defend the truth

Chapter 414: There is a mountain behind

The destination of the Brilliant Pearl is to reach the Liangxi Territory, which has the west coastline. This route is nearly [-] miles, and it will take more than three months to sail.It will take more than half a year for the crew to return to Tolo Harbour.

But Li Weizhen, who had been out at sea for three days, would disembark midway on the fifth day.

At that time, it will also be the first docking of the Brilliant Pearl during this voyage, and it will berth at the port of Shengshiwan on Singzhou Island.Some of the goods are unloaded there, and some local specialties will also be replenished.

It was purely for commercial purposes, so Li Weizhen was just dropping off the boat along the way.

After landing on Xingzhou Island, Li Weizhen still has to think of a way to transfer to other ships to go to his final destination, the Xuankong Island full of mysterious legends!

As for whether Tang Ying would disembark together at that time, Li Weizhen didn't ask, and he didn't have a chance to worry about that.

Because Li Weizhen had felt the intention of being secretly watched many times since he set off on the boat.But living under the fence, he can't care too much, he can only keep his face, try to inquire as little as possible, and have less contact with people.

In his spare time, Li Weizhen either gave Ye Tong some advice on cultivation; or when he was really bored, he went to the library in the living area on the first floor of the cabin to browse books about navigation.

Li Weizhen enjoys "VIP" treatment on the ship. His room is on the second floor of the cabin, with a living room, a separate bathroom, and more importantly, a window.

In the cabins on the first floor, even the senior crew cabins with single rooms have no windows.

Sailing on the sea, a room with windows can significantly reduce loneliness, and can play a comforting role, telling yourself: this is not in prison!

For most of these three days, Li Weizhen preferred to immerse himself in the sea of ​​books.Because the books in the library are not allowed to be taken out, he often stays there for four or five hours.In the most secluded corner, relying on the photographic memory, I put countless contents into my mind, and take the books away in disguise.

There are more than a thousand books in the collection here, the largest proportion of which are "language" books.It is also the knowledge that Li Weizhen is most interested in and learns with the most heart.

If you don't understand the language or writing when you are away from home, you will be in great trouble!

As for the text, just memorize the translated words and phrases, and when necessary, come to mind, and you can basically understand the general idea, but the language must be practiced.

Therefore, whenever he returned to his room, Li Weizhen would spend three or four hours practicing the pronunciation of various languages.Because it is groping alone, it is impossible to learn well, but at least the foundation has been laid.After disembarking, it is enough to be useful, at least the eyes and ears cannot be used as decorations.

As long as we can deal more with overseas people in the future and believe in progress, it will not be difficult.

In the past, the library was quiet, but by no means lacking in popularity.

Because the ship has nearly [-] trainee crew members, they are all young people about [-] or [-] years old. Their skin color is much fairer than that of the older crew members, so they are easy to identify.

In the past, they were college students, and it was the first time they boarded such an ocean-going cargo ship.

This voyage of more than half a year will be a valuable lesson in their lives, and it will also determine their future promotion.Therefore, as long as they are not on duty, these young people will come here to work hard, even if it is just for show, it is necessary.

But that night, Li Weizhen was the only one in the library.

There was something strange about Li Wei's true magistrate, but he did not leave the library to carry out his purpose quietly.After all, the host has planned such an opportunity, and as a guest, he has to "appreciate face"!

As Haishi approached, a cloudy wind blew open the door curtain, and the bookshelves close to the wall couldn't help shaking slightly.

There are no windows in this cabin, so where does the wind come from?

The moment the wind blew the pages of the book in Li Weizhen's hand, the book was already closed.

Then, with a snap of the fingers, the book was thrown back into the bookshelf, and Li Weizhen himself appeared three feet away from the original position.

But if you look at it with the naked eye, there are two figures of Li Weizhen clearly appearing in the room, one standing by the desk, but the figure is a bit blurred.

But the other Li Weizhen was already competing in palm strength with a man in brocade clothes who appeared in the library out of thin air.

Obviously, the person next to the desk is just an afterimage.

And when the afterimage disappeared, the two of them withdrew their palms together, the man in brocade clothes raised his brows lightly, with a calm expression; Li Weizhen took half a step back, but remained calm.

