Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 253 Jianzhen Returns to the Yao Palace in Dreams

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Chapter 250 Three

Jianzhen returns to dream of entering the Yao Palace (2)

Everyone hurriedly inquired about the reason, and the doctor said in a trembling voice, "Master Cheng coughed up blood..." Zhao Meng said anxiously, "Didn't you say that he had a cold occasionally?" The doctor replied, "I When I saw Master Cheng before, he was only slightly unwell, but people in the cottage came to see me for treatment one after another. The symptoms were the same. Now Master Cheng is not only seriously ill, but also coughed up blood. ???????"

After saying this, Liu Xiu and his brothers from the same sect became even more troubled, and many leaders of the Tianzhi Gang were also very anxious. Chang Youjiu grabbed the copycat doctor and shouted angrily: "You stupid doctor even has such a serious disease diagnosed by his mother." I don’t understand, the old drunkard told you that if you are cured well, you will be rewarded, and if you can’t cure it, you will never want to live, so hurry up and prescribe medicine!” As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked towards the other party, and the doctor knelt down and begged : "Heroic man, spare your life, but the little doctor's skills are meager, so I can only do my best to treat it??????"

Several leaders of the Tianzhi gang wanted to fight when they heard the words, Yao Zhenzhen heard the commotion in the house, and hurriedly told everyone to stop, Zhao Mengwu trembled in his heart, and then couldn't help coughing twice, Zhao Xikui anxiously asked: "Daddy ?????? You?????? What's the matter with you??????" Zhao Meng tremblingly said, "I'm afraid it will be uploaded too??????"

Zhao Xikui and the people around him hurriedly avoided, the cottage doctor said: "This gentleman, don't talk nonsense, if you suffer from such a bad disease, you should get together with those who are also suffering from this disease, so as not to spread the disease. Other people." Zhao Meng immediately calmed down and said, "I??????? I'm fine now??????" The doctor bowed shyly: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, so as not to spread a bad disease, all the leaders Just leave now."

Hearing this, Yao Zhenzhen ordered the people outside the courtyard to disperse immediately, Chen Yi went into the house and shouted: "Your subordinates will be guarding outside the gate of the courtyard, if you have any orders from the eldest lady, just keep your words." After finishing speaking, just now There was always wine to lead the people to retreat.

Cheng Zhuo had already passed out, and Cheng Hongjian was using his own kung fu to heal him. After such a short while, his father finally woke up, and gasped for breath: "Go quickly?????? to avoid contracting this evil disease????? ?" Cheng Hongjian sipped softly: "My child won't go??????" Cheng Zhuo blurted out anxiously: "You are not my son, get out of here quickly."

Cheng Hongjian only thought that his father wanted to chase after each other, so he said this just now, and immediately replied: "Dad, please rest soon?????" Covering his father's forehead with cloth, Cheng Zhuofu said again: "Young lady, don't want to stay here too long??????"

Yao Zhenzhen smiled sweetly, and then persuaded Wanyue: "Uncle, just take care of him in peace, my little brother and I have practiced martial arts after all, it doesn't matter if you think about it, and if you don't take care of it well, little brother will definitely not feel well."

Hearing the words, Cheng Zhuo felt emotional, turned to look at Hongjian, and said earnestly, "Miss Yao treats you with great affection?????? You must not let me down..." Cheng Hongjian deeply believed, and Cheng Zhuo Getting more and more sleepy, he slowly fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, more than a thousand people in the village suffered from this serious disease, and many disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect were not spared. Liu Xiu, Deng Yu, Geng Yan and Kou Xun led some disciples to rectify the problem.Two more days later, Deng Yu was also sick in bed, and there were thousands of people suffering from the plague in the village.

Although Jian Zhen watched Cheng Zhuo in the house, she didn't go out of the courtyard, but she also listened to the story told by the helpers, the pair of winged wings had no choice but to pray for days.But at this moment, Cheng Zhuo was sleeping, Jian Zhen couldn't take off her clothes for days, and felt very sleepy, so she hugged each other for a nap, after a while, the room was filled with fairy light, a famous graceful fairy led several heavenly soldiers, and at that moment He greeted him with a speech: "According to the decree of the Queen Mother, I invite Jishui Leopard Su and Taoyuan Fairy into the palace to meet you."

Jian Zhen woke up when she heard the words, the Yao Palace Fairy invited her again, Cheng Hongjian couldn't help but startled, then cupped his hands and said: "The fairy you are looking for is not here." At the end of the sentence, there was a pause, and then continued Said: "I also ask all the gods to save my father and resolve the plague in the cottage??????"

The fairy saw the gesture and returned the gift, and immediately said: "The words of the star master really offend the little fairy." Turning to look at Zhen Zhen, she bowed and said: "The peach festival is coming soon, the queen mother misses the fairy very much, and the little fairy also wishes To reminisce about the past with you, I took the initiative to receive the decree of the empress, and came here to invite you, if you dare to invite the two of you, please come with me."

Yao Zhenzhen saw that the other party was an old friend, then she smiled and said: "I must have eaten Meng Po's soup before, but I can't remember who this fairy sister is??????" The fairy replied "The little fairy's name is Shixiang. She was favored by the fairy in the past and gave her a huge flat peach. The little fairy had to taste the sacred fruit." Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said, "It's just a peach, but it's a pity that I don't have it now. Or I can give you another one."

The Fairy Serving Fragrance was born beautiful and delicious, and when she heard this, she couldn't help but feel happy, and she added a bit of beauty, and then said with a smile: "In that garden, even if there are peaches with small flowers and small fruits, it will take 3000 years to grow up." It's ripe, like me, a little fairy in the heavenly realm, I'm not qualified to taste it, but when you gave me a peach, I'll never forget it."

Yao Zhenzhen took Tan Lang's sleeve, smiled happily and said, "Let's let them go to heaven, so we can ask your mother to resolve this plague." Cheng Hongjian joined hands with Yiren, and then said to Shi Xiang: "In that case, Fairy Lao will lead the way."

Fairy Shixiang bent down and saluted, and several heavenly soldiers behind him also bowed their hands, leading Jian Zhen to fly up. After a while, Fairy Shixiang discussed again: "We will start from Nanzhan Buzhou, or from Nantianmen Come on, it's the easiest way."

Yao Zhenzhen was accompanying Tan Lang overlooking the mountains under the auspicious clouds, when she heard this, she nodded happily and said: "My little brother and I don't remember how we left, it all depends on Sister Shixiang's arrangement."

Fairy Shixiang looked at Jian Zhen holding each other for a walk, she couldn't help being envious, and said to herself: "Although they have forgotten their past lives, they still love each other so much, and I don't know if I will be reincarnated with Kui Mulang. It's the same situation??????".

Unknowingly, Fairy Shixiang has led Jianzhen to De Nantian Gate, but seeing the traffic in front of the gate, there is an endless stream of gods and gods from all walks of life, and even a famous fairy official holds a god book, recording the offerings of all the gods and gods, Cheng Hongjian Seeing that fairy official, he couldn't help being startled, and then blurted out: "General Manager Chu?????" Fairy Shixiang asked Hung Chien, "Do you have any old friends with the fairy official Chu?"

The fairy official looked at Hongjian for a while, and immediately said in a nonchalant way: "Where are you, a little fairy, don't be a dragon and a phoenix here." Cheng Hongjian said: "Aren't you Chu Lingjun, the head of internal affairs of our school, I don't know Why is it here??????"

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