Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 198

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Chapter 190 Eight

The big banner rises with the wind and the golden weapon (8)

Cheng Hongjian felt that Elder Wei really underestimated the enemy, and at the moment he was about to persuade him, Liu Xiu suddenly interjected: "The disciples of this sect must first learn eight years of literary and martial arts, and only the best among them can follow the elder to practice formations, and they will understand it by themselves." Hurry up." Cheng Hongjian also thought this way, and immediately nodded.That Wei Detao was used to teaching bright disciples, he didn't take it seriously, he just said indifferently: "If that's the case, three days is enough." Wang Feng said: "Then the war will start in three days, and all the brothers in the village will be entrusted to Elder Wei."

Wei Detao clasped his fists together and said, "Wang Zhai is sovereign and rest assured." Turning to look at Hongjian, he said, "I heard that you captured Wang Kuang with Miss Yao before, it seems that you have some skills." Cheng Hongjian clasped his hands and replied. "It's really a fluke." Wei Detao curled his lips and chuckled, and said, "Don't be too modest, this elder is planning to use you again." Cheng Hongjian said: "It's all according to the elder's orders." Wei Detao said: "The Tianzhi Gang once promoted you There are more than ten famous generals, and the news has already spread. If it is true, you can give this elder a head start and kill a few of them before the battle."

Geng Yandeng felt worried, and then blurted out: "Although Hung-chien has practiced for seven years, he has not yet been taught by an expert in our school. Why don't we send his disciples to lead the battle?" Wei Detao said, "He doesn't even have this ability. Why recommend it?" Geng Yan thought to himself, "The position I recommend is just a personal follower, it has nothing to do with whether he can behead a famous general." Thinking of this, he smiled embarrassingly, and said, "Brother Hongjian is loyal and upright. Virtuous, with him serving beside the master, the disciples can rest assured." Wei Detao laughed and said, "You are filial."

Cheng Hongjian didn't want Geng Yan to make trouble, so he agreed immediately, and Wei Detao smiled complacently: "Very good, you only need to kill three or four generals and disrupt the enemy's formation, and this elder will definitely protect you as a fifth rank." Secretary." Cheng Hongjian replied: "As long as we can repel the officers and soldiers, we can make a living for the helpless people in the village." Liu Xiu saw the sincerity of his words, and there was absolutely no pretense in them, so he couldn't help feeling touched.

That Wang Feng was a rough but delicate man, and suddenly noticed that Wei Detao seemed to be treating Hongjian unkindly, so he said immediately: "This village master will send two important leaders to accompany Elder Wei to train the minions, as for Mr. Hongjian??? ???" At the end of the conversation, he paused, and continued: "Elder Wei wants Mr. Hongjian to fight hard with those fierce generals, so he wants him to be raised for a few days, so he doesn't have to accompany him." Wei Detao said to Cheng Hongjian: " Since Wall Master Wang said so, you don't have to follow."

Cheng Hongjian accepted the order, Wang Feng dispatched two important leaders in the hall, and led Wei Detao and his lieutenants to practice, and when those people left the hall, he said to Yao Zhenzhen: "It's not that I don't trust your gang, I can only hate that guy Yunqi for being so insulting. If this kind of birdman doesn't fight with them, the brothers in the village will all become cowards."

Yao Zhenzhen said with a slight smile: "Although our gang feels that the officers and soldiers are playing tricks, we still need to make up our minds in the village." Wang Feng laughed, and said: "Usually, the officers and soldiers are ramming to death, and the brothers in the village are all sharp knives. You got out of here. When I catch Yunqi that guy, I will share the belongings with the generals of your gang."

Cheng Hongjian secretly felt that there must be something wrong, and immediately persuaded him: "The village owner should not underestimate the enemy too much, we should keep more troops in the mountains." Yao Zhenzhen took over the conversation and said: "If there are only [-] soldiers in the army, The owner of the Wang village can also lead [-] brothers, so that Yunqi will not say that the people in the village are not good men and bully them because of the number of people." Wang Feng thought to himself for a while, and then agreed: "Then call the rest of the brothers to guard the village. place." Turning to Cheng Hongjian, he said, "Elder Wei ordered the young master to fight those fierce generals. I'm not good at stopping you, but the brothers in the village will definitely protect you." Ma Wu wanted to make meritorious service, so he patted his chest, Said: "My Guangming Fist is very good, and I can help Brother Cheng win some great generals." Cheng Hongjian thanked him with his hand, Wang Fengfu continued to talk for a while, then led his men to leave, and then left the Hall of Fame, Each went his own way.

Cheng Hongjian was still worried about himself, Yao Zhenzhen joked happily: "I first wish my little brother to be promoted and get rich." Cheng Hongjian said: "Why?" Zhenzhen laughed: "Then Elder Wei wants you to kill the general for meritorious service, although Maybe he has no good intentions, but he has a good word, and he will have to be promoted." Cheng Hongjian smiled and said, "It doesn't matter whether Elder Wei is promoted." Yao Zhenzhen said: "I know you don't care about these things, now I just want to If we can win this battle, everyone in the village must die for nothing."

Cheng Hongjian couldn't help sighing softly; "It's a pity that the elder and the village master Wang underestimated the enemy, and I'm afraid we will lose the first battle." Yao Zhenzhen blurted out: "Elder Wei saw that the news about the officers and soldiers was obtained by our gang, so he couldn't agree more. Besides, he is still eager to make meritorious service, so as to save some face." Cheng Hongjian was startled at first, but then he understood, and thought to himself: "Many people in the faction have always opposed the Tianzhi Gang, but in fact, we are all righteous in martial arts, and we should help each other in the same boat Why are you still like an enemy." Then he said softly: "Fortunately, after listening to your words, the village master Wang left half of the people in the village, and these people's lives were finally saved." Yao Zhenzhen said: "Those who want to talk to the officials If the army is facing each other, we will try our best to save each other."

Hung-chien took it very seriously, and immediately took Zhenzhen to the mountain stream for a rest, and after about half an hour, he followed her to Zhu Falan's place to practice.Yao Zhenzhen mentioned the war to Zhu Fran, and then, with righteousness, begged the other party to sweep the battle from the side.Zhu Falan heard about this and immediately agreed.Jian Zhendeng was overjoyed, and then practiced until late at night before resigning. When the sky returned to morning light, he went to Zhu Falan to practice martial arts diligently.Jian Zhen already has a solid foundation and a great understanding, and also she has practiced for so many days, and she has gained a lot of benefits.

The wind blows on the battlefield, and the eagle soars through the sun and sweeps the white rainbow.There are clusters of Si chariots in the forest, and the flags and flags are towering in the dust.But he said that the time for the war is coming soon, and at this moment, the two armies are facing each other. Seeing the opponent's battle, Yunqi can't help but think to himself: "I heard that there are 2 people in this gang, but this time there are only more than [-] people. Annihilated." Thinking of this, Yan drew his sword out of its sheath, and then ordered: "Change the formation." As soon as the words fell, tens of thousands of officers and troops were immediately divided into many scaly formations, spread out like this, and surrounded the soldiers among them.

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