defend the truth

Chapter 398: Ulterior motives

After leaving the restaurant, the two rode a bay red horse at a fast pace in the wind and rain. They didn't slow down until they had run about five miles away, and stopped raising their whips.

Ever since entering the boundary of the Funan Peninsula, Li Weizhen has not moved the flying sword again, in order to avoid running into the so-called "fellows", which would only cause trouble.

A ranger with little experience will not pay attention to how many secret sentries are hidden on the border of this peninsula.

Those monks trained by the four major families and serving in the City Lord's Mansion will disguise themselves as herb pickers, woodcutters, hunters, and even pawn traders, haunting the deep mountains and wilderness.

Once foreign monks enter the country swaggeringly, they will be followed by them.

Not to mention, in the sea of ​​clouds that ordinary people can't see, there are still monks patrolling Xinjiang with excellent combat power, patrolling day and night.Once they are intercepted in the sky and cannot pass the interrogation, they have the right to kill first and act later.

After all, he came to the land where he had fought in the past. Naturally, he knew the rules well, so there was no reason not to abide by them.

After the sound of the horse's hooves gradually died down, Li Weizhen stretched out his hand and said to Ye Tong, "Bring that curved jade just now."

Ye Tong knew that Li Weizhen must have something to confess, otherwise he would not rein in the horse for no reason, but he never expected that he would ask him for the curved jade.

Although he hesitated, but did not dare to disobey, Ye Tong took out Quyu from his belt and handed it over.

But then, something even more unexpected happened. After Li Weizhen took Quyu, he threw it into the woods beside the road without even looking at it. Ye Tong was stunned.

"Sir, this is..."

"What's the matter, are you distressed?"

After Li Weizhen threw away that Quyu without explanation, he seemed to blame and beat Ye Tong a little bit. If there were other people present, he would definitely think that he was very bossy.

Distressed?Can you not feel bad?Regardless of the real value of that piece of curved jade, it was the first gift the boy had received since he left the mountain.It was so unexpected, so special.

But does Ye Tong dare to speak the truth?He didn't dare, he respected Li Weizhen as a god, even if he felt a little unhappy, he didn't dare to offend Shi Wei.

So Ye Tong could only calm down the turmoil in his heart, and said in a calm tone, "Sir, there must be a reason for doing this. It's just that the student doesn't understand. Did the student do something wrong?"

"If this is the case, I hope the husband can make it clear. It is also so that the students will not repeat the same mistakes in the future and make the husband unhappy."

Li Weizhen couldn't see that Ye Tong's heart was tense and contradictory now, no matter how well he concealed it, he couldn't escape human nature.But at this age, being able to endure things when things happen is a good thing, but it's not easy to draw a conclusion early.

Li Weizhen shook his head slightly and smiled, "It's not your fault, it's just that the person who gave you that piece of jade has ulterior motives!"

Hearing this, Ye Tong said in astonishment, "Have ulterior motives?"

Li Weizhen's expression gradually became serious, and he said earnestly: "Do you still remember that before you formally studied the Fa, I called you, An Lan and others into my study, and put your hands on a black stone?"

Ye Tong replied: "Remember, Sister Wenyan also explained to us later that the name is Xuanxingyan, which is used to test my spiritual roots and aura. She also told me in private that my roots are deep, He has great potential for cultivation. Let me not let my talent down, and practice more diligently!"

Li Weizhen was thoughtful, then regained his expression, and continued to answer: "Since you already know a lot, I will save a lot of words. The material of that piece of jade just now is exactly the chalcedony of Xuanxingyan, It is rarely circulated on the market, so it is considered rare. I have only seen it once in the auction house of the black market."

"But whether it is Xuanxingyan or Xuanxingyu, their characteristics are the same, but the latter is better and rarer. So once you get it, I will be sure. I think that Miss Tang Ying, She must have seen it then, she wanted to see it."

So far, how can Ye Tong not understand?I no longer have the slightest nostalgia for the discarded Quyu, and I feel disgusted with the person who gave the jade, and said indignantly: "It turns out that there are really people who know people but don't know what they want. In vain, I still think that sister is a good person. Do you think she plotted against me? Brother Wen is right, after going down the mountain, the more beautiful the woman you meet, the more careful you should be!"

"From now on, I will never talk to those beautiful sisters again!"

Li Wei really couldn't help laughing, but he heard a young and energetic sentence from Ye Tong, and said happily: "It's a bit serious to say that! It's definitely not right to knock down a boat with one shot. In the future, just pay more attention and be careful." Don't mind your own business, don't be greedy for cheap."

"Haha... But even so, it's a pity to throw away thousands of spirit stones just like that!"

Li Weizhen was still in the mood to joke, but Ye Tong couldn't help but worry: "Sir, you said that since that sister just now has a plan for me, will she catch up?"

Li Weizhen said noncommittally: "I think she is willing to give you the Xuanxing Jade, probably because she has the means to track the location of the jade, and then create a chance encounter to make you believe in the so-called fate."

