defend the truth

Chapter 412: A Hero in Troubled Times

Although they chatted quite a bit, Tan Kewen did not sit for too long. Before the three quarters of the hour, he had to return to the City Lord's Mansion to attend the morning meeting where the day's work began.

Before leaving, Tan Kewen suddenly remembered that he seemed to have missed a certain sentence Li Weizhen said, so he recalled: "You seemed to say just now that you asked Uncle Li for help? Why don't you come and listen, maybe I can help you more busy."

Li Weizhen nodded his head and said: "I am interested, but this trivial matter will not bother you. My plan is to go to the South China Sea, but now your coast defense border inspection is so strict, so I want to borrow from Senior Li to avoid trouble." It’s just for me to get you two free tickets.”

"However, I already have a solution to this matter, so thank you for your kindness in advance!"

Hearing this, Tan Kewen glanced in the direction of the bedroom as if pointing something, and said with a light smile: "You are indeed a man of means, you know how to use everything around you to create opportunities for yourself, this is what I admire most about you. "

"Alright, I won't interfere in this matter. The General Administration of Border Inspection is not all my people. It's not a bad thing to leave less clues!"

Political matters are very complicated. During this short heart-to-heart talk, Tan Kewen has hinted more than once that in this city, he can't just cover the sky with his hands and do whatever he wants.

Li Weizhen deeply understands this point. Although he is a Taoist disciple, his impression of politics is not a blank slate.

In the past in Taiyi Sect, Li Weizhen also worked in politics. He had tasted the taste of power, and he also hated the power-holders' paper-killing methods.

Politics is a battlefield invisible to the naked eye, a chessboard that is not limited to two people playing chess, a piece of paper that can bury countless sinister bones on the earth, and a weapon that is a hundred times more powerful than any flying sword!

Why does Tan Kewen prefer to plot a war over peace?

Perhaps, it is because only in wartime, in the critical autumn of life and death, many internal pressures will turn the spearhead and unanimously external.

Only in wartime can the power that Tan Kewen can have be maximized and unlimited.

After sending Tan Kewen out of the room, Li Weizhen returned to the living room, sat alone in silence, and began to think about many details of this meeting and the possible impact.

Will Tan Kewen be a good ally?

This point lacks comparison. So far, the alliance has been like "a big girl's sedan chair, the first time".

But at least from the perspective of strength on paper, Tan Kewen is definitely a good partner. Being a friend with him is far better than being an enemy.

Given the current situation, it is really inappropriate to make more enemies, as it is easy to be trapped in one place, and it is difficult to move an inch.

So, is the so-called common interest realistic?

In theory, Tan Kewen does need the help of the sect forces to realize his ambition of unifying the entire Tiannan.

The original intention of Taoist disciples' practice is to "be born into the world". Occasionally entering the world is to feel the sufferings of the world, to save the world and save the people, and to help peace.

Therefore, Taoist sects rarely interfere with secular government without reason.

Therefore, the secular regime should not be able to bring the flames of war to the mountains and disturb the monks' meditation.

But this kind of clear-cut harmony often only exists in the truth of books.

Whether it is a sect or a sect, talent is fundamental.And people are easily affected by feelings, interests...various changes.

Religion also needs land to build mountain gates, and people to be believers in order to develop and grow; secular regimes need to make the people under their rule return to their hearts in order to rule stably.

As Tan Kewen said before: The essence of power is to see how much it can influence and how many people!

In fact, when a person's power reaches the extreme, it can even affect the whole world, and even future generations!

Throughout the ages, there have been countless famous kings, or those who ascended to immortality.

But only those who changed dynasties, or established sects, are the real celebrities through the ages, and they are the peaks that cannot be bypassed in the history books of all dynasties.

Therefore, it seems that the actual interests of the church and the state should conflict; either they are hostile to each other, or they can only depend on each other and seek common ground while reserving differences.

Just like thousands of years ago, due to the chaos of the Demon Buddha, the Kyushu in the Central Plains would also inevitably be at war.

