Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 247: The Three Golden Ge Jingyan Moves

Chapter 240 Seven

Three Golden Ge Jingyan Movements (7)

Although the battle continued in all directions, the rebel army led by Liu Xiu, Deng Yu, Geng Yan and Kou Xun had already gained the upper hand, and Jian Zhen even beat Zhu Limie back, causing the enemy to be in chaos.After several times like this, Hung-chien suddenly pushed King Yantian staggeringly with the palm of his hand, Zhu Limie was both annoyed and frightened, and immediately thought darkly: "You brat's martial arts have improved a lot, I will Take Xiao Nizi as a funeral first." Thinking of this, Yan retracted his palms in an arc, and then used the trick of "paying her old debt", eager to capture Zhenzhen.

Besides, this move can only attract those with weak internal strength, Yao Zhenzhen first practiced with her father for many years, and recently got guidance from a divine monk, her internal strength is indeed not weak, so she will not be manipulated by the enemy.At this moment, Cheng Hongjian stood up and stood in front of Yi Ren, then gathered his strength, and was about to launch a move of "Karmic Fire Drying", Yao Zhenzhen stepped aside and snuggled up to Tan Lang, and poured his whole body's true energy into it. The jade flute threw out the things in his hand with the skill of picking flowers, and taught the jade flute to merge with Tan Lang's frenzied Yan Yehuo, and then swept away towards Zhu Limie.

Zhu Li Mie Deng felt that he had lost his mind just now, and he didn't have time to regret it at the moment, but hurriedly mobilized his whole life's kung fu, which made the big palm karma like a cattail fan suddenly arouse, eager to reverse the kung fu that Jian Zhen had developed.

Although Jian Zhen got together with the enemy about Zhang Xu, but the strength of the wing-to-wing match was perfect, and pushed that fellow away Zhang Xu again.Just in an instant, Cheng Hongjian turned over, and then stretched out his hand to hold the Yiren jade flute to protect it from falling to the ground. Zhu Limieshang sprayed blood from his mouth, and sat down limply.

Deng Yu felt that the opportunity was not lost, so he rushed to attack with his fan, and threw all his strength at the demon head Tianling Gai. Zhu Limie was really powerless to fight, so he wanted to hang up his arms and wait for death. Zhu Shun suddenly rushed to him with injuries, and pushed his foster father away, Only after receiving Deng Yu's blow did he save the life of the devil.Deng Yufu wanted to catch the devil, but Zhu Shun hugged his calf, he couldn't move at once, so he couldn't explain it, and slapped the opponent's back twice, but Zhu Shun insisted on letting go.Seeing this situation, Deng Yu couldn't help being very surprised, and then solemnly shouted: "Get up quickly, or you won't live!"

Although Zhu Shun's mouth was full of blood, he still refused to let go, and only urged: "Father, go away..." Deng Yu reprimanded angrily: "You villains have done a lot of evil, so don't blame Deng for not doing it this time. Be willing to forgive me." After saying that, he wanted to wave his fan and chop it down.But seeing that Zhu Shun's life was about to die, Cheng Hongjian immediately held Deng Yu's arm, and said to himself: "Brother Deng, wait a moment, I think Zhu Shun is also loyal, let's let him go."

Hearing this, Deng Yu couldn't help but sighed softly, and then said: "I know Brother Hongjian has always been kind, but it's easy to let go of a tiger now, but it will be difficult to catch him in the future." Cheng Hongjian was feeling sorry for himself, Zhu Shun hurried Kneeling and begging, "I just ask you to let my adoptive father go, the villain is willing to die for him."

Those members of the Yantian tribe saw that the Fawang was seriously injured, and they had no fighting spirit. They just knelt down and begged for mercy with Zhu Shun. ····························································································································· Geng Yan, he said: "You devil Don't be arrogant, come and die!" After saying that, he raised his sword and stabbed at the devil head.

Zhu Limie was closing his eyes and waiting to die, when Kasyapa Moten suddenly performed one-finger Zen kung fu, knocked down the sword in Geng Yan's hand, then chanted the Buddha's name, and said: "My generation of monks never likes to kill. People also have a lot of loyalty, so I can't bear it even more, so I dare to ask you to raise your hand and let them live."

Deng Yuwei felt that the monk was very stupid, and then said resentfully: "If I let this guy go now, don't we want to allow him to commit murder in the future?" "How do you say that?" Kasyapa Moteng said, "Young Master Cheng injured Zhu Limie with the palm of Shurangama Ye's fire. If he fights fiercely again in the future, such palm injuries will recur."

Hearing this, Zhu Limie couldn't help being frightened and annoyed, and then he turned to think: "I know how to use fire palms, so why can't I abolish people's martial arts? This bald donkey must have deceived me..." Thinking of this, Then he bowed to the monk and said: "What the holy monk said is very true. The Dharma king only wants to save his life, and he will never dare to do evil again."

Kasyapa Moten was about to make peace again, but Zhu Falan stopped him and said, "Senior brother, don't save this devil. Back then, Yicun in the Western Regions begged you to avenge him." Then he shouted at Zhu Limie and said, "You back then Arrest Jing Luna and put him in prison, take the cheat book of 'Langyan Karma Fire Palm' as his own, then join the Demon Sect, and seriously injured the eminent monk Yicun, I will spare you!"

Zhu Limie hurriedly took out the secret book from his bosom, handed it over immediately, and begged again: "Back then, the villain was arrested by the emperor's order, and it's no wonder that the villain was infatuated. Today, I would like to return this secret book to the two holy monks. From now on, we must change our past mistakes and never dare to do anything wrong again." Deng Yu snorted softly and said, "I'm afraid you have already memorized the secret book, so you won't need this secret book anymore. "Zhu Limie said timidly: "From now on, I only need to fight fiercely, and my palm injury will occur. Even if I can memorize this secret book, it will be of no use."

Kasyapa Moten was just thinking about this, he sighed and said: "The benefactor only wants to practice my advanced Buddhist martial arts, so that he can be unscrupulous, how could he expect to be injured by karmic fire today, so that he will suffer such karmic retribution?" ..."

Although Zhu Limie felt that the monk was noisy, he didn't dare to attack it anymore, he just panted and echoed: "What the monk said is very true, if I can save my life, I will definitely lead... to lead the disciples... "Abandoning evil and doing good..." Kasyapa Moten said joyfully, "If a benefactor can guide everyone to do good, that is the supreme merit."

Deng Yu still had concerns, so he immediately interjected: "If this guy passes the palm of fire to others, isn't it a disaster for the martial arts?" Zhu Limie blurted out: "How can such powerful martial arts be passed on to others, the King of Dharma would rather bring it into the soil. inside.".

Although the devil wants to save his life, his words are not false, there are often people in the Jianghu who are unwilling to impart their own abilities, so many profound martial arts are lost later on.Kasyapa Moten hadn't thought about the whole story yet, so he just reminded him: "The almsgiver made a mistake in practicing the 'Surangama Karma Fire Palm' at the beginning, so he really can't pass it on to others." Begging for mercy, he led everyone away in despair.

Yao Zhenzhen saw Tan Lang's great improvement in cultivation, so she took him by the hand, went to the two monks, and said: "Fortunately, there are two masters who taught well, otherwise my little brother and I would not be able to defeat the devil again." Cheng Hongjian thought so deeply, then nodded and said: "Without the support of the two masters this time, it will be even more difficult for the rebels to win." Zhu Falan said: "It's also because you two children are quick learners. The villains deserve this defeat."

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