Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 302

Chapter [-]

Leading the fish into the Liubo (5)

The minion was ordered to find the suffocated ghost, Yao Wuhui, and mentioned some deceitful words, but Yao Wuhui didn't know the reason, so he said that this time not only would there be wine and meat, but also money to earn, so he went to the banquet happily up.

This guy entered the clean and elegant room, he suddenly saw Cheng Hongjian leading the two of them here, he couldn't help being panicked, and immediately wanted to get away, Liu Yan immediately threw a cup and shouted: "Take your life!"

Everyone in Jianzhen had already agreed to persuade Yao Wuhui to abandon the dark and turn to the light, but at the moment Liu Yan gave such an order, Hongjian was stunned until he saw a few strong men from the countryside rushing into the house with broken blades in their hands, Hui Geng didn't try to resist, just knelt down crying and said: "Heroes, spare your lives...., heroes, spare your lives..." Turning to beg Hung-chien, he said: "My son is very strong in martial arts, and the villain must fight But yours, please forgive me..."

Liu Yan got angry when he heard the words, and said in a rough voice: "It's really fucking useless, even if the head falls off, it will only leave a big scar."

Yao Wuhui was still weeping, and couldn't help blurting out: "Yes...yes..." At the end of the sentence, he suddenly felt that what he said was inappropriate, and he couldn't help trembling physically and mentally, repeating again and again Kowtowing: "Grandfathers, please forgive me, please forgive me, grandfathers..."

Liu Yan laughed and said angrily again: "Although you are a villain among the demons and monsters, but you look like a bird, and you can live up to the title of 'sick ghost'."

Cheng Hongjian felt more and more sympathetic, so he helped Yao Wuhui up, and invited him to sit down, then cupped his hands and said, "You don't need to panic, we are all good people..." said After that, he introduced Liu Yan and Liu Xiu to each other, but Yao Wuhui just bowed and didn't know how to speak, Cheng Hongjian continued: "I want to persuade you to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, but I don't know if it is feasible... ···”

Wu Wuhui's heart widened, and then he grinned and said, "That's because I think highly of me, my brothers and sisters bully villains, I... I don't want to be with them for a long time..." Later, he looked at Hongjian and continued, "In the restaurant in Lulin Town, you and Miss Yao gave me wine and asked me to take it to heal my wounds, and I will follow you from now on."

This guy behaved stupidly, Cheng Hongjian smiled when he heard this, and immediately respected each other with good wine, Liu Xiu said to Yin Wuhui: "Since you are willing to vote, can you tell the news about the Demon Cult, and then sign a vote certificate Come." Yao Wuhui said: "But I don't know how to write." Liu Xiu said: "I'll write out a voting certificate for you, and you only need to press your fingerprints."

Wu Wuhuifu grinned again, and blurted out: "That's a good thing, the villain will tell you everything when he knows everything." At the end of the conversation, the rough man picked up a big piece of meat, but look at this guy's face full of mouth. Greedy, he stuffed the big meat into his belly, and then continued wolfishly: "Liu Jiaming, the general altar of your Xuanyuan School, is the young master of our Youtian Department. This group of birds was originally called Xun Sheng. He is not a good guy. , His mother always allows others to bully me."

Cheng Hongjian felt pity in his heart when he heard it, and then he spoke words of relief: "From now on, you will wait with me, all the brothers will treat you well and will not bully you, and brother Wuhui is no longer a victim... "..."

Hearing this, Wu Wuhui couldn't help crying, and after a while, he finally calmed down and said, "I'm not a pissed off at last, I'd better be a good person..." As he spoke, he cried softly again Weeping, it is really hard to restrain myself.

Liu Xiuguan saw that this guy wanted to enter the righteous way, and he really felt relieved, and then he asked, "How much information do you know about the Devil's Cult?" Yin Wuhui said: "Our young master sent you the elder of the prison. I have gone to a lot of money, and the elder of the imperial formation has joined the religion." At the end of the speech, he suddenly took a breath and continued: "Ah, yes, yes. Our young master is the last His mother is nothing, Qin Haoxuan of your Xuanyuan Sect is his master after all, but this birdman dares to kill his master."

