defend the truth

Chapter 389: Law of the Jungle

In the valley woodland in Dayanling, there are mostly trees with tall and straight trunks.The wide canopy, lush branches and leaves provide excellent shade, and there are many shrubs and herbs under the shade.

In addition, the terrain is low-lying and there is a lot of water, and those water flows are mostly static small puddles, and the water is salty.

These slightly salty fresh waters are a great temptation for many herbivores.

Sometimes some wild boars can be seen digging into the soil in the forest, which is actually eating the soil rich in salt.

Hunting, first of all, is to understand the needs of the prey, in order to search for the location of the prey.

Silver birch valley is one of the three valleys and woodlands that Ye Tong visits most often for hunting. There are many red deer, green deer, forest musk deer and black leaf monkeys living here.

It's just that the Silver Birch Valley is also the farthest from the station among the three major valleys, but its advantage is that there are not many natural hunters here, especially the lack of top predators, such as tigers, leopards, crocodiles, and pythons. No trace of them.Therefore, although the distance is long, the foot strength is still worth spending more.

There was not even a pack of wolves, only occasional groups of red jackals, the size of wild dogs, were cruel and greedy by nature, but cautious and timid.After being taught a lesson by Ye Tong once, he never dared to besiege or try again.

And as Ye Tong came here to hunt more frequently, he also discovered an interesting thing.That is, there will always be a red jackal on the way he must pass into the valley, guarding him like a sentry.

And when Ye Tong was hunting, it followed Ye Tong not far or near, and Ye Tong ran quickly, and it also ran with all its strength. Even if it fell far behind occasionally, it could always be found by its scent in the end.

When Ye Tong is hiding, the red jackal will also know how to hide itself, and will not wander around indiscriminately, disturbing the prey that has been targeted by the former.

Now Ye Tong is holding a small purplish-red tip bow, made of top-quality rosewood wood, the bow is recurved, supplemented by composite animal horns, and deer tendons as strings.

This newly-made hunting bow is much more beautiful and lighter than the simple longbow of the past, and its firing rate has more than doubled.

Although it is still a crossbow, but because of the increased rate of fire, it is no problem dealing with ordinary beasts, let alone shooting deer.

In addition to holding a bow and arrow, Ye Tong also carried a short-handled single-edged ax behind his back.The function of this ax is not mainly for self-defense, but for convenience when cutting off the deer's head.The first time, it was because of the lack of such a handy tool that the whole body was covered in blood.

After entering the woodland, after walking for about three miles, Ye Tong started to stop and go, constantly looking around and observing the movement around him.There is also a "deer whistle" made of silver birch bark hanging around his neck. From time to time, he leans to his lips and blows out a cry similar to that of a female deer. If there is a response from afar, he will grope for the echo Forward.

Although red deer are beasts that like to gather in groups, there is usually only one male deer in a herd, and the rest are female deer and their cubs.Except for the leader, the rest of the adult male deer will be expelled from the herd and live alone.Some female deer will also move away from the herd to other deer herds, and deliberately stay away from their original habitat.

This behavior of emigration is obviously derived from the innate concept of ethics in the blood, and it is precisely to avoid the behavior of close relatives making peace.

Another example is the red jackal following Ye Tong. In its group, only the strongest female jackal has the ability to give birth, and other females in the group will be suppressed by it. If it is light, it will be expelled, and if it is serious, it will be killed.

Ordinary people in the secular world who do not understand the way of heaven and nature often compare the incestuous behavior of blood relatives to the behavior of animals.

In fact, whether it is birds or beasts, unless they live in extreme environments, they seldom mate with their blood relatives.

Suddenly, Ye Tong stopped and took out a sharp arrow from the quiver behind him. He didn't put it on the bowstring, but just held it in his hand for preparation in advance.But when he did this, it meant that the prey was not far away from him.

Even the little red jackal, who only had many days of tailing experience, knew that it should tuck its tail between its legs, get into the grass, and restrain itself.

At this time, Ye Tong probably already knew the location of the prey, and could calculate the distance based on experience, but he still picked up a fallen leaf from the ground very cautiously, threw it into the air, and watched it until it landed again.

The purpose is to confirm the direction of the wind.

This detail is to judge his own position, whether he is in the upper or lower wind compared to the prey.

