Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 270

Chapter 270

Birds and birds combine to form wings (7)

Cheng Hongjian seemed to be falling into a dream, and after such a short interval, he sighed and said: "Daddy has really treated each other very kindly this time, and because of me, it is difficult for my little sister to be by your side to fulfill your filial piety, Daddy... ???? And be greeted by the child??????" As soon as the words fell, I was grateful for Nabai.

Yao Sufeng helped Hung-chien to stand up, and asked again: "Nephew, you don't need to be polite, you must treat my daughter well." Cheng Hongjian nodded repeatedly, and Yao Sufeng continued, "I'm a little tired too, you Let's go down first."

Yao Zhenzhen and Tan Lang took a long time to bid farewell to each other, and just now they left, Yao Sufeng summoned his disciples to bring Du Kang and Shuangzhan, then sent the entourage out of the house, filled up the wine again, and drank alone.

After drinking for three rounds, Yao Sufeng looked at the cup on the table with a cup in his hands, and said half drunk: "Xunmei?????? I respect you for my husband??????" After talking, Then he picked up the lamp on the table, shook his head and smiled and continued: "Our good girl thought I was going to take Hung Chien's life, but how can I take it seriously as a husband, it's just a little trial??????"

Yao Sufeng poured out Dukang, and then sighed: "My husband saw that Hung-chien was born in Suxian Bo's mansion. Although his father is no longer an official in the court, he has quite a few former students. The Cheng mansion is also in Guanzhong. Huge rich, this is considered to be comparable to my Yao family background, not to mention that the two children are in love with each other, and they are happy to be a husband. However, Hongjian is not Cheng Zhuo's biological son, so how can I be relieved, like this, It’s time to think about its health.”

Yao Sufeng was enjoying himself in the room alone, but seeing him happy, he continued: "These two little dolls are infatuated with each other, and they will get along very well."

Yao Sufeng talked to himself like this, and he was afraid that the soul of the fragrance would be sad, so he said tirelessly: "If a good wife has a soul in the sky, she just needs to be relieved, and a husband doesn't really want to punish his own daughter. I just think that one day , I will go to Huangquan to find you eventually, and the huge family business in the gang will always be handed over to our daughter and Hung-chien, but these two children are still a little immature, I might as well take advantage of this to be a villain and send them to experience some good life ’” At the end of the conversation, Fu held a small drink again, and then continued: “Oh, I don’t know what will happen when these two children join hands??????”

Yao Sufeng wanted to join hands with Jianzhen to go to Feihongzheng, so he pretended to be evil just now. Such intentions are really good and hard, but the world is more willing to fly and drink and not leave each other. Therefore, Yang Fang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty once wrote "The Poetry of Hehuan". The article sang thus:

The wind blows in the tiger's roar valley, and the dragon leaps in the clouds.It's good to respond with the same voice, and it's good to seek each other with the same spirit.My love and my son are like a shadow following the body.Eat a total of roots and spikes, drink a total of Lianli cups.Double silk silk is used for clothing, and seamless silk is used for sleeping.I wish to sit on my knees, and I will go hand in hand with my wishes.Zijing I do not move, Ziyou I have nothing to stay.Qibi concentric bird, such as this flounder.When love breaks gold and stone, glue paint is not a prison.I hope that there will be no difference in length, and they will become one body.Live as a body, die as ashes in the same coffin.Qin Shi said to herself, I am in love!

Unknowingly, for a few days, I sent people to inform the Xuanyuan disciples who were stranded in the village to return to the main altar. Liu Xiu and Jian Zhen sent Lihua out of the village. After such a farewell, Deng Yu came looking for him, and then solemnly whispered: : "Elder Wei really wants to punish big brother??????"

Cheng Hongjian felt his heart tense, and asked immediately, "Second brother, why did you say that?" Deng Yu said bitterly, "This time, the main altar sent someone to summon me to return to the main altar, so I will send a message to that fellow sect. Some money, so as to inquire about the situation in the faction, and only then did I learn that during these days, Elder Wei and Elder Yuchi are not the same as the head arranger, and they also brought me and other brothers along with them." Cheng Hongjian said: "But everyone is fine. Fault??????" Deng Yu sighed: "As the saying goes, 'If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse for it', and there is no reason for the two elders to collude so much."

