Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 245: The Three Golden Ge Jingyan Moves

Chapter 240 Five

Three Golden Ge Jingyan Movements (5)

The Yantian tribe was quite skilled, and all the leaders of the rebel army fought with all their strength, but they didn't get anything cheap. Liu Xiu was afraid that Wang Kuang would get away, so she shouted: "There is Liu and his brothers who will lead some soldiers here. Ma Xiang fights against the demon sect, the leaders of the rebel army don't pay attention to these young people, just go after Wang Kuang."

The rebels thought so deeply, so they led most of their troops to continue chasing Wang Kuang and other officers and soldiers. After a long while like this, Liu Xiu had already killed several masters of the Demon Cult with a stick, Deng Yu, Geng Yan, etc. , Kou Xu also made gains, and Jian Zhen even beat Zhu Limie like a trapped beast, but Zhu Falan was unable to defeat Meng Weiji, and now he was more and more helpless.

Kasyapa Moten only chanted scriptures from the sidelines and advised everyone to do good. He was convincing himself, when suddenly a murderer struck him.Only two sounds of "Qiang" and "Qiang" were heard, the long knife was already curled, but it didn't hurt the monk at all.

The knife-wielding murderer didn't know that the other party's golden body was not bad, and was startled at the moment, Kasyapa Moten still put his palms together, and persuaded him: "The butcher knife in your hand is just a delusion in your heart, such malicious intentions will only add to people's hearts. Evil karma, only by letting it go, can you avoid the retribution."

The murderer laughed, and then shouted: "The bald donkey is playing tricks, I see you must have a soft armor to protect you, watch me chop your head off!"

It was too late, and it was soon, this guy was about to raise his sword and fall, Geng Yan hurriedly attacked with his sword, beheading the murderer, Kasyapa Moten sighed softly, and said: "Why bother to kill him... "..." Geng Yan laughed and joked, "It's all my fault that I would like to meddle in my own business, I'm afraid you will lose your life." As soon as the words fell, several masters of the Devil's Cult had already bullied him, and Geng Yan raised his sword to parry.

Kasyapa Moten watched the people still fighting themselves, and couldn't help but fell into deep sorrow, and said to himself: "The poor monk wants to use Buddhism to resolve world disputes, but he can't do it. I really don't know when we can save all sentient beings. Do good. "..." The monk was in a trance when the back of his neck was slashed by another demon cultist, but seeing that he didn't get angry, he just turned around, and then tried to persuade him: "Dare to ask the benefactor to put down the butcher knife , don’t recreate the killing karma…”

The member of the Demon Cult had already broken his weapon, but seeing that Kasyapa Moten was safe and sound, he was so startled that he ran away, and in a panic, bumped into Meng Weiji and was killed by his palm.

Kasyapa Motenden felt his heart tremble, he couldn't help calling the Buddha's name, and then he was in a trance again, at this moment, Zhu Falan blurted out anxiously: "Brother, help me!" As soon as the words fell, Meng Weiji suddenly raised his cloak, The end was impartial, just happened to brush Zhu Falan's face, and then he used a move of "Suiren Drilling Wood", and hit the monk in the belly.Zhu Falan hastily raised his arms and sealed them horizontally. Although he had defended tightly, Meng Weiji's iron fist was like making fire with an auger. He pushed aside the monk's arms in an instant and hit the opponent's abdomen directly.Even though Zhu Fran used all his strength to resist the punch, he also felt unbearable colic pain, and was knocked over by him.

Meng Weiji was about to extend his palm to take advantage of the victory to end the monk's life, Kasyapa Moten hurriedly moved forward, and immediately he had accumulated enough energy to stand up and take the opponent's palm forcibly.At this moment, there was a lot of dust under the feet of the two great stars, and the surrounding area was like roaring tigers and dragons. Meng Weiji carried the purple energy in his hands, Kasyapa Moteng was covered with Buddha light, and the purple energy Buddha light on both sides healed. The hair is blazing, which means that they are pouring energy continuously.

All the people in the vicinity suddenly heard the earth-shattering roar, and felt the blazing light, they all stopped fighting by coincidence.In fact, as usual, Kasyapa Moten doesn't need to use martial arts, he can withstand the slash of a sword, but he has seen that Meng Weiji's ability is supernatural, so he didn't dare to be careless.It was for this reason that even though the monk did not attack, he did not cause any trouble.

Yao Zhenzhen raised her hand to cover the blazing light, and then spoke peaceably: "Father has already guessed that Uncle Meng will not harm my mother, you might as well stop and come back, so as to help find out who harmed my mother .” Cheng Hongjian thought so deeply, then nodded and said, “Master Uncle Meng, come back soon.”

Zhu Limie hurriedly made a haha, and said in a rough voice: "That bitch is not the daughter-in-law of the national teacher..." Before he finished speaking, Meng Weiji suddenly retracted his palm and backed away. Then he slapped Zhu Limie's big ears and slapped him.Zhu Limie was tens of feet away from the other party, but his cheeks hurt from being brushed, and he couldn't help being angry and afraid.

Meng Weiji snorted softly, and then said casually: "You are such a bird, how dare you utter obscene words and insult your teacher's beloved daughter..." His words were very arrogant, and he taught Zhu Limie directly Not daring to vent her anger, she turned to look at Jian Zhen and said, "You two little ones don't need to talk too much. Back then, Xunmei only liked that cunning Yao Sufeng, but she wanted her to count on Yao Sufeng to take revenge. Why did the teacher go back..."

At this moment, Kasyapa Moten approached Meng Weiji to pay a monk's salute, and said earnestly and earnestly: "Meng Weiji still loves that woman very much, but he just complained that she has something in his heart, so he was about to say some annoying words just now... "..." At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help sighing, and then continued: "But that woman is not wrong, let alone the deceased, and you have such obsessions, will you be relieved... ·”

Although Meng Weiji felt disappointed, but he didn't comment, he just said: "You are very good at talking, but the teacher's position in this country is high and powerful, how can you judge it."

Kasyapa Moteng chanted the Buddha's name, and said again: "Those positions and positions are nothing but vain. Even if the almsgiver is in power now, how can he ensure that this life will not be idle? Besides, if the poor monk is silent, the almstaker will be silent." Will you feel at ease?"

Meng Weiji reminisced about the past, only felt bittersweet, happy and sad, so after a while, he said: "It's better for my national teacher to be famous and rich now than to be in the gang and not be able to stretch his ambitions, let alone think about it." You can’t marry any woman you want.” Kasyapa Moten asked back: “Could it be that the benefactor can marry now?” Meng Weiji was disappointed, and Kasyapa Moten continued to ask: “Although the benefactor is now based on fame, there is Who is happy for you, every time you dream back in the middle of the night, you will not be lonely?" Meng Weiji scolded in a low voice: "Whether my teacher is doing well, what does it have to do with you, a bald man?".

Zhu Falden felt resentful, and immediately shouted: "My senior brother kindly persuades you, you must not know what is good and bad." Kasyapa Moten sighed softly, and still said slowly: "My senior brother is impatient, and the poor monk will act on his behalf. I apologize to the benefactor." After saying that, he gave monk salutes to the man.

Meng Weiji was surprised to see the monk treat each other like this, but seeing him lightly waving the sleeves of his robe, then turning his body sideways, then raising his head and closing his eyes, he seemed very arrogant.

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