Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 233

Chapter 230 Three

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (5)

Qin Miaohong nodded in agreement, and immediately set off with Geng Yan, the two of them hadn't arrived at the gate of the courtyard where Zhen Zhen lived, and suddenly heard the fairy music coming to the world, the consonant flute accompanied by the flute, full of fragrance, exquisite Yun Laiyi, Qin Miaohong is fond of melody, and also has a deep understanding of this way. He is very interested in hearing the wonderful music at this time.

Qin and Geng walked dozens of steps again, Tianzhi helped all the guards bow their hands in salute, one of the disciples in the gang was about to go inside to report, Qin Miaohong hurriedly shook the red crisp hand, and stopped the man by himself.Geng Yan accompanied Ji Ren to stop, and then led her into the courtyard, but seeing Liu Xiu, Yin Lihua and Jian Zhen were all sitting around in the courtyard, he couldn't help secretly feeling happy, and then led Ji Ren to sit down.

Qin Miaohong exchanged greetings with everyone, and seeing Jianzhen cuddling up to each other holding the flute, she immediately praised with a smile: "I just heard the flute and flute from a long distance away, the song is really wonderful, I can hear it I'm crazy."

Cheng Hongjian knew that the other party was a member of the Devil's Cult, so he didn't know how to greet him at the moment, Yao Zhenzhen smiled happily and said, "Thank you, my little brother and I are still practicing, and we are not very proficient at this moment." Cheng Hongjian Hung-chien said, "Actually, my little sister already knows it, but I'm not very good at it yet." Qin Miaohong smiled and said, "Sister, I've always liked music. I also claim to be well-informed in this area, but I don't know what music I just heard. ?" Yao Zhenzhen said: "This song is the soundtrack of "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix"."

Qin Miaohong was very happy when she heard the words, and immediately blurted out: "I only know that the poem called "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" can be read, but the music score with it has long been lost, but I didn't expect to hear it here. I don't know Yao Miss, can I have a look?"

Yao Zhenzhen handed the poems and music score to Miaohong, and the Ji man stared at her and praised her, and then said: "It's a pity I didn't bring a pipa, otherwise I can use this instrument to play the music score on it." Yao Zhenzhen He smiled and said, "I happen to have a pipa in my room." After speaking, she discussed with Lihua again: "My sister plays the zither really well, why don't we play it together." Yin Lihua nodded slightly, and said, "So That's fine too."

Yao Zhenzhen ordered the maids under the tent to present the Guzheng and Pipa to Lihua and Miaohong respectively, Geng Yan looked at the situation and immediately said: "Today, these instruments are complete, but unfortunately there is no one to sing the lyrics, it seems that there is only me and me Eldest brother resigned himself to it." As soon as the words finished, just as Lu Qiang and Lan Xin came to visit, everyone exchanged greetings, Geng Yan continued with a smile: "Now we are all set."

Lu Lanxin didn't know what Geng Yan was concerned about, so Qin Miaohong told the whole story, but Lu Lanxin cowardly said: "I'm afraid I can't sing well??????"

Lu Qiangsu knew that her niece and granddaughter were weak, and wanted to encourage her at this moment, so she said, "My aunt also liked to sing a little song when she was young. Now that everyone is interested, you can sing a couple of verses." Therefore, he nodded his head and said: "Girl, just sing, and my third brother and I can also recite a few lines with you, and be a helper from the side."

Geng Yan clapped her palms and smiled and praised, Lu Lanxin was shy and silent, she just accompanied everyone to study for a while, and then she chanted softly again, pondering the rhythm of it, and showed her heart and soul, after a while like this, the woman knew how to sing up.

The distribution of the people was decided, Hongjian played the flute first to cheer up, Zhenzhen played the flute together, Liu Xiu went first and said in a low voice: "There is a beautiful person, I will never forget it when I see it." Lu smiled frivolously and said, "I don't see you for a day, and I think about it like crazy." As soon as the words fell, Qin Miaohong's miscellaneous playing and pipa refurbishment sounded, and the golden feathers vibrated and rose.

The hu music played by the Ji people is very pleasant, but this place should be Lihua's zither, Miaohong took the lead instead, the tone has a light and chaste charm, and the tone is also slightly high-pitched.Yin Lihua watched the situation, and immediately played the passage that should have been played by Miaohong, and the rhythm became slightly calmer. Lu Lanxin just pulled her hair and sang softly: "The phoenix is ​​soaring, seeking the phoenix from all over the world. The helpless beauty is not on the east wall... ????" Although there are only a few words in the words, they are very clear and clear, directly touching the faces of those who hear them.

That Lv Qiang is very proficient in literature and ink, listening to poems and prose at this moment, she can't help but recall the past, and said to herself: "As the saying goes, 'I don't see you for a day, but thinking about it is like madness', Zhonglishang, Zhonglishang, the two of us have only been together these years We met each other in a dream, I don’t know if you will miss me or miss me??????”

It is said that good and evil have always been incompatible in the Jianghu, but Lu Lanxin met Zhong Lishang of the Xuanyuan School by chance, and fell in love with each other.Those two didn't stay in seclusion for a long time, the Xuanyuan sect disciples came to the door, found out Lu Qiang's identity, and wanted to kill her.In order to protect his beloved wife, Zhong Lishang fought with his fellow disciples, and accidentally killed the other party, then took the blame and committed suicide.Although Lu Qiang felt the pain, she had no choice but to endure for the sake of the fetus in her womb, and gave birth to a baby boy.Lu Qiang sent her own flesh and blood to the gate of the Xuanyuan School, and then watched from afar, until the former head of the Xuanyuan School and Yuchi Dekai picked up the baby, and the head named it Xuanyuan Qiguang on the spot, and then she went away in tears. up.

There is a saying: You can hear clear noises in several places in the air, if you want to go around the clouds, don't fly away.That Lu Lanxin sang really well, and gradually the music was harmonious and full of joy, the wonderful red miscellaneous balls contained hatred, and Lihua's zither was nostalgic for her kindness, which attracted Xiangru's poems to shine. When the music and music were over, Lu Qiang was still thinking about it Instead, he murmured: "Friendship, understanding, and harmony, who is the one who knows what you want? Both wings are up and flying high, and I feel sad when I don't feel it??????" , its shape is very sad.

Lu Lanxin was feeling the same, Cheng Hongjian asked Lu Qiang, "Why is the old man crying??????" His words were full of concern. .

Lu Qiang wiped away the old tears on her face, and then said: "This song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" is really good. You young people have their own strengths, so if you get together like this, you can express all the emotions contained in the poems and prose. It was all revealed, and as the old man listened, he couldn't help but recall the time when he was young..." Cheng Hongjian suddenly nodded, and then said: "If that's the case, you don't want to be so sad when you are old. "

Yao Zhenzhen saw that the old woman seemed to be reminiscing about the right and wrong, and then said leisurely: "My little brother and I just read this "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" with deep affection, but we didn't expect it to arouse the sadness of the old woman??? ????"

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