Cheng Hongjian was speechless when Deng Yu discussed with Liu Xiu again: "Since Elder Wei is instigating Elder Yuchi to work together, we should have thought about it earlier."

Liu Xiu's expression was as usual, and he said earnestly and sincerely: "Elder Wei is the master of the third and fourth younger brothers after all, and Elder Yuchi is also our uncle. We must not speak like this to insult the elders." However, those two elders only know how to squeeze people out. Let's say that this time to help Lulin Mountain, Elder Wei suffered a defeat. The elder brother led us to help the cottage to save the defeat, but this fellow is jealous of the virtuous and capable, and look at you as my elder brother, the duties you take on It is also very important, so I am more and more afraid of him, and Elder Yuchi has always liked to exercise power, and he has always been at odds with Master Yan, now he is working with Elder Wei to rectify the elder brother, and the brothers in the family have been wronged and wronged."

Liu Xiu remained silent, Deng Yu asked Hongjian, "What do you think of the seventh brother?" Cheng Hongjian said, "I would also like to follow Eldest Brother, but Eldest Brother need not worry, we have a clear conscience, I think there will be an arbitrariness in the head of the sect? ?????" Deng Yu shook his head and said, "Seventh brother is so confused, if the head of the sect is clear, how could the two elders act like this?" Liu Xiudao: "Seventh brother's words are not unreasonable, even if the head is deceived , I just want to have a clear conscience."

Deng Yuzhi's expression was solemn when he heard this, and then he sighed softly: "Elder brother has the right to be at ease, and younger brother should contact all the brothers to follow the elder brother to advance and retreat together."

Cheng Hongjian nodded when he heard the words, but Liu Xiu said, "Second brother, don't act like this." Deng Yu persuaded, "Brother, why bother to let others wantonly kill you, after all, you are Master Yan's master apprentice, as long as we wait for brothers to be of one mind, Yuchi Dekai and Wei Detao dare not act unscrupulously."

Liu Xiu had made up his mind, and he didn't want to accept his words, but he said to Deng Yu: "If we act like this, there will be another internal struggle in the general altar, and this will damage the power of our faction. What's more, some brothers once wanted to Find another way out, Elder Wei is the master of the third and fourth younger brothers, you should not tell the matter, lest the brothers in the family be implicated by me?????? Or disobey the teacher??????"

Cheng Hongjian was so righteous that he clasped his hands together and said, "Brother is indeed implicated by younger brother. If I had known this before, Lord Wang asked me to train the Green Forest Army, so I shouldn't have invited all of you to take command of the army... ????" After speaking, he couldn't help but feel even more apologetic, Liu Xiu immediately relieved and said: "My dear brother, don't think so, you warmly invited all the brothers to take charge of the army, just to let the brothers stretch their ambitions, If you don't want to take the credit alone, everyone should be grateful." Deng Yu said again: "Elder Wei is so virtuous, even if the virtuous brother doesn't come to invite us, as long as we show a little skill, we still have to be punished by him. You have nothing to do with it."

Yao Zhenzhen saw that Tan Lang could be treated like this by Liu Xiu and Deng Yu, so she smiled happily and said, "I see that you have suffered some grievances, but it's not a big deal. If Xuanyuan General Altar is incompatible, Everyone is going to open up another world, as long as you brothers are of the same mind, how can there be nothing?".

Cheng Hongjian was deeply convinced, and then nodded again and again, Liu Xiu then said to Deng Yu: "What my brothers and sisters said is true. Over the years, we have been friends with each other, which is enough to create great things together, and it's good for us to be honored in the faction, or to be humiliated." Anyway, it’s really all right.”

Deng Yu only felt that there was some truth in this remark, so he felt relieved a little bit, and didn't think about it any more, after discussing it like this, Jian Zhen took each other and went away, packing his bags and going.

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