At that time, the secular regime that ruled the Central Plains was the Great Jin Dynasty, and the head of Taoism in the Central Plains was Quanzhen Taoism, also known as Jinlianzong, because the full name of the sect was: Taixuanmen Jinlianzhengzong.

However, due to the rebellion of the Demon Buddha, the vitality of the Quanzhen Dao, which had a deep foundation, was greatly damaged, so that it was preached in the Zhengyi Palace in Jingzhou and crusaded.

At that time, Zheng Yigong listed three crimes for the crusade: First, Quanzhen Dao, as the leader of the Taoist sect in the Central Plains, but sat by and watched the Buddhist forces grow in the Central Plains, was really negligent.

Second, when Buddhism was fighting among itself, Quanzhen Dao did not take the opportunity to disintegrate the influence of Buddhism, so that the banner of Demon and Buddha unified Buddhism and caused chaos, which was really a mistake.

The third is that Quanzhen Dao sits on Zixiaozong, who is also a fellow Taoist, was destroyed by Longmen Temple, and then failed to give shelter to the surviving disciples of Zixiaozong, which is really immoral.

On the mountain, Quanzhen Taoism is facing Zhengyi Gong's awe-inspiring crusade; while under the mountain, the decadent Jin Dynasty is crumbling due to the Eight Kings Rebellion.

The Cao family of Jizhou, who served the king of the Jin Dynasty for generations, rose in troubled times. Anyang Marquis-Cao Mengjing, after pacifying the north and Luo, played the banner of "serving the emperor and not being a minister", and also used righteousness to sweep up the princes from all walks of life.

In the end, Cao Mengjing once again unified the Central Plains with his majestic strategy, and retired from the court in the same year; but his son, who inherited the title of King Wei, accepted the abdication of Emperor Xian of Jin in Yongzhou-Luodu, thus establishing Start the Great Wei Dynasty!

At almost the same time, Quanzhen Taoism fell apart.Zhengyigong was awarded the title of "Central Plains Taoist Leader", and the dojo was moved to Longhu Mountain, but Xuanyue Mountain was still kept as the ancestral home, and the name of the sect was changed to: Qingzheng Yilonghu Authentic.

That is today's Longhu Mountain - Zhengyi!

Those who have never been in-depth in this period of history may think that the rise of the Cao Wei Dynasty and Zheng together just happened to catch up with an opportunity.

But it only takes a brief understanding of Cao Mengjing's life to know that all of this is by no means accidental.

Cao Mengjing, No. 15 inner disciple of Zhengdao, No. 13 was the altar master of Leiming Altar. His Taoist name when he was alive was: Lingzhang Yinyang Fumo Tianjun.

After retiring, Cao Mengjing returned to Xuanyue Mountain to practice for 99 years, and finally ascended in the [-]th year of the Tiantong calendar.

The mutual achievements of the Cao Wei Dynasty and Zhengyi are just a relatively remarkable period in the long history. In the long years, such examples abound.

The dynastic regime is responsible for making the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment. The truth of the mountain has its own sect to explain. This is a delicate balance that must not be easily broken.

Therefore, even if Tan Kewen can attack countless cities in the future, he will not be able to directly attack any sect in Tiannan, because he is no longer a member of the Taoist sect. Even if he was related in the past, he is now a powerful clan.

If Tan Kewen dares to break this balance, he will surely encounter the common crusade of Taoists all over the world.

But once the banner of unifying Tiannan is raised, the land will inevitably be in turmoil due to the flames of war, and Tan Kewen will also have to face those Taoist monks who went down the mountain to "help the peace".

Therefore, if Tan Kewen wants to achieve supremacy, he can only follow the example of Cao Mengjing and take advantage of the loopholes in the rules.

Use Xuanmen to deal with Xuanmen, use political power to suppress political power!

Therefore, Li Weizhen was convinced that as long as Tan Kewen had the heart, he would definitely form an alliance with a certain mountain sect.

It's just that the only thing I can't figure out is why Tan Kewen would look for himself, for the down-and-out Taiyimen.

Do you feel that such a Taiyi sect is better controlled than the Nansha Sword Sect with a solid foundation?

