defend the truth

Chapter 407: The Red Dust Enlightenment

Before dawn, there was no mention of closing time for Fengyi Pavilion.

The Feng Dance Hall in the front yard is undoubtedly the most lively place.

As soon as you enter the hall, you will be greeted by a cool breeze.There is a significant temperature difference between inside and outside the house.

The first time Li Weizhen came here was in winter, but it was summer, but he was able to feel the cool breeze blowing in the house, either because many of the decorations in the house were actually cooling instruments, or simply arranged a large-scale heat-dispelling array.

The difference between magic weapon and formation can also be distinguished through feeling.The former is extravagant, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to ensure that the heating and cooling of all spaces in the house are consistent, and when the weather changes, the decorations have to be replaced accordingly.The latter is less worrying, the heating and cooling can be adjusted in a consistent manner, but it will be a big expense in the long run.

With the financial resources of the Tan family, there is actually no need to care about the book profit and loss of Fengyi Pavilion, so the latter is naturally the one that brings the cool breeze.The guests can enjoy the coolness and comfort, but they don't know where the wind comes from, which is wonderful!

The first floor of the Phoenix Ballroom is centered on the stage, with seats arranged in circles outward.

There are twelve square tables in the circle closest to the stage, with gold bases inlaid with mahogany carved screens and partitions. The luxurious room shows the financial strength of the seats in the inner circle!

When it comes to the seats in the second and third circles, there is no partition between the screens, it is nothing more than the difference in the size of the tables.For example, the tables in the third circle can only seat up to four people.

In the fourth circle, it is called the FIT area. There is a small table with two high stools, but it is often a guest, a jug of wine, two dishes of cold dishes, drinking and pouring by oneself, all night long.

Most of the individual tourists were poor in cash, but they loved to watch the excitement, and there were many talented people with real talents among them, who exchanged their poems and poems for a pot of fine wine in the hands of those rich men.

In fact, those group of individual guests are the ones who taste the wine the most carefully, watch the dance and enjoy the music most seriously in this Phoenix dance hall.

So the guest who can book a table in the central area near the stage is the most honored guest in this Phoenix Ballroom?

No, the real supreme throne is located on the second floor!

The Feng Dance Hall is a duplex structure with two floors of light and shade. There are twelve boxes on the second floor. The structure of these boxes is semi-open, that is, one railing and three walls.

The spacious space is full of vanity!

In private, the guests call the guests who can enter these twelve boxes the Twelve Heavenly Venerables!

But it is not easy to be condescending and look down on all beings.These twelve private rooms will only be given priority to guests staying in the "Fengyi Three Great Pavilions", namely: Hanyan, Qinghui, Xuanzhu, the three big pavilions!

Of course, the cost of opening the box is not included in the room rate.It is just a right of priority, which can be transferred or waived.

However, if this priority is not exercised before [-]:[-], it will be regarded as an automatic waiver.

Therefore, if there are still vacant boxes after the deadline for each night, then other guests can "buy as soon as possible".

At that time, what people are most willing to see is the guests in the central area on the first floor competing for comparison when they spend a lot of money.

Under the background of the atmosphere and the instigation of the onlookers, there are always hot-blooded fools who, in order to win a smile from a girl, will not hesitate to go bankrupt and become a joke in the city in the future.

There is still less than half a cup of tea left until midnight tonight, and there are still two vacant rooms on the second floor of the Phoenix Dance Hall.In the central area on the first floor, there were already several tables of highly interested guests, secretly weighing each other's strength.

Those guests who are interested and want to be promoted from a VIP to a "Tianzun" will usually order a pot of wine called "Golden Age" before the three quarters of the clock!

The price of a pot of this kind of wine in Fengyi Pavilion: 180 eight taels of gold!

According to the current exchange rate, it is equivalent to silver, 580 taels!

Before bidding, order at least one jug of this kind of wine. This is a rule that the guests privately acquiesce. This invisible means of showing financial power can clear away many unnecessary obstacles in advance!

If you see three or five pots of "Golden Years" on a table, the guests at that table will eventually become the winners who were successfully promoted to Tianzun that night!

At the last moment, there are already six tables in the VIP area with golden years, and the invisible confrontation seems to be a war that is about to break out!Many good people have already begun to look forward to the upcoming lively scene!

However, tonight is destined to be a night that disappoints many people!

The two boxes, which had been vacant for most of the night, suddenly opened the doors together, and there were a man and a woman respectively, followed by a client who was serving closely.

The man was wearing a black long gown with dark gold silk embroidery on the collar and cuffs.It's just unavoidably weird that this man is carrying a mahogany box on his back.

Being able to become one of the twelve "Tianzun" in the Phoenix Dance Hall that night must be rich or expensive, but there is not even a servant with a box around him, it is really strange!

And the guest who opened the other box was also difficult to figure out, because it turned out to be a fresh and beautiful woman!Under the powder-carved and jade-carved appearance, without the slightest smell of dust, coupled with the pure white dress, no one would believe that this little girl will be another Tianzun tonight!

From time to time, there have been people discussing differently, guessing which family's young lady sneaked out, and came here to see the world regardless of her reputation!

It can be expected that the hot topic in the city in the future is already brewing in the excitement of these people!

