Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 196

Chapter 190 Six

The big banner rises with the wind and the golden weapon (6)

While Wang Feng was agitating the leaders, Cheng Hongjian was still thinking about the military affairs, and when the people in the village dispersed to rectify their troops, he said to Zhen Zhen, "I think it's not appropriate for us to stick to the stronghold." At the end of the conversation, there was a pause, and then continued: "Now that the enemy army is coming out, the rear must be empty. When the two armies are at war, if there are soldiers and horses that can take down a few of their cities, they will shake the opponent's army. You What do you see?"

Yao Zhenzhen smiled shrewdly and said: "I think so too. Most of the leaders of the Chinese army are not locals, and the hundreds of commanders and soldiers are all from Jingxiang. If we capture a few more family members of the commanders, then After the word is released, we will continue to attack the lairs of the remaining commanders, and the enemy camp will be bustling."

Cheng Hongjian didn't think about this, so he couldn't help laughing heartily, and said: "That's right." He turned to look at Liu Xiu, and said to each other, "Why don't we discuss this matter with Village Master Wang, and ask him to send a team, Going around Xinye first, that would be great." Liu Xiu nodded slightly, and said, "If Wall Master Wang can dispatch two or three thousand people, it will be enough." Yao Zhenzhen said with a pleasant smile, "There is no need for the Green Forest Village. The people at the helm in Jingzhou can do this.”

Chen Yiguan saw that Jian Zhen was already hesitating, and then reported again: "Master Chen Duo also stated in the letter that there are already more than [-] disciples in the Jingzhou sub-rudder, and they are at the disposal of the eldest lady at any time." Yao Zhenzhen nodded and said: "Then tell Chen Duo Lord, I want him to lead the gang under the banner of the Green Forest Army, wait for the opportunity to capture Xinye when we are fighting with the officers and soldiers, and then take a few more empty cities and capture the family members of the enemy officials." Chen Yi bowed to the order, Yao Zhenzhen Then he continued: "I heard that the family members of Cen Peng, the general of the gangsters, are still in Xinye, and it happened to be Chen Tuozhu who wanted to catch them all."

Chang Youjiu laughed, and said: "Missy's wonderful plan, when the time comes, I will send people from the gang to persuade those generals to surrender. If anyone dares to refuse, their wives and children will die." Cheng Zhuo heard this and blurted out "Those generals' family members are really innocent, so they must not be seriously punished." Cheng Hongjian took over the conversation and said, "Don't worry, father, my little sister is very kind, and I will never hurt innocent people." His words were very firm. .

When Yao Zhenzhen heard this, she was very happy, and she turned to tell Chen Yi: "Order the Jingzhou sub-rudder not to disturb the local people, and just entertain the captured family members, and don't worry about other things." Chen Yi's heart skipped a beat. Immediately, he persuaded: "Miss, it is better to use this as a threat and send someone to persuade you to surrender."

Liu Xiuwei felt that this move was very appropriate, so he nodded and said: "Master Chen, please be at ease, your eldest lady has a very good plan." After talking, Chen Yi still couldn't understand the deep meaning, so she continued: "If you want to If you want to surrender, you don’t have to go to the meeting to persuade those who surrender, but if you go to persuade them to surrender, it will be difficult to deal with people who are foolish and loyal to the court.”

Yao Zhenzhen was thinking like this, she said with a slight smile, "Especially that Cen Peng has always been dedicated to his duties, so he may not surrender."

Cheng Zhuo came in before he knew it, and asked immediately, "Since that's the case, what's the use of Miss Yao capturing Cen Peng's family?"

Cheng Hongjian was suddenly stunned, and replied on behalf of Yiren: "I often hear that the officials in the court are suspicious from top to bottom. Let's capture the family members of the generals. If there is no further movement, people with high positions like Wang Kuang will inevitably be suspicious." Will he have surrendered in private, or secretly passed the song??????"

Cheng Zhuo felt that there was some truth in this remark, and at the moment he was also surprised that his own child had such a view, but seeing Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Uncle just see it."

After such a lapse of one day, General Yunqi of Hussars sent soldiers flying arrows to shoot the letter of war. Wang Feng hurriedly invited important figures from Xuanyuan faction and Tianzhi gang to gather in Qunhao Hall to discuss important military affairs.A few days ago, Geng Yan took Cheng Hongjian's seventh-rank position and recommended him to be Wei Detao's personal entourage, so that he could go to discuss such important matters as Xuanyuan's disciple.

Qunhao Hall is very spacious, there are more than forty high-ranking chairs lined up on both sides of the aisle, Wang Fengduan sat at the head, Yao Zhenzhen led Chen Yi and Chang Youjiu to the guest seat on the right, Wang Feng called the five important leaders of the village He also sat in the guest seat; as for the host seat, Wei Detao, Liu Xiu, Geng Yan, Kou Xun, Deng Yu and the three important leaders of the village were in order, and Cheng Hongjian stood beside Wei Detao.

Wang Feng clasped his fists at everyone, took out a piece of silk from his bosom, and said: "Today, the group of birds in Yunqi sent people to shoot thousands of such war letters. Most of the brothers in the village are illiterate. Mr. Jian read aloud." Cheng Hongjian stepped forward to take the silk, and stood beside Wei Detao again, and then read: "Hussar General Yunqi wrote a letter to the grass bandits in the mountains. You and other refugees don't know the power of the imperial court. Wanton whistling and gathering in the mountains and forests is really an act of a fool and a fool, and it is not worth looking at each other in the eye." The tone of his words was extremely peaceful, then he paused, and then continued: "I will bring [-] elites here today, and you If the rammed goods are real men raised by their fathers and mothers, they will quickly get out and fight for the male and female. Don’t hide in the earthen nest and provoke the ridicule of the heroes of the world. If you still have the desire to live, I will spare Xiaoxiao’s life and get everyone. Back to Chang'an, working as a coolie everywhere, supplying ?????? Supplying horse manure to eat??????? to fill the belly??????" After the words, the voice gradually became weaker, and it was almost inaudible .

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