Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 226

Chapter 220 Six

Jin Ge Resurrected Warrior Army (8)

Cen Peng frowned slightly, and then solemnly said: "As a general of the imperial court, how can I follow you to fall into the grass." After speaking, he looked at Hongjian for a while, and continued: "I don't think you seem Hun people, no matter how you have started to act against thieves, if you know your way back, you will be a good citizen." Cheng Hongjian persuaded him: "Wang Mang's heavy use of traitors has made the government dark. General Cen has the ability, so he should Weeding out the strong and helping the weak, why bother to help the tyrants to abuse you?" Cen Peng said: "Since I am a general of the imperial court, I usually only lead troops in battle, and should not interfere with such political affairs. When I, Cen Peng, becomes a general and becomes a prime minister, I will surely return the people to a peaceful world. "

Cheng Hongjian shook his head slightly, and then blurted out: "The court is treacherous and evil. Although General Cen has all his abilities, he can only guard the house for those wicked people. How can he be a general?????" Cen Peng raised his eyes. He shouted: "It seems that you are obsessed with your obsession, so take the move." After finishing speaking, he raised his sword and attacked.

Jian Zhen fought with each other several times, but Cen Peng felt that it was difficult to parry, he couldn't help feeling ashamed, he dragged his knife and left, Hong Jian rushed to catch up, Yao Zhen Zhen followed Tan Lang, and anxiously shouted: "Little brother, be careful!" When he fell, Cen Peng suddenly turned around like a dragon, swung his robe and swung the hilt of the knife with his backhand, and slashed towards Hongjian's shoulder. He didn't want to kill him with this move, he just wanted to make the opponent powerless to fight again.It was too late, but soon, Cheng Hongjian turned his body slightly, then raised his left palm high, and pushed towards the Yanyue Saber.

Cen Peng saw the golden light in Hongjian's palm, he couldn't help being horrified, he had no time to dodge, the Yanyue Saber he was carrying had already been released from his hand, and it jumped up to a high height, Cheng Hongjian took advantage of the situation to poke his fingers quickly, and stopped the general Xiao, and held it again Holding the Yanyue knife that was still hanging from high above, he continued, "I have offended you."

Yao Zhenzhen happily celebrated, and Geng and Kou also captured Gai Yan. Although there were more than 7000 soldiers in the North Road officer army, none of them had any fighting spirit, so they knelt down and begged for surrender.

The generals of the Lvlin and Chimei armies took away the officers' weapons, and Cheng Hongjian discussed with the crowd again: "Now that the north route has been decided, everyone should rescue the east and west routes. Can we invite these surrendered officers?" Brothers in the army to join in the charitable deed?"

Cheng Dan felt that this move was inappropriate, and immediately blurted out: "This group of birds are all court eagles, if they get another guy, they must not turn around and beat us."

The leaders of the cottage all agreed, and Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, then said: "Most of these officers and soldiers come from hard backgrounds, and they may not be willing to harm the good people, it is better to give them a chance."

Although the two generals Zhong Cen and Gai in the army were tied up, they did not lose their spirits. Hearing this, he shouted loudly. The brothers are all people who serve the government, how can you be so dirty like you, defile the innocence given by your parents, and never be able to lift your head!" Cen Penghao laughed and said: "What General Gai said is true, everyone dies! Why be afraid, you must not fall into your own prestige."

Wu Han and Liu Long grabbed the two generals and were about to punch them violently, Cheng Hongjian immediately stepped forward to stop them, Liu Xiu persuaded him: "Although these two generals were deceived by the officials, they were also loyal. The two brothers Don't worry about it." After speaking, he clasped his fists at Cen and Gai again, and said, "Wang Mang usurped the Han and taught Heaven to be angry and people complained. Brothers resist the puppet imperial court today, it is for the people of the Li people. Even if the two generals do not want to join the gang, we will also Never force it. The two generals only need to rest in the stronghold for a while, and when the stronghold breaks through the siege from the east and west, they can go down the mountain and return to the camp." The two officers and generals were surprised, and Gai Yan trembled. The interface said: "Is this true?"

Liu Xiu nodded slightly, and then summoned several disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect to lead the two generals Cen and Gai to find a hut to rest. The gang bird is full of flesh, it is only fit to be the official's eagle dog, wagging its tail, begging the master for two bones, it would be better to kill them all."

Hundreds of gangsters clamored together, all the officers and soldiers begged for mercy in panic, Cheng Hongjian hurriedly stopped them and said, "No way, since the officers and soldiers have surrendered, how can we take their lives in vain?" Zhang Ang said: "" If you keep this group of scourges, wouldn't it be bad luck for the cottage, and how can Mr. Cheng guarantee that they will obey your orders?"

Fan Chong also felt that what Zhang Ang said was reasonable, so he said with a smile: "Although I am a rough person, I usually like to study some art of war. After all, Sun Wu also mentioned that 'thickness cannot be used, and love cannot be ordered'. For Mr. Hung-chien's sake, since you want to lead the army to do great things, you should weigh it carefully."

Although Cheng Hongjian didn't think too much about it, he still didn't want to sit back and watch the village slaughter those who surrendered, but he said seriously: "We are here to help the great cause just now in order to eradicate violence and bring peace to the people. Since the officers and soldiers have surrendered, if we all slaughter them all How is it different from the current imperial court?" As soon as the words fell, Yao Zhenzhen took over the conversation and said happily: "The leaders are just afraid that these officers and soldiers will have different ideas, but it is not difficult to ask them to obey the assignment, so I will There is a way."

Cheng Hongjian was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately asked for advice. Yao Zhenzhen ordered the crowd to carry several large water jars and eating utensils, and sprinkled some medicinal powder in the jars, and then said: "Little brother, just ask the officers and soldiers to take a sip. , they will be obedient."

Others only thought that there must be poison in the water tank, Fan Chong laughed heartily, and said boldly: "It turns out that the eldest lady has already made up her mind, that group of birds took this 'Ten Day Broken Heart Powder', and asked you to give me the antidote, and I will give you a reward." Who dares to disobey."

Several leaders in the cottage laughed and praised one after another, and then called on all the minions to act quickly. The officers and soldiers had no weapons, so they had to bite the bullet and drink the potion.

Cheng Hongjian took Yiren Xianyun's hand and led him to a quiet place, and then asked: "What did you sprinkle into the big vat?" Yao Zhenzhen was very cheerful, and then said shrewdly: "Leader Fan It's all said, there is 'Ten Ri Duanchang San' in the water, and this medicine is very poisonous." Cheng Hongjian smiled and said, "Then the water is definitely not poison." Yao Zhenzhen joked happily: "This can be said No, since the little girl is the queen who robs houses, she always carries some poison with her."

Cheng Hongjian knew that what Zhenzhen said must be a joke, so he took her into Lianxiang's arms leisurely, and said drunkenly: "Little sister is my good wife, there must be no poison in the water." He laughed softly and said: "I smashed two pieces of rhino horn with a medicine pestle earlier, it really came in handy today??????"

The rhinoceros horn powder is enough to clear away heat, cool blood, stabilize shock, and detoxify. It is definitely not a poison that harms people. There was a lot of affection, and Geng Yan joked to himself: "Brother Cheng hugs his wife like this, I think I'm popular." At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing loudly, and continued: "The officials who surrendered The army has taken the medicine, let's quickly pack up the other three, and then go back to each other to make love." Jian Zhen felt happy and shy when she heard it, and then held each other's hands, and went to fight again.

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