If Ye Tong himself is in the upper air, then the smell on his body, I believe it will not be long before the breeze, and the highly vigilant prey will smell it.The other party knows that he is not of the same kind, so a chase will be inevitable.If you want to act, you have to hurry!

On the contrary, the success rate of this hunting will be greatly improved. When the prey loses its sense of smell advantage, Ye Tong can completely touch it quietly and hunt it down at close range!Even just one arrow is all it takes!

However, the reality is more regrettable.

This time, the wind was blowing from Ye Tong's position to the side where the prey was.

The forest is quiet, and the wind is silent, but it has already revealed the breath of outsiders!

Ye Tong immediately stopped being indifferent, and after identifying a location, he began to run away.At the same time, half of an antler was exposed behind the bushes that were less than ten feet away in front of him, and after a flash, a black shadow jumped wildly in the forest.

In the past few days, the total number of stags that died under Ye Tongqiang's bow was eleven. The bloody smell lingering in the forest every day probably frightened the living ones.Now everyone is very vigilant, if there is any trouble, they will run for their lives like crazy.

While Ye Tong was trying his best to catch up with his feet, he did not dare to be slow in his hand skills. Every time he raised his hand quickly, a sharp arrow would be shot out.

During this process, Ye Tong's attention will not be allocated to his hands at all, and his eyes will always be fixed on the constantly moving prey.

To put it simply, there is no deliberate aiming of the arrow. Basically, wherever the line of sight looks, the arrow will eventually shoot there.

As for the effect?

It can only be said that it is quite a pity. Seven or eight shots were made, and almost all of them were close by a hair.

Although it didn't hit the target directly, the power is visible.Countless arrows that missed shot through the trunk of the two people hugging each other, completely missing the arrow feathers.There was a small tree trunk that was three fingers thick, and it was directly shot off, which really made people stunned.

However, in this valley, there are tens of thousands of trees that can block the arrows of the fleeing stag, but there are only four sharp arrows left in Ye Tong's quiver.

It's not that Ye Tong thinks that the arrow branch made of fine steel is too heavy, and he doesn't want to bear more burdens.Rather, he is constrained by his own principles. If all twelve arrows are exhausted and none of them can successfully hunt down the target, it means that he has not learned enough skills, so he should reflect on himself.

Fortunately, after the tenth arrow left the string, this competition finally had an exciting place.

Through the accumulated experience of previous failures, when Ye Tong shot the tenth arrow, he had the prediction of "predicting the enemy first", and also grasped the angle, so that the arrow successfully flew on the only straight line between the five trees. .

It's a pity, because the deer's jumping height was a little shorter than before, so fortunately, the arrow only took away a piece of skin on its rear hip, and it was not considered a real hit.

If the arrow can penetrate the deer's leg smoothly, it can basically be declared that this hunting will enter the harvest stage.

But for Ye Tong, this is still a good thing, the prey is dyed red, no matter how injured, as long as the blood is followed, the rest is just a matter of time.

Next, Ye Tong was really patient, he did not reach out to take the arrow from the quiver, but tried his best to shorten the distance between him and the prey.

There is a stream nearby, Ye Tong estimated that the deer would flee to that area.

Because although the stream is not rushing, the deepest part of the water level is about six feet deep. The red deer has good water quality and can swim across it, and it is quite fast.

Although there are many carnivorous beasts that can go into the water, they generally don't like to go into the water because they don't want to get their fur wet.And because of the fur, it is difficult to swim past the red deer even in the water.

Once in the water and then on the shore, there is a great chance of escaping hunting. This is one of the life-saving instincts of the red deer group that has been passed down from generation to generation.

In the eyes of this red deer, Ye Tong is no different from those wolves in the mountains.

Even though it has been injured, it still doesn't understand that what is really scary is not the guy who can run fast on two legs.It was the small tip bow whose bowstring vibrated like thunder, and the off-string arrow that was as fast as lightning.

Therefore, if it hadn't entered the water by instinct, the red deer could still run a few miles and live for a while longer.

When Ye Tong chased to the edge of the stream, the red deer was about to swim to the other side.He was still holding the arrow in his hand, so there was no need to chase him into the water.

However, looking at the "target" in front of him struggling to survive, Ye Tong was not in a hurry to draw his bowstring.

It wasn't at this moment that the boy suddenly became merciful.

Although this is the best chance to win, it is not entirely the best time.

If an arrow were shot now, the deer would indeed die in the stream.The problem is that Ye Tong also has to go into the water and struggle to drag the prey ashore.

