defend the truth

Chapter 328 : The Great Dao Controversy?

After Li Weizhen ordered to drive to his own restaurant, Fu Jingzhang suddenly showed a look of despair, and asked very pleadingly: "Boss, why are you suddenly interested? Although it is almost noon, if you want to eat If you want to rest, there are good places in Yanfeng District, I can recommend one or two of them!"

At first, Li Wei really didn't like Fu Jingzhang calling him "boss".But it doesn't seem appropriate to call him "Senior Brother" or "Senior", after all, Fu Jingzhang is not yet a fellow.If you call it "the head of the family", the quack air is too strong.

Later, Li Weizhen himself didn't think of a suitable title, so he didn't correct Fu Jingzhang and called him whatever he wanted.Just like Cai Ruoxian still called him Dutong, it's just a matter of personal habits.

Regarding Fu Jingzhang's question, Li Weizhen jokingly said: "You own a restaurant, but you invite acquaintances to help others, so you are good at doing business! If your parents know about it, why don't you have to serve it with a feather duster? Or is it that your family runs a restaurant?" It’s a black shop, do you have a bad conscience?”

Fu Jingzhang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "That's impossible! My family doesn't even sell overnight beef, even if it's braised vegetables, it's fresh every day."

Li Weizhen scolded with a smile: "I don't eat beef, why do you keep mentioning beef?"

Fu Jingzhang smiled awkwardly: "My family's "Ecstasy Sauce Beef Diced" is a signature dish! I didn't think much of it before, but now that I have been away from home for a long time, I still miss it."

Li Weizhen took advantage of the situation and said: "You obviously miss home very much, why don't you go back? If it's because of me, if you don't open your mouth, how do you know that I don't agree?"

Fu Jingzhang opened the car window beside him, looked at the increasingly familiar street scene outside, and laughed at himself: "This is only one of the reasons. The most important thing is that I don't know how to go back and face the two elders. When I grew up, I followed the steps step by step and followed the path planned by my parents."

"But whether I'm studying or learning to do business, I'm not good at high and low, and I haven't made any progress. My father often said that at my age, he had already left his grandfather to his wealth. How many times. If he died early, I guess I would lose my family property and go out to beg for food."

"This time, I finally made up my mind to venture out, but I came back with nothing. I'm really afraid to see my father's disappointed eyes on me."

To put it bluntly, that is, lack of confidence!If you have not been recognized for a long time, naturally whenever you encounter something, you will imply that you can't do it, and you want to choose to escape.

Li Weizhen also had this feeling before, always felt that no matter how much he practiced blacksmithing, it was impossible to surpass his father.The achievements of his father's generation are like mountains, and in his eyes at a young age, they are unattainable and cannot be climbed no matter what.

However, this kind of experience of being a child can only be similar, not the same.Fu Jingzhang grew up in a more complicated environment, with more elders and peers in contact.Many of these people will have a long-term impact on his state of mind.

However, since he intends to guide Fu Jingzhang to officially enter the practice, Li Weizhen will not want him to continue to maintain this kind of "missing, but also afraid" worrying about gains and losses.If this kind of mentality is careless, it will breed demonic obstacles at the beginning of practice, which will become the bottleneck of stagnant cultivation at the slightest, and may lead people to destruction at the worst.

Especially for children from rich families like Fu Jingzhang whose mentality is not tenacious, cultivating a good state of mind is the real foundation of practice.

Li Weizhen nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "You are cultivating on the mountain, and you don't fall into the grass and steal chickens and dogs. What's so embarrassing? I think, if you go back and confess to your parents, I believe they will support you. Even if There will be less contact in the future, but you have to let your family know what you are doing, know that you are capable of living outside, and don’t have to worry about you day and night, right?”

Fu Jingzhang still looked embarrassed, and he lamented: "If I tell my father that I am going to search for immortals, he will either be pissed off by me, or he will break my leg ! All in all, the scene must be out of control!"

Li Weizhen frowned slightly and said, "You don't even verify it, how can you be sure that things are as you expected?"

Fu Jingzhang said without hesitation: "Does this still need to be proved by actions? My childhood and youth, there are already countless examples for reference! My father's temper, I guess it is almost inseparable!"

Li Weizhen tentatively asked: "Have you tried many things and wanted to do them, but when you think about the consequences or the price you have to pay in the process, you give up the idea?"

Fu Jingzhang nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, you don't even have to pinch your fingers to figure it out, boss, it's amazing! Could it be that you are the roundworm in my stomach? What kind of roundworm, bah bah bah..."

