Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 255 Jianzhen Returns to the Yao Palace in Dreams

Chapter 250 Five

Jianzhen returns to dream of entering the Yao Palace (4)

The pair of wings had heard about such rules of heaven before, but Cheng Hongjian blurted out: "My little sister and I can finally reunite in the world, but the other 27 stars didn't violate the rules of heaven, so they really shouldn't accept me Involved???????" The Queen Mother said: "The 28 constellations have always shared honor and disgrace, advancing and retreating together, so as long as one of the constellations falls, the other 27 constellations are also irrelevant." After looking it over, he said: "If the star master can regret his previous actions, I will only lower the punishment slightly, and then allow you and other gods to return to the heavenly court, but you and Fairy Taoyuan can no longer be entangled in personal affairs. Don't want to meet again."

Cheng Hongjian was in a dilemma, so after a long while, he got up and said, "It would be great if the gods can return to their place, but I beg your mother to keep me in this world??????"

The Queen Mother never expected Hung-chien to speak like this, and just as she didn't understand what she meant, Yao Zhenzhen stared at Tan Lang and said, "You and I will not be happy when we return to heaven, you would rather stay with me in the world to get along...?? ????" Cheng Hongjian nodded slightly, Fairy Shixiang was puzzled, and then asked: "Since this is the case, why did the Star Lord talk to the empress like this and stay alone in the mortal world?"

Cheng Hongjian fell silent, Yao Zhenzhen spoke softly to Tan Lang again: "Little brother thinks that this is only for his own happiness, so he begged his mother to allow the gods to return to their thrones, but you want to stay in the world of reincarnation????? ?" Cheng Hongjian said: "I would like to stay with you forever, if I don't see you after returning to heaven, then I will definitely have a hard time??????"

Yao Zhenzhen took Tan Lang's sleeves, and said leisurely and softly: "I'm not like this. How can I be happy when I come back to be a fairy like this? How can it be as good as the two of us staying in the world together." Cheng Hongjian held Shaking Yiren Xianyun's hand, he said softly, "Then we both won't be gods anymore, and we'll just be happy couples in this world??????"

The Queen Mother looked at Biyi's infatuation, she couldn't help smiling, and then said: "It seems that you two should stay in the mortal world to hone, if so, I will not force it." At the end of the sentence, she sighed to herself, and continued: "The people of the left and right are facing catastrophe, and the gods of the stars should protect Zhuanxu's reincarnation together, so let's calm down this troubled world."

Hearing this, Cheng Hongjian immediately asked respectfully, "Is the Zhuanxu mentioned by the empress the grandson of the ancient Yellow Emperor?" The queen mother said, "It is this person." Cheng Hongjian said happily: "It turns out that the ancient Zhuanxu has also descended from the realm. I heard that he is a wise emperor, if this person can restore the mountains and rivers, the common people will live and work in peace and contentment."

The Queen Mother looked at Hung Chien again, and then said solemnly: "If you want to save the people from the fire and water, it is really not easy. You must know that the son of the White Emperor has already been reincarnated, and now he has established himself as the Emperor."

Cheng Hongjian's heart tightened, and he said leisurely: "Historical records show that the emperor once cut a white snake, and that white snake was the son of the white emperor..." The queen mother nodded and said, "The current emperor is exactly that white snake. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the son of the White Emperor turned into a white snake, lying on the avenue, blocking the way of the refugees, the emperor Liu Bang cut him off with a sword, and the white snake held a lot of grievances. Just now, he was reincarnated like this, intending to overthrow the Han Dynasty."

The matter mentioned by the queen mother is also recorded in the historical records, but Cheng Hongjian blurted out: "In the past, there was no way to tyranny the Qin Dynasty, and those refugees had no way out, so they had to run into the barren mountains to avoid the tyranny of the court, and the son of the Baidi We should help each other, we shouldn't turn into white snakes to stop them, and I don't know where Zhuanxu's reincarnation is??????" The Queen Mother said: "This kind of secret cannot be revealed in advance, you have to find it with a fair heart."

Although the queen mother lives in the deep palace of heaven, she is also concerned about the welfare of the people, so she exhorts again: "The righteous way in the world cannot be obtained overnight, and the immortals who descend to the mortal world will surely go through hardships and obstacles, so we must never forget our original intention. "

Cheng Hongjian responded with his hand, and at this moment, a famous immortal official came to pay homage and come to report various affairs of the heavenly court.After hearing this, the Queen Mother looked at Jian Zhen again, and said kindly, "I have some important business to take care of. Before the Star Master and Fairy Taoyuan return to the mortal world, Shi Xiang will lead the way and have a leisurely stroll in the Heavenly Court."

Cheng Hongjian was always concerned about the rampant epidemic in the copycat village. Seeing that his empress agreed to resign, he immediately asked her to resolve the disaster. Moon Pool, Shuang Pool and Mu Sun Moon Essence are the best in the world, those who suffer from this plague in the cottage can use this water as a guide, and smash the peach pits from the peach garden to make medicine, so that the epidemic will be resolved."

Jian Zhen gladly thanked her, and the Queen Mother ordered the servant Xiang Fairy to say: "You will lead the Star Master and the Taoyuan Fairy to the House of Internal Affairs, and pass down an oral order from the palace, asking the fairy officials in the mansion to immediately provide a hundred pieces of peach kernels from the heaven to help them both. Resolve the calamity of the cottage."

Fairy Shixiang was ordered to lead Jianzhen out of Yaochi, and started talking on the way. After such a short time, Fairy Shixiang couldn't help but sigh: "Actually, the two were in love at the beginning, and they didn't bother others at first, but Chang'e and Wu Gang With jealousy in my heart, I insisted on reporting on the affair between the two of you, causing this matter to become a hot topic, and it is really difficult to turn around???????"

Jian Zhen's marriage was harmonious, but she didn't care about it, Yao Zhenzhen asked happily: "Why do those two gods have to be jealous?" She bowed her bow and set her arrows, intending to shoot and kill the Goddess’s husband, He Bo. When Chang’e found out about this, she left angrily, and has since entered Guanghan Palace.”

Such anecdotes are also recorded in Qu Yuan's "Heavenly Questions". Cheng Hongjian blurted out: "Houyi's actions like this have broken Chang'e's heart, but she is his beloved wife???? "The Fairy Shixiang said: "At the beginning, I also felt that Chang'e was pitiful. Unexpectedly, after such a change, she determined to be the most beautiful in the three worlds. It is because you were born more slim that you were resented by him. It is for this reason that Chang'e will You're watching very closely."

Yao Zhenzhen laughed it off, and then asked: "My little brother and I are hindering Wu Gang again?" Fairy Shixiang said: "The god general Wu Gang coveted the fairy, but later he couldn't ask for it, and saw that you were on good terms with the star master, so I went with you Chang'e gathered together and vowed to report the two of you." After talking, she thought about the past, and then said: "You two are willing to reincarnate, but I hope that the Queen Mother will fulfill the reincarnation marriage. The empress is concerned about love, so she ordered Yuelao to draw the red line. .”

Jian Zhen seemed to have heard the anecdote and didn't take it as a pest, but seeing the mandarin ducks looking at each other with affection, Yao Zhen Zhen said with a smile, "Those two guys acted like this, it's good for both of us." Cheng Hongjian loves and sympathizes Nodding his head, he turned to Shi Xiang and said, "I'm sorry, Fairy, please tell me."

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