Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 291

Chapter 290

More Moduqian thinks and promises (5)

Although Yin Lu was reluctant to let Hung Chien spend a hundred taels of gold for nothing, he just laughed and said, "It really doesn't matter if you have a little money. If Hung Chien's nephew hadn't thought of this deal this time, I wouldn't have such a business opportunity." Besides, Miss Yao's plan is very good, and I think I should earn it back in the near future." After speaking, he looked at Hung-chien, and then continued: "Nephew Hung-chien just let go of the business, if you encounter difficulties , the old man will help himself."

Cheng Hongjian was deeply moved, and since then he has devoted himself more and more, and Yao Zhenzhen has planned a strategy to directly teach Jianzhen's pawn shop to become famous, and the shop has more and more customers, making it more prosperous.

The pair of wings have been in operation for more than a month, and it is just around the corner of the Qixi Festival.This night, Cheng Hongjian accompanied Yiren to walk in the shallow orchid soup, bathed in the joyful feet together, played intimately and laughed, and walked with waves and ripples. After such a long time, Jianzhen didn't wipe his ankles lightly, just snuggled into each other's arms and hoped for a new life The moon brings more tenderness and sweetness.

Zhen Zhen thought about the festive season happily, Hung Chien smiled and smiled, and said softly to herself: "It's so hard to meet Qixi Festival, how will my little sister live, so how will I live?????" Yao Zhenzhen smiled sweetly He said: "Little brother stays with me, I'm happy no matter what!" As soon as the words fell, Cheng Hongjian was so drunk that he couldn't help drinking Tao Yaochun's smile, and the little girl's emotion and emotion were in harmony with each other, and he endured it. Jun moved his cherry lips, looking back delicately, Pingting made a playful gesture, and brushed past Tan Lang's laughing acupoint.

Cheng Hongjian avoided it with a smile, and took Yiren Xianyun's hand again, and accompanied him in a daze for a while, before turning the subject and saying: "We will celebrate Qixi Festival together, we will be very happy, if brother Liu Xiu can be with Lihua It would be great if my sister-in-law reunited." Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said, "It's not difficult, we just lead sister Lihua to find him." Cheng Hongjian nodded and said, "Very good, very good, big brother's family left It's not far from here, it's convenient for us to go there, and then we can invite him to join us for business."

Although Yao Zhenzhen knew that Yin Lu didn't want Liu Xiu to come here, but she also knew that Tan Lang Gu Nianyi brother, so she said softly, "I listen to little brother."

Jianzhen slept together until the next morning, when she entered the pawnshop and talked to Lihua about what she had made last night. After hearing about it, the other party couldn't help thinking for a moment, and then whispered sadly: "I'm afraid Daddy doesn't want Uncle Wen to come to the shop." Take care of it??????"

Cheng Hongjian wanted to help, but he blurted out: "If Uncle Yin doesn't want elder brother to take care of the business here, I will give elder brother some capital and ask him to do a business in Xinye."

Yin Lihua was well aware of Hung-chien's generosity, so she said earnestly and earnestly: "Brother Hung-chien doesn't have much cash in the first place, so it would cost money, but I have some jewelry, which I don't usually wear, so let's give it to Uncle Wen." ???????"

At this moment, Yao Zhenzhen said with a pleasant smile: "Sister, just take it easy, I have money with my little brother." Yin Lihua didn't believe it, so she asked: "How can it be so fast?" Yao Zhenzhen said: "Quite so Not counting the dividends in the store, my little brother and I already have some antiques, and recently we have sold some of them at a very good price." Cheng Hongjian nodded and said: "My little sister and I are rich, sister-in-law You don't need to take jewelry."

Yin Lihua thanked her with gratitude, Yao Zhenzhen held her hand, and smiled to herself, saying: "Good sister, come with us." Yin Lihua thought for a while, and then said: "If my sister goes with you two to search Uncle, I'm afraid Daddy doesn't want him to come here even more, so I'll stay in the shop and take care of you??????" The pair of winged wings understood, so they didn't invite Lihua again, and immediately boarded the carriage and drove on the road. Headed towards the village where Liu Xiu lived.

Jianzhen arrived at the outskirts of the city, and asked others about the route before continuing on. After more than ten miles, suddenly there was a clamor ahead, and five or six strong men from the countryside rushed out of the dense forest. "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. Brothers only rob money, and don't want to hurt people or kill them."

Cheng Hongjian only felt that the words were not completely disregarding morality, and seeing that the other party was a big man with a handsome appearance, he blurted out to persuade him: "You have hands and feet, why do you do such a thing??????"

