Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 179

Chapter 180

Yusheng Lantian Puzhong Yun (4)

Hu Sheng didn't know the meaning of his words, but he felt that the words were very mysterious, and he was deeply impressed, and nodded with a vague understanding.Seeing this situation, Li Tong couldn't help showing color on his face, and said to himself: "It seems that I will speak more mysterious words, so that you don't dare to do it again." Thinking of this, he pinched his fingers and chanted again: "Heaven is respected and the earth is humble, and the universe is fixed. When the humble is high, the high and the low are the ones. Movement and stillness are constant, and rigidity and softness are broken."

Hu Sheng couldn't understand more and more, and felt that the other party was really unpredictable, so he couldn't help but hold his breath, Yao Zhenzhen chuckled outside the room, and whispered to Hung-chien: "This Li Tong is so good at deceiving people, my little brother can't help worrying about him. " Cheng Hongjian smiled, and then heard Li Tong continue: "The names of people in the world often have a lot of knowledge, first mention the guest official's surname 'Hu', and a single name with the word 'Sheng'??????"

Li Tong didn't finish his words, but he pretended to be calculating, Hu Sheng stared straight at it, and then he said: "My name and surname have some knowledge, you should dismantle it quickly." Li Tong laughed, and said: " If you look at these two characters separately, the character for 'Hu' is left 'ancient' and right 'month', and the character for 'Sheng' is left 'month' and right 'sheng'. If the two characters 'month' are combined into one It happens to be a word for 'friend'. It can be seen from this that if the guest officials make friends with each other, they will turn around in time and make a fortune." At the end of the conversation, he put on a trick and asked, "Do you know where the most brothers are?" Hu Sheng gasped, frowned, and said, "Where can I guess."

Li Tong said with a smile: "The great wealth and honor of the guest officer should be in the mountains and forests. If you can gather in the mountains and forests, you will have a bright future sooner or later. I will give you a few more prophecies, and you must remember them." Hu Sheng seemed to have realized something, and then urged "My lord, tell me quickly." Li Tongxin said: "The land of Jingxiang is more and more prosperous, and I will use it to fool him." With this in mind, he continued solemnly: "Every time the green turns, it belongs to Lin Zhishen. From the king You are noble, you will succeed when you meet Xuan."

Hu Sheng's mouth was wide open, and he stayed for a while, before he came back to his senses, shook his head like a rattle, and said in a trembling voice: "I don't understand??????" Lose Yangshou." As soon as the words fell, Hu Sheng said in a muffled voice: "God will accept you, so what if you say a few more words."

Li Tong raised his head and sighed, and said: "The guest officer insists on asking questions, so I can only give some pointers." He was very embarrassed when he spoke, and after he pondered for a while, he continued: "Just now I mentioned 'Yuxuan Gongcheng', the so-called Xuanzhe is actually According to Taoist theory, there is a saying: "Mystery is more mysterious, the door of all wonders. This shows that the mystery is so profound that it is really hard to explain it. When the time is right, the guest officer will know the deep meaning of the words."

Hearing this, Yao Zhenzhen thought to herself: "Then Hu Sheng must be in the dark, and he will treat Li Tong as a master." Just thinking about this, one of Hu Sheng's associates suddenly kicked his shop assistant, Instead, he grabbed the shopkeeper's skirt and yelled: "The broken stone looks gaudy, but there's nothing in it, you don't dare to lose money, you rubbing bird shopkeeper, brothers smashed this bird shop and cut off your turtle eggs Egg." As soon as the words fell, the rest of Xiao Xiao's guards all spoke up.

Cheng Hongjian looked at the scoundrel's situation, and couldn't help but blurted out: "Don't make a fool of yourself." The guards were all startled, two of them were cursing and wanted to do something, Miss Qianjin hurriedly said: "Wait a minute... ???" At the end of the conversation, Wei Wei hesitated, and said cowardly: "This stone is what we insisted on buying, really?????? No wonder the store??????" Hu Sheng heard this in the back room He said, and said to himself: "The leader has great powers, but his granddaughter is so soft as hell, running after this girl, it's really f*cking aggrieved."

Let the judge know who this group of people is.However, it is said that Miss Qianjin's surname is Lu, and her double name is Lanxin. She is actually a member of the Nine Heavens Sect, and the leader Lu Chongxiao is his grandfather.Lan Xin's mother, Mrs. Lu, was originally a delicate lady. When her father Lu He came down from the mountain, he saw Mrs. Lu's beauty, and couldn't help but salivate. He immediately took Mrs. Lu up the mountain forcibly and married her, and then gave birth to this daughter. .Although Lu Lanxin was protected by her grandfather, Wang Mang instigated the Nine Heavens Sect to attack the Xuanyuan sect when he came to the throne, and his father Lu He died at the hands of Xuanyuan Qiguang in this battle, so Lanxin lost her father when she was young. Growing up in the den of tigers and wolves all day long, and bearing in mind my mother's weak nature, it is inevitable that I feel timid.