Looking at Fu Jingzhang who was slapping his mouth, Li Weizhen was a little speechless.If even this kind of thing that has already been written on the face needs to be counted, then all the morals and deeds of these years have been cultivated on the dog.

Li Weizhen persuasively said: "If you have a problem, you should speak it out, and everyone discusses it to solve it. If you don't talk about it, you keep it in your heart, and you feel that you have been wronged a lot. Others don't know what you think, and they may want to help you, but they use the wrong method." There is no way. You have to guess how others will treat you, which becomes mutual suspicion, and feelings are born like this."

"Actually, many misunderstandings between relatives and friends are just a matter of one sentence. Maybe you should think about whether some of your views on your father since you were young have gradually become prejudices in your eyes because you have not found a real answer."

"When you go back this time, talk to your family. Don't treat Xiuxian's questioning as a child's play. It's not an excuse to escape from your family. Hiding in the mountains just to escape the world is not cultivation! Think about it carefully! "

Fu Jingzhang nodded heavily and said: "After I go back, I will patiently explain to the old man that even if he wants to beat me, it is right for him to exercise his body!"

Li Weizhen grinned and nodded back, giving this humor and optimism a little encouragement.

It was rare to go smoothly for more than ten miles, but encountered a traffic jam on the road.Li Weizhen also opened the car window on his side, and what he saw on his side was the road facing opposite to theirs, separated by a guardrail.

The local carriages in Fuchun City are also very interesting, and their structure is very different from those in other places.For example, in the plane that Li Weizhen and the others took, the door opened from the side, and there were two rows of seats facing each other inside, with cushions made of high-quality fabrics, and the backrests were also soft, which was quite comfortable.

On both sides of the carriage and the side close to the driver, there are small windows that can slide sideways, unlike ordinary carriages, which are just hung with curtains.It not only ensures privacy, but also does not affect viewing and communication.

On the roof of the car, there are four windproof glazed lights. When driving at night, they can not only illuminate the surrounding area, but more importantly, play a warning role, which can greatly reduce collisions.

Of course, with all these complete equipment, it is mainly the carriage that Li Weizhen and the others rented, which is relatively expensive.There are as many as four horses that even pull the cart, all of which are strong and handsome bay red horses.It's a pity that today's road conditions are not good, so I couldn't run out of speed.

Even the entire body is made of fine iron, with carved patterns on the outer layer and embellished with gold paint patterns; the inner layer is inlaid with solid wood huanghuali, which has a slightly extravagant style.

At first, Li Weizhen worried that renting such a carriage would make it a bit more publicity?In the end, Fu Jingzhang gave his experience and said: When a better car is running on the road, other people's drivers dare not overtake or stop it casually; while our car is relatively easy to overtake!

Overtaking Li Weizhen can probably understand it, but it is the first time I have heard this word what is "stopping".But when the carriage ran on the road, he quickly understood it!

The battle for the Great Dao is just around the corner!

And right now, there is really such a disaster caused by the "dispute for the great way".It happened on the opposite road to Li Weizhen and the others. Both carriages overturned and everyone was bleeding, but the actual injuries should not be serious. enough.

If you want to be quick for a while, not only will you have to bear the responsibility, but it will also hinder other people's schedules.Li Weizhen is naturally disgusted by this, and has no gloating heart.He was just curious. Not long after the car rollover incident, a patrol team arrived on fast horses, as a neutral party, to deal with the matter according to the city's laws.But how did these people come here so quickly?

Such questions, of course, have to be explained by Fu Jingzhang.He pointed to the street trees beside the road, and slowly explained the mystery: "Under these street trees, or under the eaves of certain buildings, there are always some small birds that stay in place for a long time. Those birds are trained, They are very powerful spies. Within their jurisdiction, once they encounter such a situation, they will immediately fly to the nearest point to lead the patrolling team."

"Sometimes if the perpetrator escapes, they will even cooperate in twos and threes. One is responsible for tracking and the other is responsible for reporting. These birds all over the city are like a skynet, which is not leaking. Therefore, others dare not Said, the law and order of Fuchun City is definitely ranked first among the seven major city-states!"

After all, Fu Jingzhang gave a thumbs up, and he did have enough reasons to be proud of his hometown.

Li Wei knew it from the bottom of his heart, isn't this just a spiritual pet!It seems that there are a large number of animal trainers in the city!But after knowing such a thing, if you plan to stay, you have to be more careful.

Not long after, the road on Li Weizhen's side has slowly resumed traffic.On their side of the road, because there is a crossroad ahead, there are more carriages to turn, and there is no command over there for a while!

The scenery on the street slowly receded, Li Weizhen paid attention, but was quickly attracted.