Or, fearing that the Nansha Sword Sect's grandeur will attract the wind, it is not as good as the "disappeared" Taiyi Sect, which can paralyze the enemy and catch them by surprise?

However, although there are countless conjectures, they all have to wait for time to prove.

Some things have to be experienced to know the result.

But there is one thing that Li Weizhen can answer for himself right now.

That is, he is willing to take the gamble, and he doesn't even mind being taken advantage of by Tan Kewen.

In order to get revenge, he can put down his dignity, cling to the powerful, live in the dark, and not hesitate to bear the infamy!

He can regard wealth as his life, and he can generously dedicate the entire red copper vein to Tan Kewen.

At this moment, Li Weizhen never admits that his Wendao heart has fallen.He believes in himself, but he knows better how to survive in this cruel world.

Compared with achieving the goal, what is a little change?

"Who came just now?"

The sudden question interrupted Li Weizhen's meditation.

It turned out that Tang Ying, who had woken up, walked out of the bedroom with a sleepy look, and seemed to be a little angry about getting up.

Otherwise, how could he walk out with only a thin unlined garment and bare feet.

It seems that he has forgotten that this is not his own home, or he has let go of his reserve and guard against someone.

Therefore, the change of people is really strange, and it is difficult to speculate with common sense all the time.

Li Weizhen suddenly came back to his senses, and he answered irrelevantly: "Are you awake?"

In fact, Li Weizhen wanted to say: Why did you wake up so quickly?

It's just that the words that were spoken have changed inadvertently.

It is enough to see that he was too focused on his thinking just now, so that he hadn't fully recovered his mind and coped with the current situation, so he didn't mean what he said.

Subconsciously, she was even more worried about whether Tang Ying had heard something, something she shouldn't have heard.

Fortunately, Tang Ying didn't care that Li Wei really asked knowingly, and replied honestly: "Just now, in a daze, I seemed to hear someone talking in the living room, and then I felt a headache and thirst, and I couldn't go back to sleep. Have a glass of water."

Seeing that Tang Ying just had a hangover, Li Weizhen heaved a sigh of relief secretly, and said with a smile, "Why don't you go back to your room and rest, I have some wild honey here, and I'll make a cup of scented tea for you later?"

"Okay!" Tang Ying didn't refuse the kindness, she stood against the wall with her head against the wall, her eyes were a little blurred.

This kind of look made people unable to tell whether it was ambiguous or lazy.

But at this moment Li Weizhen is definitely sober, he clearly knows that he should assume another identity again!

Li Weizhen got up and left the seat, still maintaining a warm smile, and walked slowly to Tang Ying, who couldn't help breathing a little faster, and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Tang Ying lowered her head, knowing that she had no way out, and also noticed something strange about herself.

In the end, she chose to close her eyes, not knowing whether she was afraid of something or was expecting something to happen.

However, Li Weizhen just raised his hand, and flicked a crisp slap on Tang Ying's forehead.

Tang Ying woke up instantly, pushed Li Weizhen away, and said angrily, "Ah! Are you sick?"

Li Weizhen yawned and said, "You're the one who's not clear. You want to fart early in the morning? You need to drink water and pour it out yourself! If I tell you to make tea for you, do you believe me?"

"I asked you to go back to your room, to your own wing. I haven't slept in the bed in my room yet! A bed with five hundred spirit stones for one night! Sister!"

"You have slept twice, and you still want me to pour tea and water, what are you thinking! What is this?"

After Li Weizhen finished slandering Tang Ying with eloquence, when the other party was dumbfounded with rage, he took the opportunity to sneak back to the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

After racking her brains, Tang Ying managed to come up with a few words to refute Li Weizhen, but seeing the bedroom door was shut heavily, her mind suddenly went blank again.

I lowered my head again and realized that I didn't even wear shoes...

"Hey, no, really locked the door? My clothes and shoes are still inside!"

"Hey, bastard, open the door!"

"Isn't it five hundred spirit stones! Cheapskate!"

"Hey, I paid your room fee, open the door! Bastard..."

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