Cheng Hongjian felt his heart tighten, and asked in a trembling voice: "You...how did you know..." Yao Wuhui said: "How could I not know, this As long as you do the next thing, you will report it to my family Youtian Dharma King and take more credit for yourself."

Cheng Hongjian was silent, Liu Xiu had heard Jian Zhen mentioned all kinds of clues about this matter, and now she couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that the "Yuanhe Zhenjing" of our school must be in Liu Jia's name. It's on me." Yao Wuhui said: "My young master never mentioned any cheats..."

Hearing these words, Liu Xiu knew the whereabouts of the secret books, and sighed softly, saying: "The secret books are in the hands of Liu Jiaming, but this kind of peerless martial arts was stolen by the demon sect. There is a storm..."

Liu Yandeng felt righteous indignation, so he blurted out resentfully: "If it weren't for the Xuanyuan Sect's group of birds willing to collude with the Demon Cult, Liu Jiaming would not be so crazy."

Liu Xiu didn't say yes or no, but then looked at Yao Wuhui again, and asked, "How much more do you know?" Yin Wuhui said, "Our Miss Qin from Cuiyuxuan is called Qin Miaohong, she is the concubine of our Dharma King. , recently this little lady has been warming up to a Xuanyuan disciple surnamed Geng, and that prostitute doesn't know what's going on, so he will definitely suffer in the future."

Cheng Hongjian was already worried, but when he heard this, he became more smug, and thought to himself leisurely: "Qiaoqian probably doesn't know what kind of person Liu Jiaming is, and I'm afraid she will I have suffered..." Thinking of this, I was even more eager to think, and I was really suffering, so after a while, I just asked: "I have a fellow named Yi Qiaoqian, she and Your young master...Young master is very good... I don't know what's going on now..."

Liu Yan didn't know that Cheng Hongjian was taking care of this woman, so he just blurted out: "Following the devil's cult thieves will give him something good to eat."

Cheng Hongjian felt uneasy when he heard it, and then asked Elf Wuhui, "What happened to my sister Qiaoqian?" Elf Wuhui said, "My young master treats her well, but he definitely won't. marry her."

After all, Cheng Hongjian and Qiaoqian have known each other since they were young, but he hurriedly asked: "Why..." Wu Wuhui said: "My young master has already arranged a marriage with the granddaughter of the sect master." Later, I suddenly thought of something, and then blurted out: "I forgot, the granddaughter and younger sister of the leader live in the Qiya Pavilion."

Liu Xiu had already noticed this, and she knew what the other party said was true, so she nodded slightly, and said: "The young man called himself Lu, and his first name was Lan Xin, while the old man only mentioned his surname Zhong Li." Opened wide, Yugan exclaimed: "My lord, you know this too!"

Liu Xiujing took the words said by this guy and put them on the nomination certificate, and then took out the inkpad prepared in advance, and asked the other party to mark it.Yao Wuhui just spread out his big palm and dipped it into the mud, and then firmly stamped the very big palm print on the voting certificate, but Liu Xiu said: "You go back to the gambling house, if there is nothing wrong today, then the demon will As long as there is some disturbance in the teaching, you will find me and report it."

Yao Wuhui was deeply involved in the teaching of demons, so he was happy to agree at this moment, and then he ate and drank openly, so full of wine and food, he left with his pig's knuckles in his arms.

Chapter [-] preview:

Before Cheng Hongjian could say anything, Chen Lian'er smiled frivolously, and said, "All women in this world adore a straightforward man, why is this young man reluctant to part with a little money?"

When the Ji man was so instigated, Yao Zhenzhen laughed and fooled with Tan Lang. Cheng Hongjian nodded when he heard this, and gambled with the Yiren. Li Yi became the banker himself, and then asked: "How do you two want to make a bet?" ?”

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