Lu Lanxin didn't want to teach the crowd to bully the weak, but her subordinates were used to rampant behavior. Who would have expected that after saying this, the guard who grabbed the shopkeeper would stumble and trip him, and then said: "Brothers, what is wrong with you in your daily life?" It’s not fun, ever since the guard lady went to visit her lover, she’s been acting like a man with her tail between her legs, these days it’s making everyone feel like a bird.”

The person mentioned by the guard was actually Liu Jiaming from the Youtian Department, whose real name was Xun Sheng, who followed the order of his father Youtian Law King Xun Jin, pretended to be a member of the Han family, and entered the general altar of the Xuanyuan School.Recently, in order to find a way for his beloved son to be promoted, Xun Jin went to the Juntian Department, begged the leader to marry his granddaughter Lan Xin to Liu Jiaming, and invited Lv Lanxin to go to the Youtian Department through the land under the jurisdiction of the Yantian Department. Set up Cuiyuxuan near the main altar of Xuanyuan School to visit the future husband-in-law.It is for this reason that Lu Lanxin just passed through Xinye, and stopped here for a while to choose something for Liu Jiaming.

Lu Lanxin's cheeks blushed when she heard this, and she didn't know what to say, Cheng Hongjian said to the guard: "I see that your lady is sensible, so she didn't want to argue with you just now, why don't you apologize to the shopkeeper."

The guard sneered, "What kind of onion are you, kid? How dare you meddle in my business." Then he glanced at Zhen Zhen again, and then said in a daze, "Look at the young man next to you, he is clearly a fairy My little girl, the brothers are just happy to capture her, and by the way, I want you to watch the excitement." After saying that, she shrugged like a hozen, and slammed her claws, scratching at Hongjian.

Yao Zhenzhen sees that the group of people are just juniors, if she wants to take care of them, it should be easy, but when she sees Tan Lang knocking down the other party like a brush of ashes, she is happy and laughs and praises.

Cheng Hongjian restrained the man, and thought to himself: "These people are nothing but rascals, but how should we deal with them?" While thinking, two members of the Juntian Department swung their fists to fight, Hongjian turned to the side Slightly turned, and then poked with index finger, fixed the two Xiaoxiao.The rest of the disciples watched this situation, they dared not underestimate them immediately, they took up their weapons and were about to fight, when suddenly Hu Sheng shouted: "Stop it all!"

The group of disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, they had no choice but to withdraw their weapons, Hung-chien didn't want to fight at all, so he also gave up.Hu Sheng kicked open the wooden door of the back room, ran out angrily, untie the acupuncture points taught, then picked up the fallen man, slapped him with two big ear scrapers one after another, and shouted cursingly: "I beg Mr. Li to see it in the room." You look like a monkey, but you are jumping around like a monkey outside, disturbing the expert."

Li Tong walked out of the room slowly, smiled slightly, and said: "Guest officer, don't get angry. Fortunately, you stop drinking in time, and the property in my shop is not damaged." After talking, he glanced at the compass in his hand, then pinched his fingers After counting, he continued: "I see that your luck will change in a short time, and fame and wealth are no problem." Hu Shengxi said: "Really?" As he spoke, his voice trembled involuntarily.

Li Tong nodded slightly, and thought to himself: "If I don't take you seriously, my good grandchildren will not smash my store. Anyway, I listened to the voice earlier, and you guys came from a long way. If so, I will send you away first." The God of Plague will talk again." Thinking of this, Yan forced himself to calm down, and said unhurriedly: "I am a person who devotes himself to cultivating the Tao, and I will not lie to others. If it weren't for the noise outside the house just now, Li could still make calculations for the guest officer. What can I do? Now that I'm restless, it's hard to be sure." After speaking, he pretended to sigh.

Hu Sheng grabbed the arm of the minion who was the first to make trouble, used the method of splitting his muscles and bones, twisted his elbow until it was dislocated, and shouted fiercely: "It's all your fault for ruining my good deed." His voice was not very high, but It was hoarse and terrifying.That minion bared his teeth in pain, begging for mercy.Li Tong said: "That's all, that's all. The guest officer doesn't have to blame his subordinates. Li has one thing to advise you, it is not appropriate for you to use force today."

Hearing this, Hu Sheng kicked that minion's lower abdomen, and rebuked casually: "Go away." Li Tong only thought that Hu Sheng and the others would not dare to do anything wrong again, so he cupped his hands at Jian Zhen and said, "You two noblemen. I'm shocked, let me apologize." Cheng Hongjian clasped his fists in return, and said, "You can't blame Mr. Li." As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Zhenzhen nodded sweetly and said, "Exactly." Li Tong apologized, and continued: " If the two guest officials have selected the rough stone, I will order someone to cut it open and have a look."

Before Jian Zhen could say anything, Hu Sheng pointed to the rough stone that Zhen Zhen had replaced, and said in a rough voice: "This big rock is it." He said, hummed twice, and continued: "I don't believe in lumps of soil. Baby can still pop out of it, quickly ask the shop assistant to cut it open and show it to everyone."

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