On the road next door that was blocked by a long queue, a magnificent super luxury car unexpectedly appeared.The silver-white body, the golden wheels, the doors and the roof are all inlaid with bright gems.The most impressive thing is the eight cart horses, pure white tall horses, but with bright silver manes, shining brightly in the sun!

The car behind was more than two horses away from this super luxury car, and they didn't dare to get close at all.Compared with that car, Li Weizhen felt that his own car was not considered extravagant.It's just so low-key!

Even Fu Jingzhang was quite surprised when he saw the car, "Hey, it turned out to be a car from the inner city? Huh...coincidentally, it's our Fu family's car!"

Li Weizhen, who was interested, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's particular? What's the point?"

Fu Jingzhang knew everything and said: "We people in the outer city can only ride in a carriage with six horses at most. But people in the inner city can go up to three levels, eight horses, ten horses, and twelve horses. But The one we see now cannot be simply divided in this way, it is more prominent than ordinary twelve carriages, because the most conspicuous decoration on the roof is the symbol of our Fu family: the silent crown!"

"If you can use the silent crown as decoration, and there are only eight horses, it means that the passengers inside should be direct descendants of a clan and have the status of heirs!"

After roughly understanding, Li Weizhen smiled heartily: "Oh! So, the person sitting in this carriage is your relative?"

Hearing this, Fu Jingzhang showed an embarrassing expression: "It's just the same surname, how dare we develop such a relationship? My family left the ancestral land very early, and I don't have much contact with the people who separated, let alone Talk to the big men in the inner city. In this city, they are the real aristocrats born with a golden spoon in their mouths."

Li Weizhen smiled lightly, and explained: "There is nothing to envy. Most of them can only enjoy the glory and wealth of the world; throughout their lives, they just see a corner of the world. But what we are facing The world we live in is more complete and more exciting. Maybe one day, when we look back on the years of the world, when we rush for a hundred years, it will only feel like a flick of our fingers!"

Fu Jingzhang suddenly enlightened: "It's still what the boss said, every sentence makes sense! No matter how fast the carriage is, it can't compare with Feijian! With a whimper, Fu Dajian is coming! Hahaha..."

Li Weizhen didn't pay attention to Fu Jingzhang's sudden stupidity, because the slow-moving carriage was blocked again, making it just parallel to the luxurious carriage across the roadside railing.

Li Weizhen simply raised Erlang's legs comfortably, propped his elbows on his knees, rested his cheeks on his palms, and seriously admired the carriage, which was called a work of art.I thought that after writing down some exterior details, I can draw them later, and maybe I can build a car with reference in the future.

If it is matched with eight winged Pegasus horses, it will be really amazing, and it can be sold for a lot of money!

Seeing that Li Wei was really focused, Fu Jingzhang reminded: "I said boss, it's not good for us to stare at his carriage like this?"

Li Weizhen said perfunctorily without rolling his eyes: "What are you afraid of? They didn't open the window!"

As soon as the words fell, Fu Jingzhang's face changed slightly, but he suppressed a laugh and said: "Boss, I forgot to tell you just now, this kind of carriage can be seen outside without opening the window! See those two inlaid pieces Is there a piece of purple glaze on the car body? People outside can’t see this kind of glass piece, but people inside can see it clearly.”

Hearing this, Li Weizhen first pretended to be calm, slowly moved his hands and feet, then turned his head, pretending to look at the scenery on the other side, but squeezed out words through his teeth: "You should talk about this kind of thing sooner next time! Don't be an example!"

At the same time, as Fu Jingzhang said, the people in the luxury carriage took a closer look at Li Weizhen's actions through the purple glass.

It was a young man with a silver crown on his head and a jade-like face, but his expression was a little bad now, his fingers were clasped tightly, and he bowed his head in thought.It seems a little nervous, and more still puzzled.

"This annoying guy, why did he wander here? He knows I'm here? What does his expression mean?"

In the carriage, there was also a young man in light yellow clothes, teasing a cockatiel with a crest on its head.

The young man said: "Daddy, call me Daddy!"

The little guy replied mercilessly: "He is here! Your father is here!"

The young man in the yellow shirt was not angry either, he just looked up at the silver-crowned man who was sitting opposite him, and said softly: "My lord, have you met someone you know? There shouldn't be many living people left, right? That's very It's a rare thing! If it's an old friend, you might as well reminisce about the old days and win over!"

"If you have kindness, you can repay it, and if you have hatred, you must also take revenge! After all, you are now back in your homeland, son!"

As if waking up someone in a dream with a single word, the silver-crowned man stopped thinking suddenly, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

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