Many strong people laughed when they heard the words, and they laughed at the head of the leader, saying: "Brothers have hands and feet, and they just came here to earn some small money to support the family. If they have no hands and feet, they will not be bullied." Jing Jiang Jianzhen looked at her for a while, then turned to tell the subordinates: "These two children look weak, brothers just need to take the money, and I will definitely not let Lao Tzu be violent."

The leader of the team behaved majesticly, and the strong men under his command were ordered immediately, Yao Zhenzhen said with a pleasant smile: "You guys are not bad at all, if you do your duty in the future, my little brother and I will not do anything."

The leader of the staff was surprised, and he laughed again immediately, saying: "Little girls don't know how to measure, brothers, hurry up and catch these two dolls for the leader." Recently, there is indeed quite a bit of momentum.

Let's say that both wings have the ability to fight, so within a short time, they overthrew many strong men one after another, but the leader headed by this person showed a happy face, and immediately praised: "Good skill!" He called the strong men under his command to stop fighting, then looked at Hongjian again and said, "You look weak, but you don't expect to have this skill, do you dare to make a gesture with me?"

Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and then spoke to discuss: "I want to visit my brother-in-law, and I hope this leader will let me go there with my little sister, and I will not do such things in the future."

The leader gave a rough smile, and said immediately: "Brother, just be at ease, I respect your martial arts skills, just now you want to have a good fight, and you won't waste too much time."

Cheng Hongjian looked at the other party in his thirties, with a short beard, an air of grandeur, and an air of majesty in his manner, and he couldn't help but subconsciously respect him. Then he pondered for a while, cupped his hands and said, "Since that's the case?????? I have to obey my orders. ???????"

The head of the staff became more and more excited, and immediately put on a posture, and invited him in a loud voice: "Brother, quickly choose a weapon that is suitable for you, and have a good fight with my brother."

Yao Zhenzhen knew very well that Tan Lang had a gentle personality and never liked to fight fiercely, so she said with a smile: "You might as well fight with each other, so as not to hurt your friendship."

Cheng Hongjian thought it was true, but the leader gave a rough smile, and said: "Little girl, don't worry about your family's friendship, this leader cherishes talents, and this time I will do my best." After finishing speaking, he put the long lance and pestle in his hand At the side of the road, Hung-chien was invited to hand over the move first.

Many strong men looked at the thick land beside the road, and the handle of the long lance could be submerged several inches. They couldn't help but admire and praise. Cheng Hongjian thought to himself: "Although this leader is a strong man who robs houses, he is not totally disregarding morals. I would rather It's better to parry first, and then give in a few moves, and then persuade him not to do such a thing??????" Thinking of this, he got a little momentum and wanted to pass two moves.

Besides, the leader of the team is also very proficient in martial arts, one can see that Hongjian's ability is extremely high, and he didn't dare to underestimate him.

Dozens of rounds passed like this, Cheng Hongjian still walked around to fight, and thought to himself: "This hero is indeed very capable, but if I give in two moves, it won't cause any serious problems." Yan Nian And at this point, he immediately sent a flaw, wanting the opponent to win.

The leader knew that Hung-chien would give in, so he didn't take advantage of it, instead he took a few steps back, clasped his fists and said boldly: "This virtuous brother is not only strong in martial arts, but also loyal to justice, I don't know your name? Cheng Hongjian clasped his hands and replied, "My younger brother's name is Cheng Hongjian." The leader immediately asked, "Are you a disciple of the Xuanyuan Sect's general altar?"

Cheng Hongjian was taken aback, then nodded and said, "It's exactly?????? Dare to ask this elder brother how he knew??????"

The leader of the team was very happy to make friends with Xiongjun, at this moment he even smiled and said: "My surname is Liu, my name is Yan, and my name is Bosheng. My younger brother Liu Xiu has praised Brother Hung-chien's virtuousness before. Seeing you today, it is indeed so! "

Cheng Hongjian was overjoyed, bowed his hands immediately, and continued, "Little brother has heard of the name of eldest brother before, but unexpectedly met here??????"

Chapter 290 Trailer:

Liu Yan was disappointed when he heard the words, and then said: "I don't know that the girl from the Yin family has taken a fancy to my brother, but a little admiration can't be worth the coldness of the world." For this robbery, where can I get a daughter-in-law from a good family, and my old mother is worried that she can't hold her grandson, so my younger brother must not delay."

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