Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 293

Chapter 290 Three

More Moduqian thinks and promises (7)

Jian Zhen went into the house to visit, but saw that the old and young people in the house were weaving bamboo baskets by themselves, the woman nodded slightly, and immediately fiddled with the things in her hands, and Fan Xian didn't even lift her head.

Liu Yandeng felt that the boss didn't mean it, so he blurted out solemnly: "Your child wants to follow the example of Gaozu to create a great cause, and you should make friends with many heroes. Why can't mother be sympathetic!"

Fan Xian snorted softly, and said: "Don't fool me with these words anymore, get me a daughter-in-law quickly to be a serious person, and usually make some troublesome rascals, it's nothing more than doing some house robbery. "

Liu Yanji didn't take it seriously, and then said: "The ancestor Liu Bang just made friends with some people who slaughtered pigs and dogs, but I, Liu Yan, was born to be indomitable, and I have the ability of Xiang Yu to be the enemy of thousands of people. In the future, I will not be able to lead my brothers Win countless vicious battles, and do the great thing of overthrowing the old thief Wang Mang, so as to comfort my lifelong ambition of Liu Bosheng."

This guy was full of bold words, but Cheng Hongjian felt that his words were not entirely reasonable, so he bowed his hands to the other side, and Dun He said: "Actually, my younger brother thinks... ????" Although Liu Yan felt displeased, he didn't feel any annoyance, and immediately said angrily, "Brother, how can you say such words."

Yao Zhenzhen stared at Tan Lang, and Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and then said: "My little brother heard that after Emperor Gaozu entered Xianyang, he only made three chapters with the people of Li, and abolished the severe punishment of the Qin Dynasty, and did not allow the army to disturb the people. Therefore, Emperor Gaozu It was the governor who led the rebel army, and used the right to attack the innocent??????" Later, after thinking about his words, he continued: "I think the people of Li are really oppressed, so Emperor Gaozu will lead the way. The uprising."

Before Liu Yan knew it, he went in and said in a rough voice: "Your brother's words are true. Now Wang Mang is usurping the Han, and the common people have no way of life. Your elder brother Bo Sheng is just following the example of the ancestors."

Although Cheng Hongjian is not good at memorizing, he also understands the meaning of the classics, but seeing him thinking, he blurted out leisurely: "The puppet court is really dark, if Brother Bo Sheng wants to lead the rebel army to overthrow the tyranny, he must not Looting property, and leading troops in battle cannot avoid injuring people and killing them, so many battles should be avoided..." Liu Yan always admired Gaozu, and felt that what the other party said was quite reasonable , so he laughed boldly, and he didn't comment at the moment.

Fan Xian had heard these words before she raised her head, looked at Jian Zhen for a while, then nodded and said: "You two children are not on the same road as those tired and strong people."

At this moment, Yao Zhenzhen giggled, and then joked wisely: "As long as my little brother and I are not robbed by strong people, we will be very happy." Cheng Hongjian smiled when he heard this, and Dunhe said: "The old man just cares about it." Don't worry, my little sister and I are not evil people, this junior came here to invite righteous brother Uncle Wen and brother Bo Sheng to join us and do business."

Seeing the kindness on his mother's face, Liu Yanguan couldn't help smiling, and said: "This brother of mine is doing serious business, you can just sit around and enjoy yourself when you grow old."

Fan Xian concealed her worry for a while, and then sighed with a smile: "As long as you keep yourself safe, and marry your mother a daughter-in-law, I will enjoy my old bones??????"

As the saying goes, "Success is found in the small, wealth and wealth are sought in danger", so many parents do not hope that their own flesh and blood will be rich and wealthy, but only hope that they can live in peace and stability, and some children have other circumstances, so they can't help themselves. claim.

Liu Yan was high-spirited, and he refused to listen to what his mother said, so he had to laugh at the moment, and turned to look at the bridesmaid who was doing the work, and recommended to Jian Zhen: "This is the youngest girl in the family, named Liu Boji, I haven't betrothed to my husband's family yet, if you two can find a good husband, then it will be all right for my old lady's heart trouble."

Liu Boji showed a slight smile to enhance her appearance, and then she wove the bamboo basket in her hand again, without saying much, while Fan Xian nodded kindly, and said to Jian Zhen: "The old man has already seen that you two are very kind friends Son, if you really find a husband for my daughter, you will definitely let me rest assured?????"

