Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 209 Rewarding the Good and Punishing the Evil

Chapter [-]

Rewarding the Good and Punishing the Evil Bearing the Will of Heaven (10)

Hearing this, Ren Yi didn't dare to be negligent, and then he said solemnly: "The leader just orders." Yao Sufeng said: "The daughter of the leader of the leader led the troops to support the Green Forest Army before, but some disciples at the head of the rudder spoke out to slander, thanks to the teacher. Uncle Zhongyi, deal with this kind of treachery with your own hands, since we have gained so much money today, you should also choose some treasures you want."

Seeing the sincerity of his words, Ren Yi solemnly resigned: "The leader is so kind, and the subordinates are really grateful, but the subordinates don't have much credit. The disciples in the gang seem to complain, but they are actually trying to rebel. .Since I, Ren Yi, is the vice-guild leader, I should be loyal to the gang leader and the eldest lady, and kill these rebellious lunatics with my own hands."

Cheng Hongjian was confused when he heard this, Yao Sufeng sighed and said, "Uncle Master has dealt with it severely." Ren Yi immediately replied: "That sinner will not be able to redeem himself if he dies, Missy is helping Lulin to resist this time. The officers and soldiers without morality are actually the aspirations of the heavens, to reward the good and punish the evil." Yao Sufeng nodded and said with a smile, "That's exactly the reason."

Ren Yi saw the cunning on Yao Su's cover, and said again solemnly: "But that criminal dared to slander the eldest lady for sending troops this time, it was all for his own selfishness, just like King Zhou You spoiled Baosi and went to war. This fellow It is widely publicized in the gang, and it is said that the eldest lady is not worthy of inheriting the big position in the future. If it is really according to my temperament, such pickled and rammed goods should be hacked to death, so as to calm my hatred."

Yao Sufeng was noncommittal, and then said sternly: "When my father-in-law took over the position of leader of the gang, he took over a lot of mess. If he wants to be the deputy leader of the gang, he also remembers that many businesses of the gang lost a lot of money back then." Ren Yi Nodding his head slightly, Yao Sufeng continued: "Thanks to my father-in-law's painstaking management, the business in the gang improved. Otherwise, the disciples of this gang might not be able to get money to live." Ren Yi said: "Brother is very good at management, we No one dares to forget the elders in these gangs."

Yao Sufeng observed his words, and then said: "Now there is a clear rule in the gang. After a hundred years, my daughter will inherit the position of gang leader. From then on, the clan leader for generations will be my daughter's descendant He will inherit it." Ren Yi cupped his hands and replied: "All the disciples in the gang should remember that anyone who dares to criticize should be punished and beheaded." Yao Sufeng said: "The existence of such clear rules in the gang is not because the leader of the gang is unreasonable. No one in the gang knows that after I succeeded my father-in-law as the leader of the clan, I invested all the unlimited wealth of my Yao family in the clan, and this clan is now prosperous today, but how should this clan leader be inherited? Clear rules should be established like this.”

Ren Yi saw that Yao Sufeng's words were reasonable, and he didn't dare to disobey the slightest, so he agreed and said: "What the leader said is very true. As the deputy leader, I will lead the whole family to swear allegiance to the leader to the death. If you have two hearts with the eldest lady, you will definitely die badly..."

Hearing this, Yao Sufeng pretended to sigh, and then said with a smile: "Uncle Shi is too serious, but it's not reasonable, everyone in this gang should do their best to help my daughter, let alone my daughter is not King Zhou You. Uncle Master, do you think there is something wrong with my words?" Ren Yi immediately replied: "What the leader said is very appropriate, the eldest lady is very smart, and the disciples in the gang can all see it, especially she has recently been in charge After the Seven Yage Pavilions, the major branches in the south have become more prosperous, which shows that he is wise and wise, and he is worthy of a great responsibility." Yao Sufeng nodded slightly, and then said: "It's really out of character for my uncle to praise my daughter so much. Help me out." Ren Yi said: "Ren is telling the truth, there is absolutely no empty words."

Yao Zhenzhen knew that her father must have deep intentions, so she watched it calmly at the moment, Yao Sufeng continued: "My daughter has been favored by the helpers, but that rebellious villain, uncle, will be dealt with quickly. After all, I haven't asked any questions yet, just I am afraid that he will be instigated by others, and he will not be guilty of death." Ren Yi bowed and cupped his fists and said, "It's all due to the negligence of the subordinates, and the uncle is also very annoyed, so when the gang leader handed over the criminal to me, I will Immediately execute him, but the eldest lady is very popular in the gang, I think that unworthy disciple must have lost his mind, and then he uttered rebellious words." Yao Sufeng laughed and said: "I think my uncle is very loyal. Fan may be too annoyed to be out of proportion."

