Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 304

Chapter [-]

Leading the fish into the Liubo (7)

Cheng Hongjian had already made a deal with Yi Ren, and he just waited to throw bricks to attract jade and lose the pearls in his bag first, but Hongjian suddenly felt compassionate, so he cupped his hands and said, "You just need to promise that you will never bully the village in the future, both sides The gamble is over."

Li Yi heard that he was embarrassed, and immediately snorted softly, and said in a dark way: "No one has dared to speak like this to this high official." After finishing speaking, he immediately grabbed the six chopsticks, forced himself to roll up his sleeves and threw out the points he wanted to get, and turned to Taking advantage of the move, Jianzhen has been urged to move quickly.

Yao Zhenzhen smiled shrewdly, and said, "My little brother and I have pearls worth 5000 taels, but you only gamble with 3000 taels. Since there is no winner, you have to earn 2000 taels first!" Forget it, it's no problem to throw six moves.

On this side, the two sides re-entered the six-game game, and on the other side, Liu Yan already knew that Jian Zhen was careless, and wanted to make money, so he sent his clever minions to act as bankers, encouraging the crowd to guess the outcome of the game, and then bet for the lottery .

Many people know that Li Yi is good at gambling, even if they bet on this guy, they will definitely make a lot of money, but since Jian Zhen has won a game before, some people only feel that the pair of wings has a good chance of winning.

The group of gambling shop bets like this, if Jian Zhen wins, they can bet one for two, which is really profitable, and Liu Yan already knew what the pair of wings were planning, so he ordered his subordinates to bet on Li Yi to win.

The group of players in the gambling house gathered together to watch the fierce soldiers in the game, and played dozens of rounds of chess like this, but seeing Li Yi's complete victory, he showed off his power and said in a rough voice: "How dare the two youngsters fight against me?" Bet, I want you two to remember something today."

The gamblers who hadn't decided the outcome before all sighed at the waste, Yao Zhenzhen actually held Tan Lang's sleeve by herself, and then said coquettishly: "Little brother, this guy underestimated us, I still want to gamble." Cheng Hong Jian said: "I...I didn't take this much gold and silver..."

Cheng Hongjian has a gentle nature, so at this moment, he was playing such a game, so he couldn't help hesitating his words, but Li Yi only said that Jianzhen was really not very good at gambling, so he became more and more forgetful, and then complacently shouted: "Two little chicks If you can't afford to lose, return his mother to the gambling house."

At this moment, Li Yi's concubine, Chen Lian'er, sighed with a flirtatious smile: "You son is not straightforward enough to gamble, after all, it is my family's rich officials, such a beautiful little girl who is living a hard life with you, It’s really a pity.”

Cheng Hongjian was not good at arguing, and it was for this reason that he became more naive, but Yao Zhenzhen said to Tan Lang softly: "We both have a lot of money, and that guy is so crazy, so my little brother will do more for him." Spend some money."

Chen Lian'er wanted to help Li Yi make a lot of money, so she sighed again and said, "I see that you, young master, really don't love others. Such a beautiful little girl begged so much, so young master hastily agreed."

After saying this, Li Yi laughed to himself and said, "What Lian'er said is true. After I have made a big bet, I will definitely reward you." Chen Lian'er apologized and thanked, Li Yi said again: " How much do you think this high official should bet on?" Chen Lian'er said: "The more the better, but I'm afraid those two little chicks won't dare to bet with you."

Looking at the situation, Cheng Hongjian felt that the time had come, and Yao Zhenzhen said with high spirits again: "My little brother and I are not afraid. If you are really capable, then come and gamble big." Li Yi snorted softly and said: "How much do you two youngsters dare to bet?" Yao Zhenzhen could not help but ask, "How much money do you have?"

Li Yi was bragging about his wealth, Yao Zhenzhen giggled and said: "You are very rich, I'm afraid you dare not come to gamble with your wealth." Li Yi blurted out arrogantly: "Why don't you dare!"

Cheng Hongjian didn't want to take other people's property, so he persuaded Li Yi again: "It's not good for you..." Li Yi shouted: "What's wrong, could it be that he is reluctant to give up a little money, which is why he is such a motherfucker! "Cheng Hongjian was silent, Yao Zhenzhen immediately said seriously: "My little brother and I will bet all your belongings."

All the players in the gambling shop were surprised when they heard the words, but Li Yi had already forgotten about it, and now he only cared about making a lot of money, but he said casually: "How much money you two young children have, you dare to come and gamble with me." Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said, "My little brother and I have quite a few priceless antiques, I'm afraid you can't afford to lose."

At this moment, Cheng Hongjian bowed his hand to Li Yi again, and said: "Don't just focus on making a lot of money, if you continue to act like this, my little sister and I will gamble with you like this."

Cheng Hongjian still wanted to persuade him, but Li Yi was willing to listen, but he said in a rough voice: "I am not frightened, after I count my belongings, I will make a big bet with you two young children. "Yao Zhenzhen said: "That's a good deal, if you go back on your word, you will be looked down upon all over the countryside." Li Yi laughed and said: "I am a high-ranking official, how can I not make money?"

Yao Zhenzhen was happy to see the situation, and at the moment she was smart and restrained, and then said: "Then you should make a pledge in front of the township, so as not to lose the bet and be foolish."

Cheng Hongjian sighed and said nothing, but Li Yi couldn't help becoming more and more mad, saying: "I am a very respectable person after all, so I don't owe a lot of gambling debts, but you two young children have to make good papers. .”

Chapter [-] preview:

Several gamblers clamored to agree, Liu Yan sent strong men who had been favored by Hongjian, and wanted to flex their muscles at this moment, Cheng Hongjian hurriedly stopped him, and then said to the group of gamblers, "We have someone from Xinye." Uncle Li, he used to live on the farmland in the suburbs, but Li Yi from the gambling shop fell in love with his family's fertile land, so he falsely accused his son of having owed gambling debts before he died, and forced Old Man Li to hand over the land deed. There is no way, I have to give this thing to me..." Li Yi laughed, and said: "It seems that you are going to reap the benefits."

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