Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 191

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Chapter 180 Five

Yusheng Lantian Puzhong Yun (9)

Lu Qiang frowned, as if she was waiting for Qingming, she stared blankly at the wall, and after a while, she said: "In order to save me, he accidentally stabbed his younger brother to death, and because of guilt, he swung his sword and killed himself. "Lv Lanxin exclaimed in a low voice, and Lu Qiang continued sadly: "I gave birth to the flesh and blood in my belly, and that child is your cousin. I wanted to bring your cousin back to the church, but I thought of the child's father. He is an upright person, how could he wish future generations to fall into the devil's sect."

Hearing this, Lu Lanxin sighed softly, and said, "Grandma can continue to hide her name and raise my cousin." Lu Qiang said, "Your aunt is not a good person. After a long time, she will definitely lead him down." Now vicissitudes.Lan Xin said softly and warmly: "Apart from the mother in the teaching, it is the aunt who treats Xin'er the best. How can you be a bad person?"

Lu Qiang only felt depressed, and then felt slightly nauseated. Lan Xin hurriedly patted his back and handed her some tea.Lu Qiang waved her hand and said, "I'm fine." Lu Lanxin slowly put down the teacup, seeing her aunt's sad face, she also felt inexplicably sad.Lu Qiang continued: "My Nine Heavens Sect was originally called Dijiang Sect. At that time, your grandfather was not the leader of the leader. I did a lot of bad things to help him become the leader of the leader. My hands have already been soaked in blood, just like me. How can such people teach good children?"

Lu Lanxin pondered for a while, and asked, "Did my aunt give away my cousin?" Lu Qiang said, "I sent the child to the sect that his father served in his lifetime, and wrote an acrobatic poem on a brocade handkerchief, and put it on." into the arms of that child. If the sect master carefully reads that acrostic poem, he will know who the father of the child is. I watched from a distance outside the mountain gate, and saw that the sect master really adopted my child. "After speaking, he forced himself to laugh, and continued: "Your cousin became the head of the sect more than ten years ago, and now he is respected in the world, he will live a very good life, and he will be much happier than following me. "

Lu Lanxin shook her head slightly, and Yu Lian said: "I don't think my cousin will be happy. My niece and grandniece have lost their father since they were young, so they often feel that they have no support, and my cousin doesn't even know what their mother looks like. Isn't it even worse?" I'm lonely and helpless." Lu Qiang felt quite uncomfortable when she heard these words, she looked at her grandniece and asked in a trembling voice: "I heard that your father?????? was killed by Xuanyuan Qiguang???? ??Xiner hates him??????"

Lu Lanxin hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help sighing: "Oh, I shouldn't hate him??????" Lu Qiang asked, "Why?" If you don't fight hard, your life will be in danger, and he did it to protect himself." Lv Qiang nodded and said, "My good boy, it is really not easy for you to understand this point." At the end of the conversation, he paused and continued: "When Wang Mang first ascended to the Great Treasure, he instigated our sect to take advantage of the death of the old head of the Xuanyuan Sect to attack. In fact, we are all just pawns of the court, but my brother refuses to listen to me??????" At this point, I still have thousands of words in my heart, but I don't know how to express them.

Outside the window pane, the spring is bright, and the peddlers on the side of the road are constantly hawking. Lan Xin sits silently with her aunt, and after a while, the disciple Hu Sheng enters the house, then bows and clasped his fists, saying: "Report to my aunt, the follower will come back Now, it is said that Yu Zigui led people to the Yinlu Mansion." Lu Qiang asked, "Who is Yinlu?" Hu Sheng replied, "I heard that this old man is a well-known rich gentry here, and his family has a lot of money. .” While speaking, he couldn’t help rubbing his fists, and his eyes shone even brighter.

Lu Qiang looked at his virtue, and asked again: "Is this person a good citizen?" Hu Sheng didn't dare to deceive too much, so he could only hesitate and say: "This kind of stuff is not so good?????? The old man dared to make friends with the people from Qiyage, and he even invited them to stay at his house for a night. He was so condescending and shameless. The aunt led the brothers to rob his mother, so that he would know how powerful he was. I don’t dare to flatter Qi Yage.” Lu Qiang snorted softly, and said mockingly, “You guys are always running around, so you’re not majestic enough.” Although Hu Sheng was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to say yes at the moment.Lu Qiang said solemnly: "Although Yin Lu has some friendship with Qi Ya Ge, but he has not committed any crimes. You should not let him go to his house."

Hu Sheng didn't dare to disobey, so he could only sing promises, and then continued: "I don't know what my aunt cares about..." Lu Qiang said: "Then Yu Zigui is not a new savage, according to what you said, he should return tomorrow Go to Qiyage to take care of business, we will only wait in the suburbs of Xinye, so as not to disturb the people. If you are afraid that this group of people will run away, just keep sending people to follow you." Hu Sheng thought: "You might as well join those famous and decent families, and they are still here. What are you doing messing around in this religion?"

Although this guy thought about it, he didn't dare to reveal it. Lu Lanxin only wished to turn hostility into friendship, and immediately persuaded her again: "Grandma, let's forget about it. Grandpa wants us to go to the main altar of the Xuanyuan Sect to meet Liu Jiaming. Let's not delay the itinerary." It's delayed." Lu Qiang said: "When you were shopping, the members of the Youtian Department were sent by that kid to come to pay a visit. By the way, I said that the head of Xuanyuan sent him to the Green Forest Mountain a few days ago, so I had to invite him. Let's stay at Wang Kuang's residence for a while, this time we have a lot of time."

Lu Lanxin was startled when she heard this, and asked: "How did they find this place?" Hu Sheng smiled and said: "Miss, I don't know, this inn is protected by the Ministry of Youtian, and I have to pay dividends on a monthly basis. Everyone escorted me this time. Miss, the Youtian Department arranged in advance for us to stay in this inn when we pass through Xinye, not only will we be greeted with good wine and meat, but also the brothers will have money to take when we leave."

Lu Lanxin didn't understand why, so she couldn't help but wondered: "Hey, in the territory of the Yantian Department, how can the Youtian Department make a living?" This was an unintentional remark, so Hu Sheng could only smile embarrassingly, and Lu Qiang took the conversation, Said: "It is impossible in principle, but Liu Jiaming was sent by the imperial court and his elder brother to go to the main altar of the Xuanyuan Sect as an internal response, and opened the Cuiyu Pavilion nearby by the way. Although it is the boundary of the Yangtian Department, the Yangtian Dharma King still acquiesced Already." At the end of the conversation, he paused, and continued: "From then on, the Youtian Department can make a living on the boundaries of the other departments."

Lu Lanxin seemed to have realized something, she nodded slightly at the moment, and Lu Qiang said again: "Xin'er doesn't need to persuade Yuzi to return, my aunt has her own discretion, you go down first." Haggard, he wanted to say nothing, followed Hu Sheng out of the guest room, and prayed in his heart: "My aunt is very skilled in martial arts, please God bless your son, he is a very good man??????"

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