defend the truth

Chapter 245: The Beginning of the Fall

Finding a few pieces of talisman paper that can carry powerful spells is not as easy as going to the street to buy vegetables.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, there are indeed a few Taoist temples and nunneries in the secular world, and the talisman papers inside only need to add some sesame oil money, and Li Weizhen can move the whole box away.

But those things that are used to draw some peace talismans and town house talismans, and add a few copper plates, can be obtained from the hands of an old Taoist who looks like a fairy.At most, it can only play a role of psychological comfort, not to mention whether the person who draws the talisman has a cultivation level, but those talisman papers must be ordinary paper without aura.

The paper that can really be used to cast talismans has to be particular about starting from the raw materials.

Generally speaking, spiritual wood is used, not to mention how rare the species is, at least it must be born with spiritual energy, and the wood can naturally emit and gather spiritual energy.

If there is no spiritual wood, it is fine, and there are a lot of things done in Xianmen.When pounding pulp to make paper, there are a few more processes, and some materials are added to it, such as the roots of some low-level spiritual grasses.

In this way, while the cost is reduced, the quality is also much inferior.But it can still come in handy, just to test the skill of the person who draws the talisman.Moreover, the effect of the talisman drawn with inferior talisman paper is obviously weakened when used.

Generally speaking, a good piece of blank talisman paper is not cheap.And there are not many ways to obtain it, because even if the raw materials cannot be monopolized, the complicated manufacturing process has already stumped many monks who want to support themselves.

Moreover, if you don't have a sect status to rely on, do you want to go to the Fairy Club to buy it in a fair manner?Even if others don't drive you out, they won't do your business.

Therefore, all high-grade blank talisman papers are always in high demand in the black market!Even if it is a poorly made talisman, as long as it can successfully cast spells, there will never be a shortage of repeat customers.

However, Li Weizhen, who is not what he used to be, can't help those mountain forces stationed in big cities to do business.In a hurry, it is not practical to go to Fengcheng.

This piece of paper stumped a good man, something that Li Weizhen could not have imagined before.

But Li Weizhen, who thought that although he was powerless about the talisman, but his intelligence was not actually damaged, he quickly thought of a way.

In the past, besides the Xuangui Sect, there was also the Yuxiao Sect that formed a corner with the Taiyi Sect.

Although the Yuxiaomen's reputation is not obvious, there are many talisman cultivators under the school, and they claim to have obtained the orthodox inheritance of talismans. The founder of the mountain has a deep connection with the Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

Regardless of whether he put gold on his face or not, there is one thing Li Wei can be sure of, and that is the talisman papers in Yuxiaomen, which are piled up into mountains!


Indeed, this was the second thought that popped into Li Weizhen's mind.But this idea was quickly dispelled. Considering his current strength and being too busy in the past, he had never visited this neighboring sect. It would be difficult to get in, and the operation was too difficult!


Hey, this can be conceived!Of course, it wasn't a foolish way to go to other people's sects and rob them by force.It is estimated that he fell down on the way up the mountain before he even touched the archway of the mountain gate.

Li Weizhen's idea is: Although the overall strength of Yuxiaomen is not good, otherwise, they would not have surrendered to Zixiaozong and sought asylum.But they have a thriving population, and the number of monks has always been the largest among the three fairy sects in the past.As long as you squat down a few monks who are going out to practice near the Yuxiaomen, if you act fast enough...

As the saying goes: extremely evil.

At this moment, Li Wei really felt that he had realized the true meaning of these four characters, and sometimes he was at the end of his rope, and he really could do anything.

Just like that, Li Weizhen, who was born with evil spirits, hid on a small hill about a hundred miles away from the Yuxiaomen Mountain Gate after stealthy Yujian for a long time.It can be said that they want to do unrighteous things under the eyes of others.

Even for serious Xuanmen monks, most of them are not fast or high during the Qi training period.

Like Li Weizhen, who can raise the height of Yujian to more than a thousand feet at will during the Qi training period, all of them are the seeds of sword cultivation that are mainly cultivated in the sect.

But in Yuxiaomen, there are not many sword cultivators who can stand on the stage, let alone good players in the Qi training period.

Therefore, as long as there are Qi practitioners from Yuxiaomen walking around here with their swords, they will be easily spotted by Li Weizhen, who is squatting on the ground and waiting for a rabbit.I'm afraid they scratched their heads, and they never thought that they would encounter robbery at the door of their own house.

"Yo, faster than I thought!"

After staring blankly at God's face for nearly half an hour, Li Weizhen, who felt his neck was a little sore and his eyes were prickly, wanted to rub his neck to relax.But suddenly his eyes lit up, and there was a feeling of "suddenly looking back, but the man was in a dimly lit place".

When Li Weizhen said fast, he simply meant that the prey appeared quickly.

On the grassy path at the foot of the mountain, a little Taoist priest riding a gray donkey and wearing a black silk scarf was dozing leisurely on the donkey's back.Nodding and lifting the little head, I'm not afraid that if I doze off, I'll fall into a bastard.

Looking at the shabby appearance of that little Taoist priest, he really doesn't look like a monk on the mountain, but more like a wandering Taoist in the secular world, that is, he goes to the rivers and lakes to earn a living.Maybe he also has a rough knowledge of the art of qi and yellow, and with some fake tricks of pretending to be gods and ghosts, he can deceive some mountain villagers who have never seen the world.

But the real mountain people have the intuition of the same kind.After pondering for a few moments, Li Weizhen knew that this was the person he was waiting for.

