defend the truth

Chapter 44: Two Tigers Fighting

The weather in summer is always unpredictable. The sky was clear and bright just now, but a sudden gust of wind blew up, and in an instant, it was covered with dark clouds, as if a mountain rain was about to come.

Regardless of whether it was going to rain soon or not, taking advantage of the rare shade, many people who had previously hid in the gazebo reappeared under the ring to watch the battle.

On the stage, the two who gave up their weapons also said they would fight.

Nie Geng, who had practiced Hujiquan hard for many years, took the lead in attacking, violently throwing an angry fist, slashing at Li Weizhen's chest from bottom to top.The latter didn't dodge, his eyes lit up, as if he was fully concentrating on the blow.

Facing the turbulent palm wind, Li Wei was really quick-eyed, and swung his right hand down vigorously, suppressing Nie Geng's uppercut.Then the left hands interlaced, like a tiger's palm, and slammed towards the opponent's face.

However, Nie Geng was clearly in danger, but there was a sly smile in Nie Geng's eyes.

I saw that his blocked fist turned into a claw in an instant, and he used a small grabbing method to clasp Li Weizhen's right wrist with his hands.Facing the oncoming Tiger's Claw, he also tilted his neck and staggered away in an instant.

You come and go, it's Nie Geng's turn to fight back, after dodging Li Weizhen's killer move.He suddenly leaned forward, and at the same time grabbed the opponent's wrist so that he could not dodge. Another heavy punch, which had been dormant in the dark, finally struck out with all his strength.

And because Li Weizhen staggered his palms before, after he failed in the first blow, he had to withdraw his moves in order to attack again, but Nie Geng obviously had premeditated, and he would not give him time to strike again.

In the blink of an eye, Li Weizhen suddenly kicked his feet and raised his knees.When the opponent smashed his chest with a heavy fist, his rapid flying knee also slammed into the opponent's abdomen without bone protection.

There were two muffled groans almost at the same time, and they both took a step back in response, and the two of them also covered the injured part at the same time, showing crazy smiles.

The same martial art is performed by two people.

Nie Geng is very familiar with Hujiquan, and he already knows what to do next if the opponent shows a little movement.

But Li Weizhen is superior in his adaptability, his eyesight and skills are more agile.

The first fight was just to test each other, and then, a faint layer of spiritual power was attached to the fists of the two, and it was time to get serious.

Unloading all the burdens, just to fight for forgetfulness, every subsequent fist and palm intersect is a close-to-body fight, punching to the flesh.Its intensity made all the people watching the battle in the audience excited and hooked.

After throwing out dozens of punches in turn, the faces of both of them were stained, their teeth were swallowed and swallowed, and their nosebleeds were wiped and wiped with their hands.

This is the bloody violence unique to fist fights. It is not like swordsmanship contests, where the outcome can often depend on one move and a half.As long as the strength of the two sides is not too far apart, or there is enough willpower, it will be a battle full of scars, and no one can retreat completely.

"Come again!"

After the two took each other's move again, Nie Geng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground, and swung his fist again without resting.

It is true that the burst wound on his body was very painful, especially the cut on the brow bone, which made it impossible to open his left eye at what?Compared with the invisible wound in my heart, this is not worth mentioning.

Obviously, he had tried his best, but the chasm between him and Li Weizhen could not be overcome by hard work alone.Because of the gap in cultivation aptitude, the distance between them will only be widened in the future.

Nie Geng knew that if he couldn't beat the opponent this time, then... there would be no future in the future.

Facing Nie Geng with his crazy obsession, Li Weizhen fell into a brief hesitation again. He suddenly found that the other party's spiritual power was exhausted, while his own spiritual power was still quite full.

In other words, as long as Li Wei is really willing, he can easily play with the opponent in the palm of his hand, or crush him with one blow.But his slightly trembling palms now seem to be concealed, trying to dissipate the spiritual power that had already gathered.

"I advise you not to release the water. This is the greatest insult to him. Look at the way he is struggling towards his fate, isn't it worthy of your respect?"

At a critical juncture, it was the vigilance from the space of consciousness.Li Weizhen was stunned and raised his head, and finally stopped giving in.

Raising a hand, taking a step, and snapping the tiger's claws was a powerful blow that locked Nie Geng firmly.

Then, with a tug and a clasp of the neck, the tiger's palm slammed down on the chest, followed by a shrill sound, splashing blood all over his face.

The tiger catches the sheep style!

At this moment, after rolling for a long time, the dark clouds that were getting lower and lower finally dropped dense raindrops under the sound of a huge thunder that pierced the sky.

The gust of wind and the torrential rain fell exaggeratedly large raindrops, which made the sleeves crackle, made the face hurt, and forcibly washed the blood on the wound.

The person lying in the rain struggled to open his mouth, his Adam's apple trembled slightly, and wailed loudly under the cover of the raging wind and rain.

The young man standing in the rain with his head down, his eyes slightly red.The rain was so heavy that it was hard to tell whether it was rain or tears flowing across his eyelids.

"What are these two brats messing around with?" Wen Renyu, who was watching from a distance, looked displeased, and immediately flew towards Huoyuntai like a sharp arrow.He first checked the injury of Nie Geng who was lying on the ground, and after confirming that there was no internal injury, he stretched half of his sad face.

Afterwards, he shouted at Li Weizhen with a louder shout than thunderbolts: "Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and get into the house to avoid the rain! You two can't kill each other, but you were smashed by the thunder." , that really deserves to be a joy!"

The reason why Wen Renyu rarely gets angry is because of the swollen noses and swollen faces of the two teenagers, and the childlike attitude that if you punch me in the ring, I will slap you back.In addition to showing the joke and hurting the body, it seemed meaningless to him.

In particular, Li Weizhen had sworn to him earlier that he only wanted to participate. Does this seem like he wants to participate?This is clearly not to take the top spot, but to be stubborn and stubborn!

The layout of Zhanyuntai is similar to the Martial Arts Field in the secular world, and there are also pavilions and pavilions around it.

Wen Renyu grabbed their arms one by one, leaped into the air, took advantage of the wind and turned into a swift shadow, and flew towards the most magnificent building in the north, the Zhanyun Temple.

The rain came too fast, and with the help of the strong wind, everyone became drowned.

After Wen Renyu arrived, Sui Wenyan ordered the others to gather together.

Fortunately, the space in the main hall is spacious enough, with more than forty people gathered shoulder to shoulder, there is still a lot of room around.

Afterwards, Sui Wenyan, Wen Renyu, and Changsun Shan stood in three directions, forming seals with both hands at the same time, and chanted the mantra: "The three yangs converge, illuminating the heaven and earth!"

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