Afterwards, the man in brocade clothes smiled and said, "Xuan Yin Palm? Then you must be Li Weizhen, it's true! Am I right? Mr. Jia?"

Li Weizhen put his hands behind his back, nodded his head and said: "I haven't practiced yet, it would be insulting to my master, so I have to hide my name. I hope Duke Du can be tolerant!"

"If there is anything wrong with it, this junior is here, and I will make up for it together!"

At the end of the sentence, Li Weizhen raised his hand to salute the man in brocade.

In fact, when Li Weizhen held his hand behind his back, his entire right palm was off-white. With the delay of those two sentences, his skin color returned to normal.

This small detail could not be concealed from the insight of the man in Jinyi, but it also made his eyes look a little deeper when he looked at Li Weizhen.

This brocade-clothed man is the nominal owner of this cargo ship, and also the third-rank supervisor of the Great Shang Dynasty—Zheng Yuan.

As far as the eunuchs of the Great Shang Dynasty were concerned, Zheng Yuan was an extremely human minister.Because before him, the rank of eunuchs in the Shang Dynasty could only be the fourth-rank supervisor of ceremonies at most.

But in the Shang Dynasty, the power of the Supervisor of Ceremonies had reached the point where he could be called the "Prime Minister of the Inner Court". With the emperor's favor, even the princes and ministers of the outer court had to rely on him.

But even so, the current king of the Shang Dynasty still set up a new official position specifically for Zheng Yuan, entrusting the military, trade and economy of the sea, two of the country's most important weapons, to his hands.

Even the crimson brocade robe that Zheng Yuan was wearing was famous. It was an elephant-dragon costume embroidered with nine pythons in gold thread all over the body, accompanied by the cloud patterns of the eight treasures.Such a python robe, which was supposed to be bestowed by the prince, was worn on the body of a courtier, which was a testament to honor and favor.

If they hadn't known Zheng Yuan's origin, most people would have found it hard to imagine that this would be an incomplete man based on their first impression.Tall and straight figure, cold and handsome facial features, steady and deep voice... He has almost all the characteristics that can show the charm of a man.

After saluting, Li Weizhen straight to the point said to Zheng Yuan: "Three days is enough time for the governor to investigate the details of my subordinates. I believe that if there is no detailed information, there will be no silence here tonight. In fact, what the governor wants to know from my subordinates , just open your mouth."

"Just one thing to say, even if there is something wrong with it, you don't have to say anything, just hit it so hard?"

"No matter what I say, I'm also a guest of your young master's boat. If I can't hold back this breath for a while, how will it end when you say it?"

Zheng Yuan said bluntly: "It is not difficult for me to kill you, and it must be easy for the people behind you to kill me. Therefore, the situation you mentioned can only exist as a hypothesis, and it is not realistic."

Li Weizhen looked behind him pretending to be surprised, and then said with a puzzled face: "Duke, you really know how to joke. Is there anyone behind me?"

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Li Wei was really putting on an act, but to him, it wasn't all an act.His words were both teasing, and he wanted to liven up the stiff atmosphere, but he really didn't understand who the "person behind" Zheng Yuan was referring to.

Of course, Zheng Yuan could see that Li Wei was really joking, and he was even more convinced that this kid was determined to play tricks.

Zheng Yuan thought to himself: I knew that you, a slicker, would never be honest, so well, I'll expose you one by one! "

But he saw that Zheng Yuan put his hand into his wide sleeve, and then pulled out a thick stack of paper, which was filled with people's names, places and sect names.

But this stack of paper seemed insignificant, and Zheng Yuan casually threw it on a nearby desk, and he only glanced at it the whole time.

Li Weizhen looked at the stack of papers a few more times, but couldn't see what it meant, so he could only wait for the answer.

Zheng Yuan stretched out his finger to the note paper, and said unhurriedly: "These more than 200 people are all monks who died because of you in the past month or so. How do you feel?"

Faced with this question, Li Weizhen was really shocked. If more than 200 monks were concentrated in some small sects, it would be equivalent to exterminating the sect!Who could it be, with that much power?

Because of yourself?Could it be that the brother-in-law did it?Or is it Brother Wen?

