Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 242: The Three Golden Ge Jingyan Moves

Chapter 240 Two

Three Golden Ge Jingyan Movements (2)

Not long after those minions had left, Lu Qiang led Lan Xin into the courtyard, and said shamelessly, "The old man brought his niece and granddaughter to apologize to you two." Yao Zhenzhen said with a pleasant smile, "Why is the old woman talking like that? Lu Qiang sighed: "The old man and his niece and granddaughter are under the care of the two, and the village is very polite, but I just learned that this girl let go of two members of the Demon Cult, so this will cause trouble for the two of you."

Cheng Hongjian looked at Lan Xin's timidity, and finally realized that she was not a villain, but he really couldn't figure out why the other party was like this, so he asked warmly: "I don't know why Miss Lu let those two go, I hope you are honest. tell each other."

After Lu Qiang learned that her niece and grandniece had rescued people in private, she taught her how to prevaricate. Village Master Wang Feng took the captive's heart and liver to drink, and then rescued her, and I have also spoken to her."

Cheng Hongjian saw that Lu Qiang was an elder, but he led Lan Xin to accompany him again, so he cupped his hands and returned the salute: "It's okay, mother-in-law is also an elder, so it's embarrassing to do this. Junior, in fact..."

Yao Zhenzhen saw that Tan Lang wanted to tell the truth, so she laughed and said: "Actually, we both can't bear to watch Wang Feng do such a thing, and my little brother and I have to support Lu's sister in this matter. Yours."

Hearing this, Lu Qiang led Lan Xin to thank her and came out. Cheng Hongjian blurted out to Yiren again: "I never thought that it would be a girl from the Lu family who rescued the people from the Demon Cult." Yao Zhenzhen said softly, "I'm still thinking about it." If no one rescues those two fellows, then the men in the prison will intentionally let them go back." Cheng Hongjian said with a smile: "Those guards in the prison have already mentioned that Lord Wang will hold a feast on his birthday, so I want to come there After the two members of the Demon Cult returned to the official army camp, they should report this matter, but before Shi Bufan followed everyone secretly, we also revealed the location of the food and grass to him."

Yao Zhenzhen nodded happily, and then said: "The officers and soldiers have found out so much military information, there must be some 'scheming'." Cheng Hongjian smiled and said: "I think there should be a decisive battle on the fifth day of April." Yao Zhenzhen Wan Yue asked, "How do you plan to fight, little brother?"

Cheng Hongjian revealed the plan in his heart in detail, Yao Zhenzhen was so convinced, she said with high spirits: "Little brother, just destroy the official army in the Green Forest Mountain, and I will order the Jingzhou branch to help the cottage and intercept those guys' retreat." Cheng Hongjian felt that the chances of victory were within his grasp, and he said tenderly, "If my little sister hadn't helped me with all her strength, I'm afraid that the fire of the uprising would have been extinguished by the officers and soldiers..." Yao Zhenzhen jokingly said: " Then what do you reward me for?"

Cheng Hongjian was always simple and honest, but after hearing this, he really fell into deep thought, and after a while, he blurted out: "It's not a matter of rewarding or not, but I really want you to be happy... "..." At the end of the conversation, he couldn't help but pause, and then continued: "What kind of things do you think are the most rare?"

Yao Zhenzhen delicately rolled up her temples, and scraped directly at the bridge of Tan Lang's nose, then said with a sly smile, "You are the most rare, but you are not a 'thing'." Cheng Hongjian said calmly, "You are making fun of me again. "As soon as the words fell, he made a gesture to brush his laughing acupoint, but seeing Yao Zhenzhen dodging into Tan Lang's arms delicately, then she touched the slender cloud's hand, and brushed towards the itchy place under Tan Lang's ribs.

There is no need to say much between the mandarin ducks, so it went on for a few days, it was the fourth day of April, that night Wang Feng secretly raised his account, invited all the people from Jian Zhen and the leaders of the village to gather in the hall, and then said in a rough voice "Recently, there have been a lot of secret operations in the cottage. Thanks to the vigilance of Hung Chien and his gang, the anti-religion secret operations have spread a lot of true and false news to the officers and soldiers." Said: "The gang of officers and soldiers will definitely come to die tomorrow, and Mr. Cheng is a little fussy. This village master sees it is feasible, so everyone should act accordingly."

Cheng Hongjian respectfully complied, clasped his hands and clasped his fists at the leaders of the village, and then said: "The village previously revealed the location of a large grain and grass camp to the officers and soldiers, and the owner of the Wang village wants to let his minions out in prison. To lure the two members of the Demon Cult into thinking that there will be a big banquet tomorrow in the cottage, the defenses must be lax, and then the two were rescued by others and returned to the official army camp."

Wang Feng's face was pale, and he thought to himself: "Master Cheng and Miss Yao taught me this matter, but the owner of this village has shown his face..."

Many leaders praised the village master's wisdom, and Cheng Hongjian continued: "I think the officers and soldiers will plunder the grain and grass tomorrow, but the two leaders Cheng Dan and Zhang Ang will still lead their own troops to garrison the grain and grass camp. If the officers and troops want to attack, You have to do something to resist."

Cheng Dan had already seen Hong Chien's deep military strategy, and he had no objection at the moment, but Zhang Ang didn't take it seriously, so he laughed aloud and said, "Mr. Cheng is confused, I see that you clearly want to lure the officers and soldiers into the valley, so why not?" Brothers should put up some resistance." Cheng Hongjian said: "The two sides of the valley are very suitable for our army to ambush, and there are some officers and soldiers who are quite good at tactics, if we don't resist, the enemy will inevitably become suspicious." Zhang Ang then Said: "Young Master Cheng lured the officers and soldiers to rob food, but it's a matter of calculation, but if there is a mistake in the food and grass camp, everyone will not be hungry?"

Many leaders agreed one after another, and Cheng Hongjian said truthfully: "The village still has a reserve of food and grass stored elsewhere, so the leaders can rest assured at this point." As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Feng said to himself: "Mr. Hongjian's care is very appropriate. Leader Zhang just obeys the assignment for me."

Zhang Ang was secretly annoyed, and immediately turned to Wang Feng and said, "It's not that I don't want to obey, but I'm afraid that Mr. Cheng will lead the brothers astray. How can he guarantee that they won't attack the stronghold by luring the officers and soldiers like this?"

Geng Yan only felt that this was appropriate, so he laughed and said: "Now our rebel army has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and the stronghold has been built very firmly. Even if we really take precautions, the official army may not win. But in their view Come on, the food and grass battalion is relatively weak, as long as we plunder the food and grass there, we don't need to confront the main force of our army, and we can be sure of victory."

Zhang Ang was noncommittal, and Cheng Hongjian said calmly: "Leader Zhang's concerns are not unreasonable. In fact, I am also afraid of being inappropriate, and I am even more worried that the government and army will divide their troops to harass the village, so I have already discussed with the two village owners. The two parents led several leaders and tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to stay behind in case of accidents."

Wang Chang immediately nodded, turned to the leader of the village and said, "If Mr. Cheng and his group hadn't been very careful before, how could the village have broken the five-way attack by the government and army? This time, the brothers still need to obey the assignment."

Wang Feng smiled boldly, and then said: "Vice Chief Wang said well, as long as the brothers of the family act according to Mr. Cheng's plan, they can defeat the official army. At that time, I will definitely lead everyone to Xiangyang to marry him." daughter in law!"

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