If it were the former Ye Tong, he would definitely have done so.

But after Ye Tong became enlightened, he would rather miss some easy opportunities and take some risks, and would try another way to get that better return.

Finally, when the red deer stepped on the pebbles in the shoal and jumped ashore, it thought it had escaped from the sky.

Ye Tong, who quickly stepped to the left and moved two feet across, also let go of the bowstring. The red deer heard the familiar vibration sound, and subconsciously wanted to continue running forward.

However, before a hoof was stepped out, it had already fallen on the shore, and its four legs were shaking involuntarily due to the severe pain. Hot blood flowed down the belly in streams, staining the mud and the clear stream red.

Ye Tong also wanted to cross the stream, but if he waded through it, he would feel uncomfortable; if he just jumped on the same spot, it would be difficult to land on the other side with one step.

If it is tangled, it seems to be a problem.

But I saw Ye Tong put the small bow on his hand calmly, and then reached out to pull out a piece of folded yellow paper from his belt, which was obviously a piece of paper talisman.

"The sky is clear and the earth spirit, the wind spirit listens to orders; protect me from the righteous gods, help me to straighten my body, and the divine soldiers are as urgent as the law!"


With the blessing of the Lightness Talisman, Ye Tong still didn't take off directly from the bank on his side, but turned around and stepped on a silver birch tree with a straight trunk.

When he was more than one zhang away from the ground, he kicked violently just now, and the fallen leaves were colorful, and he was like an arrow flying from the string, standing on the opposite bank in the blink of an eye.

If you have a companion by your side, you may be curious, since he already has a light-weight talisman, why didn't he use it early? Wasn't it easy to hunt earlier?

With the blessing of talismans, it is naturally possible to get twice the result with half the effort.

But that was just a little cleverness, and a lot of things were saved, but the meaning of this trip's training was also lost.

People who play tricks can only take advantage of it for a while; in the long run, it will be another account.

After Ye Tong adjusted his breath, he immediately pulled out the hunting ax behind him, and with a burst of energy, he chopped off the deer's head neatly.However, when he was about to set off to leave, he happened to hear some movement.

Looking to the other side, the red jackal that followed before finally followed it all the way panting.

The red jackal stopped on the bank and gasped heavily. It was not known whether it was too weak to go into the water easily, or it was still quite afraid of Ye Tong.

Chi Jackal's eyes kept lingering on Ye Tong and the deer carcass exuding a strong bloody smell, sometimes vigilant and sometimes greedy.

Ye Tong showed his white teeth, and felt that the things in front of him were a little ridiculous.Feeling touched, he drew his hunting ax again and cut the deer's shoulder with the blade.

The fresh venison shoulder meat is extremely tender, less oily and has a light smell. It is Ye Tong's favorite piece of all parts of the deer.

As for whether humans have the same views on food as beasts, it is unknown!

Ye Tong took the freshly cut venison shoulder in his hand, and deliberately shook it towards the opposite bank.

When Ye Tong pulled out the hunting ax earlier, the red jackal was almost frightened and ran away.But later it was discovered that this was not the case, and when he saw the delicious flesh and blood swaying not far away, the little guy almost couldn't help but jumped into the water.

It's just that as soon as the front paws touched the water, they immediately returned to their souls, and quickly retreated to the shore.

However, after hesitating again and again, the red jackal couldn't hold back its instinct, ventured into the water, held its head high, and slowly swam to the other side.

Ye Tong squatted down, threw the piece of venison in front of him, said nothing, just smiled and looked at the wet little guy.

Ye Tong obviously had his calculations, when the red jackal wanted to go forward and snatch away the piece of venison with lightning speed.

Ye Tong took advantage of the situation and stretched out his hand, along the forehead of the red jackal, and touched the back.

Unexpectedly, this action scared the red jackal so much that it didn't even want the meat that had reached its mouth. In a panic, it made a "plop" and fell into the stream.


Ye Tong laughed and stood up, looking at the little head cautiously sticking out of the stream, he said with a smile: "I'm leaving, I mean I'll be away for a long time, I won't come back for a long time, you have to find something to eat tomorrow, otherwise Starve you to death!"

After all, Ye Tong didn't care whether the red jackal could understand what he said, turned around and picked up the deer's head, and hid directly in the woods ahead without returning from the original path.

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