But Li Wei really knows that now is not the time to delve into this issue alone. He forced a smile, shook his head and said: "I don't know anyone's name on this paper, and I haven't even heard of some sects." No, I’m just a mere servant, how can I provoke so many enemies!”

"Take a step back, even if I really offended so many people, if they come to kill me, they can drown me by spitting stars, right? But for more than a month, I have been living peacefully! So , there must be some misunderstanding?"

When Zheng Yuan heard this, he was obviously not satisfied with this statement, and the smile hanging on the corner of his mouth was also a bit cold.

Zheng Yuan smiled and said, "You don't necessarily need to kill yourself. I believe that you have never seen any of these people, but their deaths are indeed related to you."

"The people on these lists, more or less, have threatened to kill you in public. Some people are relatively low-key, but after their death, you can find your portrait from the relics, or even more Detailed information."

"Among these dead bodies, there is another common feature, that is, there is only one fatal wound, and the death is quite straightforward. Moreover, there are not many signs of fighting where the bodies were found, and the remains of the bodies are also there. It can be seen that the perpetrators His cultivation base is very high, just to kill people!"

After hearing the news, Li Weizhen couldn't help taking a deep breath.He used to think that he had a head with 1000 million spirit stones on his neck, but he never met the killer, because he covered up his whereabouts very well.But it turned out that it was only because someone had been secretly protecting him.

This should have been a good thing, but Li Weizhen couldn't be happier. Looking at the thick stack of lists, he knew that he was already burdened with blood debts.

This blood debt, even if because of the existence of that mysterious person, Li Wei's true name cannot be remembered, but what about the people around him?If the Taiyi Sect can re-open the mansion in the future, what about the Taiyi Sect disciples who are walking in the rivers and lakes?How could he not be retaliated against?

Li Weizhen said with a heavy heart: "Dare to ask Duke Du, do you know who is doing such things?"

Zheng Yuan sneered and said, "Are you asking me?"

Li Weizhen remained silent.

After a while, Zheng Yuan frowned and said: "It seems that you really don't know, and the person behind you is even more difficult! He can cover the sky with one hand, but he doesn't let you know. It's really impressive that he acts so secretly. I shudder!"

"But I still have to remind you, don't think that you can sit back and relax like this, hatred will accumulate day by day. In the past, people who were interested in you, maybe just for the bonus; but now, I heard that there are already several A prestigious sect intends to gather elites to launch a joint hunt against you."

"The purpose is to capture you, and then lead out the person behind you. It would be the best if we can work together to kill that person. Even if we can't do it, we must at least find out who he is?"

The news was shocking one after another, but Li Weizhen had already become a little numb to hearing it. Things had developed to the present, and there was not much he could do.Accepting the reality and watching it change is the only thing he can do.

Li Weizhen said indifferently: "Why did Dugong tell me this? Don't you be afraid that I will rely on your boat to protect myself?"

Zheng Yuan's expression was calmer, and he said disapprovingly: "If you like, you can stay until the ship returns to Tolo Harbor. Anyway, if someone asks Zheng some important person, I will hand you over."

Li Weizhen said with a helpless smile: "Then I would like to thank Lord Dugong for your generosity!"

Zheng Yuan nodded and said, "You're welcome!"

In fact, Li Wei really knew very well that the reason why Zheng Yuan told him this information was to remind him that to be a human being, you must know good and bad, and know how to advance and retreat.Now that several sects have launched a joint hunt for him, it means that the longer he stays on the ship, the less safe he will be.

But even if Zheng Yuan didn't mention this, Li Weizhen had already made up his mind that as long as the ship sailed into Shengshiwan, he would disembark there.

However, in his heart, Li Weizhen was still grateful to Zheng Yuan, no matter what the other party's purpose was.At least from the present point of view, it is very difficult to send charcoal in a timely manner. If you can not make trouble, you can be regarded as a good person!

"It's getting late, I will remember the Duke Du's words, please allow me to say goodbye, junior!"

Seeing that Li Weizhen was about to bid farewell, Zheng Yuan raised his hand and said, "Please wait for a while, Zheng has a deal and wants to talk to Mr. Li!"


Li Weizhen, who had already bowed slightly, suddenly opened his eyes wide, thinking: Dare to love, this has not been discussed yet?Senior, your opening remarks are too long, right?

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