Wearing black clothes and carrying a red box, apart from Li Weizhen in Fengyi Pavilion, I am afraid there will be no second one.Knowing that she is already ostentatious, but still standing in the most prominent position, the incomparable self-confidence shown on her face is full of mystery and aloofness in the eyes of strangers!

This young foreigner is not easy to mess with!

Gradually, on the first floor of the Feng Dance Hall, most people consciously restrained their gazes and did not dare to look up any more. This is awe from the heart!

The few people who were unwilling to take the initiative to look away, after Li Weizhen accidentally met their eyes, had to swallow their arrogance, lowered their heads and swallowed the dull wine, and couldn't think of comparing them at all.

Looking at the changes in the lower-level guests, Li Weizhen was not surprised. This is the real side of the world. Most people see people based on their first impressions.If you act superior to others, they will think that you are of noble birth, even unapproachable, and dare not offend!

If Li Weizhen is now wearing a commoner dress with an approachable smile, I believe there are many people who think that he is not worthy of this position.Doubt and disgust will fly endlessly like arrows.

shallow?But this is human nature, especially in this romantic field, human nature cannot stand the slightest test!

The simple and rude division of guests into three, six, and nine classes in the Phoenix Ballroom is all interpreting the truth of the disparity between strength and weakness in the world. This is a world where the naked eye can see the naked eye, and it is so real that it is disgusting!Those who want to be a clean stream, it is best not to step into this threshold!

Once you walk in, you have to follow the rules here, whoever is richer and whoever is the most powerful can get the greatest admiration!

When he came to Fengyi Pavilion for the first time, Li Weizhen stood in the FIT area, looking towards the stage. His pure fantasy about this world at that time made his desire blurred.At that time, he didn't know what his future self wanted to pursue?

Revisiting the old place, Li Weizhen, standing in the "supreme place", also looked at the stage, from looking up to looking down, but his thoughts were very clear!

It was power and money that changed his vision from blurred to clear!

The most attractive part of Fengyi Pavilion is not that there are so many beauties here, but that it can reveal human nature here!It guides guests to pursue vanity all the time, and makes no secret of the law of the jungle. The strong despise the weak, and the weak despise each other.

In an instant, Li Weizhen's eyes suddenly brightened, and he had already gained a rather deep insight, but this enlightenment ended here, and it was time to put away his thoughts in time.

Because observing the world tests your understanding, while observing yourself tests your xinxing.

The mind should be boiled slowly, there is no need to rush for a while!

Without looking downstairs, Li Weizhen turned his head to look at the neighbor, and joked to Tang Ying: "Yaomei, are you sure you can't come together?"

Tang Ying also turned around, leaning half of her body on the railing, rolled her eyes at Li Weizhen and said, "You want to be beautiful, if I go to your place, wouldn't it make people think that this girl is serving wine for you?"

Li Weizhen said disapprovingly: "I don't mind going to your place to accompany you, and I'm very honest, as long as there is a reward!"

Tang Ying stuck out her tongue halfway, retching: "Don't be disgusting, okay? Are you showing off your beauty?"

Li Weizhen nodded and smiled, "I don't sell it, but I can buy it! I can let a group of girls come and drink with me, how about you?"


With a livid face, Tang Ying uttered a sound, stomped her feet, stopped leaning on the railing, and naturally disappeared from Li Weizhen's sight.

Li Weizhen laughed it off, but Nuannuan, the consultant standing beside him, heard the joke very seriously, and hurriedly asked for instructions: "I don't know what kind of girl the young master likes, she is charming and graceful; or Delicate and pleasant, what about the fresh and tender ones? The slave family will arrange it now!"

Li Weizhen couldn't help but wonder if she was really a veteran of Hua Cong: "The girl is not food, why do you still talk about it?"

The consultant Nuannuan blushed slightly, and said softly: "The tender-mouthed ones are the young ones, mostly thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl dolls, but they still need to learn more, they are not very good at serving others, and they are not able to serve others. sleep……"

Hearing this, Li Weizhen couldn't help frowning, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't talk about it, this is too tender... Forget it, I really don't want to talk about it! Then please arrange five or six beautiful sisters for me! The figure is second , the main reason is that the best age is in the twenties, don't be too young, it's too sinful!"

While the client Nuannuan was going outside to get ready, there was already a group of maids about fifteen or sixteen years old, each holding a tray and filing in.

After a while, the exaggeratedly large round table was filled with drinks and dishes.

There are three jugs of wine, named "Crystal Dream", which are made of cold transparent crystal jugs, filled with ice blue nectar!There is no specific price for this wine, and it is only available to guests in the box.

There are 36 dishes and snacks in total, including twelve cold dishes, twelve hot dishes, and twelve snacks.

Every delicacy here will only be served to guests who open the second-floor boxes, and it is said that the menu will be updated every day.

If you want to relive the delicacy that you have tasted today, even if you come here every day, it will take at least a month before you can relive the old dream.

It is conceivable how many famous chefs in the world have been recruited by this Fengyi Pavilion, and how many guests' appetites have been seduced!

Food and sex, completely understand a man's mind!

The methods of the behind-the-scenes operators are also very powerful!

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