Cheng Hongjian was grateful for the other party's trust, so he nodded his head and said: "Auntie just be reassuring, I will do my best." Yao Zhenzhen looked at Liu Boji, and then said shrewdly, "Sister Boji is so beautiful, why is she so beautiful?" Only such a character can suit your heart?"

What is Liu Boji's appearance? Let's say that she is quite beautiful, her starry eyes reveal a demure and refined manner, and the direct viewer can feel at ease, but seeing this woman smiles beautifully, and then said: "I don't know this festival. After thinking about it, I don't expect that person to be rich, I only want to live in peace, and I should be a good daughter-in-law in my husband's house??????"

Yao Zhenzhen smiled, and Fan Xian said kindly: "My girl is very virtuous, she must be a good daughter-in-law of her husband's family." Cheng Hongjian nodded and said: "Sister Bo Ji is a good girl, and my little sister and I are just right. Find a good husband for her."

At this moment, Liu Boji put down the bamboo basket in his hand, turned to Jian Zhen and said, "You two have come from a long way, you probably haven't had any food, so I'll make some delicious food here."

Liu Yan gave a rough smile, and then said kindly and pitifully: "You still cook food, Xianmei just buys all the good wine and meat, and I will call Uncle Wen back."

Liu Boji showed a look of embarrassment, and after a while, she cowardly replied: "Mother gave all the family savings to Matchmaker Liu, and the third brother is talking to a girl from the neighboring village??????"

Liu Yandeng felt that the boss didn't mean it, and then asked: "Recently, I have taken more than 150 taels of silver from my family. Even if I used a lot, how can the family give that much to that woman?" After 50 taels, I distributed it to my brothers." Liu Yan nodded and said: "A few brothers were injured earlier, and since I am the leader, I should hire a doctor to take good care of them. Eldest brother must not be cold, so I will And give money to these brothers who have followed me through life and death."

Liu Boji nodded slightly, and then whispered: "You returned 50 taels of silver to Mrs. Liang??????" Liu Yan smiled complacently: "There is only this widow Liang who is born well and is willing to accompany you Brother, and I must not treat her badly."

Fan Xian was so frowning, she sighed and said: "If you can do your duty, those daughters from good families will not dare to marry you."

Liu Yan didn't pay attention to this, and asked Bo Ji: "There are still a lot of silver taels, where are they?" The banquet is coming, but the family only has five taels of silver, so my mother gave all the savings to Matchmaker Liu."

Fan Xian couldn't hold back any more, and immediately annoyed Liu Yan and said, "Look at what kind of people you have handed over, they are either robbing houses, or gambling for money, how can you have the thoughtfulness to do something to make a living?" .”

Liu Yan was really impatient, and he said in a rough voice: "My brothers are all very capable. If a child wants to do great things, he should make friends with heroes in the world."

Fan Xian snorted softly, and said: "Those brothers of yours are heroes, how could they go to Xinye to gamble, but they were caught by some rascals, and they have to trouble you to rescue them?"

Liu Yan was embarrassed when he heard the words, and then said: "The gambling house belongs to Li Yi. After all, this guy is from a wealthy family in Nanyang, and there are more than a hundred guards. My brothers go alone, how can we not suffer???? ??" At the end of the speech, he couldn't help but secretly annoyed, so he calmed down for a moment, and then continued: "This guy Li Yi refused to show me favor, and his mother wanted to cut off my brother's hands and feet according to the rules of the casino. If it wasn't for the boss not wanting to break the rules of the casino, he would have smashed the casino of this group of birds."

Looking at the situation, Cheng Hongjian was about to say something to comfort him, when he suddenly heard a woman outside the courtyard shouting frivolously: "Hey, since you are all at home, you won't have to look around everywhere."

Fan Xian hurriedly suppressed her sorrow, and greeted the other party inside, and then asked: "Dare to ask Mrs. Liu, what happened to the dog and the girl from the neighboring village??????"

Chapter 290 Trailer:

Fan Xian knew that this statement was true, and couldn't help but sighed softly, saying: "I already knew about this festival, so it's really hard to be a sister-in-law." Liu Matchmaker said: "It's not hard to say, we are relatives after all, and I am I received five taels of silver, so I should do my best, I had a good talk with the door of the neighboring village before, and I just picked up this girl to meet your Uncle Wen at the field ridge." Fan Xian sighed and nodded, Liu Matchmaker continued Said: "I didn't expect it, I finally took the girl to meet at the ridge of the field, but your Uncle Wen didn't even say a word, so he used the hoe in his hand to plow the land again."

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