, so it's inconvenient to pick up Qi Yage, so I just called myself Yu Zigui..."

Li Tongqiang made a happy smile on his face, and then he laughed, and said, "It's okay, the two of you should tell each other your name." Cheng Hongjian laughed and said, "My name is Cheng Hongjian, and my little sister's name is It's Yao Zhenzhen..." After speaking, she looked at Yiren again, revealing her love and compassion.

Li Tong was surprised when he heard the words, Li Yi was even more panicked, he stood up tremblingly and said: "My lord, isn't this girl the eldest lady of the Tianzhi Gang..." Cheng Hongjian nodded, Li Yi Then he said: "Why didn't you two tell me earlier, if I had known Brother Hung Chien and Miss Yao were here, I wouldn't have dared to make a mistake..." As he spoke, he couldn't help sighing, and followed up Said: "I blame the villain for not knowing the hero, and the right... the right to be worshiped by me..."

This guy was about to bow down, Cheng Hongjian immediately supported him, and then said: "Brother Li, don't do this, I...my little sister and I can't accept it..." Yao Zhenzhen giggled, Said: "After all, I am a girl's family, how can I be a hero?"

Li Yi didn't dare to be disrespectful, so he bowed his head and said: "Although Miss Yao is a woman, she is far more powerful than a hero..."

Yao Zhenzhen looked at the situation with a smile, and then joked wisely: "If you say that, he seems to be very vicious, so how can you marry my little brother?" Cheng Hongjian blurted out to Yiren Youyou: "You Don't be fierce, treat me...very good...very good...very good..." As soon as the words fell, Yao Zhenzhen said in a charming and playful way: "Little brother Also very good."

Li Tongguan saw Biyi's deep affection, so he just sneered and drank lonely wine, but seeing this guy's cousin bowing slightly, he immediately ordered Chen Lian'er to tune the piano for fun, and then said to Jian Zhen: "Brother Hongjian recently killed an official The army was defeated, and now she is quite famous in Jianghu. And Miss Yao is the leader's beloved daughter, and she should be in charge of the affairs of the clan. I don't know how the two of you came here to make a living..."

Jian Zhen cuddled up with Chen Qing, mentioned all the ins and outs in this way, which directly surprised Li Yi, and Li Tong was even more sad, speechless and lonely, needless to say the feeling.Liu Boji had been comforted by Li Tong just now, now seeing the situation, she asked shyly, "Brother Li Tong doesn't seem to be very happy, I don't know... I don't know why..."

Li Tong was deeply moved by the woman's expression of concern, and then calmed down his sorrowful face, and began to chat with Liu Yan and Liu Xiu over wine, while this guy's cousin, Li Yi, respected each other gradually, and humbly smiled and said: "Thanks to your generosity, A villain can keep his property, I would like to give you 10 taels of Wenyin, please accept it..."

Cheng Hongjian immediately declined, and then said again: "My little sister and I didn't use our real names originally, so the previous bet was not countable, but I have some things, and I hope big brother Li can agree... Li Yi hurriedly said: "Brother Hung-chien just tells you what to say, and all villains will obey you."

Cheng Hongjian thought for a while, and then said: "Uncle Li doesn't owe you a gambling debt, I hope Brother Li can pay him well..."

Li Yi didn't dare to hesitate, so he could only cheer together and say: "The villain is worth it." Cheng Hongjian nodded, and then continued: "Brother Li, can you arrange a big banquet and invite you to this village..." Li Yi Yi asked, "What's the reason for this..." Cheng Hongjian replied, "Everyone in the village is afraid. If we hold a banquet like this, it may be reassuring." Li Yi Although he felt embarrassed, he quickly apologized and said with a smile: "The villain also depends..."

Cheng Hongjian was lenient when he heard the words, and immediately said: "I have one more thing..." Li Yi laughed and said, "Your brother, just tell me." Cheng Hongjian said: "Brother Li The gambling house can no longer be opened, you did this business before, after all, you offended many villages..."

Li Yi couldn't help hesitating, remained silent for a while, and then said cowardly: "If I don't open a gambling shop... I won't have such a rich source of money..."

Chapter 310 Trailer:

Liu Boji cried out in surprise when she heard it, and then stopped her with words: "Brother thinks he is drunk, why are you talking nonsense..." Liu Yan indulged in drinking and said, "I'm not drunk. They are all hard-backed heroes, and the leaders are afraid of birds!"

Li Tong also had a mind for action, so he invited his cousin Li Yi and said: "In today's world, the people are full of grievances. I am willing to join Leader Liu in rebelling against recklessness and help the Han Dynasty to rejuvenate. In the future, brothers will not be implicated when incidents happen. .”

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