Li Weizhen didn't control the sword at all, but rose directly against the wind, and landed at the foot of the mountain in a gliding posture, blocking the path of the little Taoist priest, "Ahem... this fellow Taoist, please stop!"

The little Taoist woke up from his drowsiness, wiped his sleepy eyes, and saw Li Weizhen, who was smiling maliciously, pulled the reins of the donkey without saying a word, and ran away when he wanted to turn around.

However, once the donkey's temper becomes stubborn, it cannot be whipped.The little Taoist wanted to use force, but he was thrown off by the donkey.After that, he pawed the ground with all four feet, and the seller begged for glory in a flash, leaving only the little Taoist to look at the donkey and sigh in the distance.

"My burden!" the little Taoist said after falling to the ground, wanting to cry without tears.

Li Weizhen stroked his chin and looked at the little Taoist priest under his feet.From the perspective of others, this situation and this scene are like a robber picking flowers in the barren mountains and ridges, robbing a beautiful and delicious little girl!I'm afraid that in the next moment, something will happen in broad daylight.

Li Weizhen, who had already killed people like hemp on the battlefield, was quite nervous about this first time in his life to block the road and rob money.After all, this is ultimately against the teachings of the old master.

If you meet a disciple of Yuxiaomen, then you can relax a bit.Those weak guys must travel in small groups.Li Weizhen could barely hint to himself that those guys had the upper hand in numbers, and they could all be robbed by him, and he had no one to blame.

But right now, he is such a little Taoist priest with delicate skin and tender flesh.If you grab it, you will bully the weak; if you don't grab it, you will have a rare opportunity, which seems to be unreasonable.

"This fellow Taoist, it seems that today we have a fate!" After holding back for a long time, Li Weizhen felt a little ashamed to come up with such an unpretentious opening line.

"You... what do you want? Let me tell you, even though I am young, I am a celestial master from Long... Longlonghu Mountain!" The little Taoist quickly got up from the ground, his movements were quite flexible, Zhang Fulu was still held in his hand in a serious manner.

Facing such a brat, Li Wei really couldn't be serious. He had to admit that this was a good prey, but not a good opponent.

Li Weizhen signaled the little Taoist priest to put down the talisman in his hand first, and joked: "Don't be nervous! Do you think I look like a bad guy? Besides, how can there be such a thing as dragon, dragon, dragon and tiger? There is only one word for dragon, and dragon and tiger mountain Disciple, you wear a Huayang scarf on your head, how can you wear a net scarf like you? Either wearing Taoist robes or celestial masters, please find out the details before pretending to be someone else's name, okay?"

" that so?" The little Taoist who was stuttering subconsciously touched his head, obviously showing timidity.

But soon the little Taoist turned his head, and said righteously: "You loose mountain cultivators who have never seen the world, understand... what do you understand? Longhushan Zhengyi is a famous sect with discipline. Strict. There are big celestial masters wearing Huayang scarves, and naturally there are little celestial masters like me wearing net scarves."

"This... the name of this net scarf is: Dharma bundles the Central Plains, and the four directions are pacified!"

"Hmph, it's amazing!"

At the end of the sentence, the little Taoist actually showed a hint of pride.I'm afraid this is not a true portrayal of the legend that "if you want to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive yourself"?

For this, Li Weizhen really admired it.If the cultivation of this little Taoist priest can match his nonsense ability, it is estimated that it will be a fierce battle next.

Li Weizhen, who had no fighting spirit, waved his hands helplessly and said: "Okay! I believe you, little heavenly master! In this case, it is better to have many friends than many enemies when traveling in the rivers and lakes. The presumptuous move I made today is actually just I want to ask you to borrow something!"

"You want to borrow my head? Thief, you are so disgusting!"

In the blink of an eye, the talisman in the little Taoist priest's hand turned into a flash of lightning and shot out, crashing towards the unprepared Li Weizhen.After a rush of crackling thunder, the latter was actually stiff and fell straight backwards.

"There is a thunderbolt in the sky, and the thunderbolt shakes the sky. The spring rain hits three times, and the spring wind rains down. The sand flies away and the rocks are blown away, and the electricity breaks the gangsters..."

After a successful move, the little Taoist priest was still not relentless. After throwing the thunder talisman, he started to circulate his innate qi again, drawing a talisman on his palm.It is impressive to use the Taoist lightning method, the powerful palm thunder to slay demons and eliminate demons.Looking at that sternly, there is a bit of the posture of the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain.

"Shenbing is in such a hurry... Hey, where are people?"

The little Taoist raised his golden palm, about to subdue Li Weizhen who fell to the ground.But when he looked up, where was there half a figure on the ground?Just as he was about to look up to the sky, there was already a chill on his neck.

Li Weizhen, who had already quietly stood behind the little Taoist priest, smiled playfully in his ear and said: "Little brother, you really have two tricks! But you haven't fought with anyone, have you? Your master never taught you to keep your eyes on six directions and your ears on everything." Do you listen to Bafang?"

The little Taoist subconsciously wanted to turn his head, but Li Weizhen pinned the back of his head, "Don't move around, be careful! Just touch my flying sword, and you will be able to break gold and jade. You have ten heads, and they are not enough for me." chopped!"

"Now, hand over all the talisman papers on your body, if I haven't touched Zhu Mo!"

"Don't play tricks, or you will see your intestines being picked out of your own throat and strangled around your neck!"

The world is dangerous, and the little Taoist wants to cry but has no tears!

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