Ren Yi was obsequious, Yao Sufeng comforted him with warm words, and then said: "This time, the Jingzhou sub-rudder is required to rush to produce a large number of cloth bags that can hold a catty of grain. The words 'Tianzhi Gang' must be clearly written on it, and the big bag must be marked. Miss Yao Zhenzhen gave gifts to the people in Jingxiang, and then put the food into these cloth bags and threw them into the poor households in Jingxiang at night." Ren Yi did not dare to show the slightest strangeness, and then he cupped his hands and replied: "This subordinate will arrange this matter." After saying that, he bowed and retreated temporarily.

Yao Sufeng looked at his beloved daughter, and said compassionately: "The rest of the gold, silver, treasures and antique calligraphy and paintings are all yours, I don't know how my precious girl plans to spend them?"

The Tianzhi gang members are envious of themselves, Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said: "I don't need much, thanks to the support of the gang members and the help of the red eyebrow army, we can get these treasures." After talking, Wan Yue looked at Tan Lang, and then said: "I only keep those two boxes of antique calligraphy and paintings, and pay for the extremely important expenses, and share the gold and silver treasures with everyone."

There was thunderous cheers everywhere, Yao Sufeng nodded proudly, and then called for help to pick up the belongings left by the officers and soldiers, Yao Zhenzhen smiled and brought Hung Chien to the two boxes of antiques, and said happily: "Uncle Cheng likes antique calligraphy and painting, little brother, hurry up and accompany me Pick a few."

Cheng Hongjian was obsessed with Yiren Taoyao's smile, and then took out a phoenix-shaped jade pendant from his bosom, and said softly: "Daddy gave me a 'Wo Hao Yufeng', and he asked me to give it to... Leave it to..." At the end of the sentence, he hesitated for a while, and then continued: "I want to give this thing to you."

Yao Sufeng didn't know anything about Zhao Xikui yet, he only thought that Hongjian was shy and couldn't help laughing to himself, Yao Zhenzhen knew that this jade pendant was definitely given by Cheng Zhuo to Hongjian to Zhao Xikui, so she smiled and said, "If I want this treasure, How can you explain it to me?" Cheng Hongjian said, "I have made up my mind to marry you, and I will hand over this jade and phoenix to you." After talking, he let the jade and phoenix go. After falling into Yiren's hands, he asked inquiringly, "Little sister, do you know the origin of this woman, Yufeng..."

Yao Zhenzhen took out the Biyi Splendid Mountain and River handkerchief, carefully wrapped the jade phoenix that is a good woman, and put it back in her bosom, then she shook her head shrewdly and said, "I don't know."

Cheng Hongjian knew that his younger sister was well-read and knowledgeable, but he didn't know that at this moment, he couldn't help being startled, and then said: "This woman is the daughter-in-law of Wu Ding, the king of the Shang Dynasty. They are very affectionate. This jade The phoenix is ​​something she used before she was alive. This kind of treasure has a deep meaning, but it's a pity that she still has a few jade phoenixes that have been buried in the loess, otherwise I will definitely buy those jade phoenixes and give them all to her later. Give you."

Seeing Tan Lang's words, Yao Zhenzhen was filled with joy, and then said softly, "Actually, I know the origin of this woman, Yufeng, my little brother gave me this thing, and I can't take it back in the future. "Cheng Hongjian smiled heartily, and said warmly: "I personally gave you this piece of jade phoenix. Even if the river is exhausted, I will not change my mind..." Yao Zhenzhen said leisurely: "I That’s right, as long as the two of us are together, it’s considered ‘the mountains have no edges, the heavens and the earth are united’, and it’s not worth mentioning...".

Yao Sufeng watched Jianzhen's love, he felt very relieved, and thought happily at the moment: "Hongjian is a Confucian general, Cheng and Yao are well-matched, if Xunmei sees that our daughter has found such a home Thinking about it, I will feel very relieved..." Thinking of this, I thought that there is a river on the left side of Haoli Mountain, which is called Wangchuan to bathe in love, and turned to idle and play lonely shadows, looking up at the sky.

This is exactly: five shorts can also be powerful, and a star with a chest has a soft intestine.A loving father takes pity on his daughter to protect her abundance, and only wishes the peach to return to Xianda.Yao Sufeng naturally likes Hung Chien, but he still doesn't know that his father Cheng Zhuo wants to marry Zhao Meng.If you want to know what happened next, let's see the next chapter.

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