defend the truth

Chapter 281: Bearing a Promise

After breakfast, Fu Jingzhang and Gu Fuying were exhausted physically and mentally, so Li Weizhen borrowed the room and arranged for them to rest first.Suddenly there are four more people, which means that some people need to sleep on the floor for a while.

Before the arrival of the four new guests, the problem of room shortage already existed.This situation has to continue until the new house is built before it can get better.

A few days ago, Luo Yicheng had already drawn the blueprint, leveled a nearby piece of terrain, and even dug the foundation.Of course not the "small goal" he mentioned earlier, the amount of work is too big.The plan is to build another bamboo building, and when summer comes, it will be cooler to live in the bamboo building.

There is no shortage of bamboo in Dayanling, and the sea of ​​bamboo is enough to build dozens of bamboo buildings.Moreover, the growth rate of bamboo is too fast. Once the spring rains are poured, the bamboo shoots that break through the ground can grow three feet high overnight, and even reach a height of several feet in less than a month.

If ginkgo trees are still used as building materials, it will take more than ten years to cut down one tree to grow into a tree as tall as it is.

Today, Luo Yicheng has put down his work of burning bricks and concentrated on building the bamboo house.Zhuang Ming said that he wanted to familiarize himself with the environment, so Li Weizhen took him for a walk around.

The two walked slowly side by side, Li Weizhen pointed to the bamboo building that was still under construction and said: "You have probably seen the situation here, and the conditions are actually really difficult. If you decide to stay, then in the future, maybe I have to do a lot of things other than cultivation."

Zhuang Ming nodded and said, "Then I think I should be able to learn a lot here!"

Li Weizhen smiled lightly: "You can definitely learn a lot, but I don't guarantee whether it will be useful to you."

"Hey, you two stop bragging, can you? My lords, are you wasting your energy on your mouth? Come and help me!" Luo Yicheng, who was busy erecting beams, scolded them with a smile.

"Okay, here we come!"

Li Weizhen raised his hand in agreement, then turned his head and winked at Zhuang Ming and said, "Look, how quickly this opportunity comes!"

The morning sun was hanging high, even Ye Tong and the little Taoist priest joined in the great cause of building a house one after another.Food, clothing, housing and transportation have become the top priority of these practitioners today.

A group of people work together with a division of labor, their hands are busy, and the work on their mouths is also non-stop.

He talked about how when he first entered the Taiyi Sect, as a novice disciple, he had to practice in the morning and was assigned to do chores in the afternoon.After becoming an outer disciple, I thought things would get better.What do you think, just fixed the type of work.

Li Weizhen took the opportunity to joke: "Brother Kou, you monks in Longhu Mountain should never have to do chores, right?"

The little Taoist's face changed slightly, and he hesitated and said: " should be!"

Li Weizhen was puzzled and said: "Huh? What do you mean should be?"

The little Taoist subconsciously covered his mouth, realizing that he had said something wrong, his eyeballs rolled around a few times, but he didn't think how to turn them back.

Seeing that other people were also looking at him, and the atmosphere was getting awkward, the little Taoist could only take a deep breath, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "Actually... Actually! How should I say it? I Actually, I have never been to Longhu Mountain.”

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned, and Zhuang Ming was almost hit by a bamboo.

Zhuang Ming said in disbelief: "So, along the way, you have been using the name of Longhushan to bluff and deceive? Oh my god! I used to trust you so much, we were born and died!"

The little Taoist was shocked, and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No, I didn't lie! Although I have never been to Longhu Mountain, I am really a monk. You have seen my thunder method, it is authentic The five thunders rectify the law!"

Li Weizhen put his hands on the little Taoist priest's shoulders, grinned and said, "Brother Kou, your words are contradictory, but they are not convincing!"

The little Taoist sighed softly, only telling the story of his life experience.

It turned out that the little Taoist's hometown was in the Yuedong border, and he had lived in a secular Taoist temple since he was a child.A year ago, a dying old Taoist came to the Taoist temple, and the elders in the temple assigned the young Taoist priest to take care of the old Taoist.

After taking good care of the old Taoist for a month, the young Taoist knew that this old man was an elder from Zhengyi Road, Longhu Mountain in the Central Plains.At that time, the little Taoist didn't know the weight of Zhengyi and Longhushan in this world.

Later, when the old man was in good spirits, he would tell the little Taoist priest something about the monks on the mountain.The little Taoist priests only listened to stories, and did not believe that in this world, there would really be immortals who could walk with a sword, and who could burn mountains and boil seas with a wave of their sleeves.

Until later, the little Taoist followed the set of formulas taught by the old man and practiced every day, and his body began to undergo some changes gradually, when he was able to walk like flying and see very far.Only half-believing and half-doubting that in this world, there really is a way to cultivate immortality.

After another half a month, when the little Taoist drew the first light-weight talisman and was able to use it to jump up the high wall, he was finally convinced of one thing, that old senior was an immortal!

It's just that the little Taoist couldn't figure out why immortals have to die?

But no matter what, the little Taoist once promised to send his relics to Longhu Mountain for the elder Zhengyi.Then at that time, the little Taoist also believed that he would become a true orthodox monk.

"It turns out that's the case. It's much more reasonable to say that! But if you want to go to Longhu Mountain, the direction seems to be reversed?" Li Weizhen rubbed his chin and smiled.

The little Taoist nodded and said in a deep voice: "I've seen the map, so I know it. But I can't help it. The old man didn't have time to teach me how to escape. I can't even fly, so I had to walk with my feet. The coastline of my hometown was blocked. I can’t go there by boat. If I go directly north to Yangzhou, the guards in Yangzhou will treat me as a refugee, and I won’t be able to get through. If I think about it, I have to go here first, and then find a way to enter Jingzhou.”

Li Weizhen thought about it and said: "Longhu Mountain happens to be at the junction of Henan, Hebei, Yong, and Liang, and the four states. One mountain determines the four directions. When you arrive in Jingzhou, you still have a long way to go. In the next year, you may not be able to It has to be spent on the road, and the hard work of eating and sleeping in the open air is indispensable!"

The little Taoist said categorically: "If you promise to others, you must do it. No matter how much you suffer, I will not be afraid. No matter how difficult this road is, I will definitely go on!"

"Ambition, I support you!" Zhuang Ming first raised his fist and encouraged.

Li Weizhen nodded and said in a deep voice, "Keeping promises, being responsible, and having perseverance are of course good things. But if there is a good way, that would be even better! After a while, I should go to Yangzhou again, and then I can take Yujian with me." Come to you, won't you save a lot of travel?"

Hearing this, the little Taoist was so excited that he almost jumped up, and said with a smile on his face, "Really? That would be great! Thank you, senior!"

Li Weizhen jokingly said: "I don't dare to be a senior, you will be the little celestial master of Longhu Mountain in the future! When the scenery is good, remember to come back and take care of us old friends who are still in trouble!"

The little Taoist vowed: "Yes! After my technique is really successful, whoever dares to take the idea of ​​​​the senior, I will call Tianlei to come down and attack him!"

At this time, Luo Yicheng couldn't help interrupting: "You don't have to wait for the long-term future, there is a pile of bamboos over there, you can split them all up now!"

The little Taoist was in trouble, "Huh? Lei Fa can't be used indiscriminately!"

"What lightning method? We have axes!"

On the construction site, the laughter of everyone intertwined into a net and kneaded into a ball.

On the second floor of the wooden house, there happened to be a window in the freckled boy's room, from which he could see the construction site of the bamboo building.The young man on crutches kept looking out of the window with a complicated expression.

"I should have been there..."

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