"Of course, this is a slightly smarter approach. It would be even better if she catches up with us now. I don't mind teaching her a lesson on the spot, so as to avoid encountering in other places in the future, it may be difficult to do it. "

"That's why I deliberately left the restaurant early. She plotted against you, can't I plot against her?"

Ye Tong took it for granted, and also admired his husband's inscrutability more and more. There are still many things to pay attention to and study in the future.

The two continued to ride on the road, chasing time in the wind and rain.

But is it really as easy as Li Weizhen said?It can only be said that there are too many unexpected things in this arena, and we still need to wait and see.

Li Weizhen was really not afraid that the girl named Tang Ying would come to trouble him now, but if she still called for help, it was hard to guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed.But I can't worry so much, at least I don't have to tell Ye Tong one by one right now.

It still depends on whether Tang Ying knows how to accept the Qu Yu when she retrieves the Qu Yu.

As Xu time approached, because it was still raining, even in the southern coastal areas, the sky was completely dark.

But the two of them finally arrived at the north gate of Funan City, and this giant city with prosperous commerce will not completely close the outer gate until Haishi.

But because of the importance of Funan City, if they want to enter the city, they must first go through strict inspections.And it is especially strict to pass the checkpoint recently!

Earlier, when Li Weizhen was passing through the border along the way, he had already paid attention to some disturbances in Funan City.

It is said that the two major city-states, Funan City and Fuchun City, have changed a lot in terms of trade cooperation.

Funan City first issued an order to the merchants in Fuchun City to increase tariffs and borrow the amount of the port.This change, for those big merchants, can be described as a nerve-wracking.

Because if you don't accept it, it's quite a reason for Funan City to seize the goods in disguise.

Afterwards, Fuchun City quickly retaliated by announcing a ban on the export of grain, wood and textiles to Funan City.

This is also harmful to people's livelihood in Funan City, because there is a lot of land on this peninsula that is not suitable for farming. The above three things used to be mainly imported, and there will be no major changes in the future.

In the past, the food from Fuchun City accounted for nearly [-]% of the total.

Now, the [-]% can only be made up from other places. People know your situation, and they are not fools. Businessmen choose fat and eat it. How can they raise prices inappropriately and openly slaughter customers?

The mutual sanctions between the two major city-states can be described as a war without smoke!

And once this contest under the stage is hard to tell, then another war may be coming soon!

Li Wei really knew in his heart that it was hard to say that the current situation had nothing to do with him.But it is not enough to feel compassionately that everything is his fault, and brothers will turn against each other. Who dares to say that these two neighboring city-states have never had any friction in the past thousands of years?

It just so happened that this time, Li Weizhen met him.

The city gate is close at hand, and this difficulty is still to be overcome.The two dismounted and walked side by side to the guard.

"Please stop here, is there a way to clear the customs?"

Li Weizhen took the initiative to take off the black gauze hat that concealed his face. Although it was still raining, it was hard not to arouse the suspicion of the guards wearing this thing.

Then, Li Weizhen took the package from Ye Tong, deliberately in front of the guards, carefully and solemnly took out an oiled paper package from it.The two documents wrapped here are the so-called Luyin, that is, local certificates.

"Wait a minute, please come here first."

The guard saw that Li Wei was handsome and well-dressed, he didn't look like a villain, and it was dark and rainy, so he led the two of them to the city gate with a fire that could keep out the rain, and then took the guide to check.

Li Weizhen was very confident in the two guides that had been checked repeatedly by the guards. The documents were indeed fake, but because they were written by Wen Renyu, he was sure they could be faked.

The only thing to be careful about is the routine interrogation that follows.

"You two, why did you come from Red Deer Town? By the way, little brother, you still have a sword behind you?"

Without hesitation, Ye Tong pulled out the sword he was carrying from the scabbard. It turned out to be just a wooden sword.

To ordinary people, a wooden sword is of course just a wooden sword.

But for those who have a foundation in cultivation, the wooden sword can also slash the sword energy and cut open the belly!

Li Weizhen explained to the guard with a smile: "In a few days, there will be Master Luo, who is known as "Silver Teeth and Golden Abacus", on Kapok Road in the east of the city. My lord congratulates me on my birthday."

"As for the middle-aged boy next to me, he likes to wield knives and guns on weekdays. This time he rarely travels far away, so he clamors to become a knight-errant! If only he worked so hard at reading and writing, it would be great! "

The Master Luo that Li Weizhen spoke of is indeed a real person.

Before going down the mountain, Luo Yicheng mentioned that if he was interrogated when he entered the city, he could use this third grandfather who was from the same clan as him as an excuse.

Seeing that Li Weizhen's answer was correct, the guard also began to relax, and couldn't help joking: "I was like this when I was a child, so I only got this job now. Brother, if you have the opportunity to study, you should study!"

Li Weizhen took the opportunity to say: "Brother, can we go in now? After all, it's getting late, and there is still a long way to the east of the city!"

The guard nodded and said: "It's almost done, please cooperate again and open the wooden box for me to see. As long as it is confirmed that there is no problem, no one will waste time, right?"

Until now, the smile on Li Weizhen's face finally seemed a little stiff!

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