defend the truth

Chapter 199: There is a wooden house in the mountains

In the next two days, Luo Yicheng put all his thoughts on the wooden house that was being built.

He is busy building wooden houses during the day, and he is not idle at night. Apart from vigil, he will also make some simple furniture by hand.

No one would have imagined that this taciturn big man would be so dexterous.

The location of the wooden house was finally chosen around the ginkgo forest.

This is not the best place in Luo Yi's mind, but it greatly saves the process of moving materials.Now, when it comes to time, he is fighting for every measure.

According to various signs, Luo Yicheng did not say something clearly, but in fact, everyone has already guessed that it is almost the same.

When the wooden house is built, it should be time to part.But no one has any reason to save a wanderer who is about to go home!

And a hundred steps away from the southeast corner of the wooden house, there is a thousand-year-old ginkgo tree that is more beautiful than the forest, and it is several times thicker than other ginkgo trees.

When deciding on the location, Luo Yicheng pointed at the ancient ginkgo for the first time and joked: "If you live here in autumn, you have to sweep the leaves diligently!"

In the past two days, Zhao Hongxue and Luo Yicheng have gotten quite close. Those newly cut ginkgo trees must be dried with her magic.Of course, this is tiring work, not even easier than building a house, and the control of spiritual power is extremely demanding.

In the past, Zhao Hongxue would have 1 objections.But the beauty of adulthood after going through hardships together is hard to say no to.

This two-storey wooden house with a length of seven feet and a width of five feet covers about one-third of an acre of land. Although the exterior is simple, the interior layout is elegant and dignified.

It's not as good as the carved railings and jade bricks of their respective fairy mansions in the past, but they have tried their best.For example, on the second floor of the wooden house, Luo Yicheng deliberately built a balcony for viewing the scenery.

If you can lean on a railing drunk when the sun is setting, climb high and look far away, it will have a lot of aftertaste.

Of course, Zhao Hongxue couldn't understand this feeling.It is quite rare that she did not trample on it with words.

As for the whole wooden house, only the roof is still unfinished, and Luo Yicheng plans to spend the next half a day on it.

A house is built from the bottom up.The foundation depends on the basic skills of a craftsman, whether it is solid enough; while the roof depends on the craftsmanship of the craftsman.

People in the world only know that everything is difficult at the beginning, but they don't know that it is never easy to have a good ending.

At this moment, Luo Yicheng is holding such a small knife, and is quickly carving an object. The sawdust is falling like snow, which will be one of the corners of the eaves.

Zhao Hongxue had already finished the work at hand, but she had nowhere to go. She was sitting on the third step outside the porch with her legs crossed, watching Luo Yicheng not far away, and the eaves beast that was about to be completed.

Zhao Hongxue's people are idle, but her mouth is not idle. She clicked her tongue and said, "Is that a "pit bull"? It's amazing! This parting gift of yours is so affectionate, you must not suppress that silly boy." die?"

If Luo Yicheng had the help of God, even if he didn't stare at the object in his hand, he could accurately control every knife, so he didn't mind Zhao Hongxue's verbal interference.

He glanced at the playful expression on the other party's face, and said with a light smile: "Bullfighting, it eliminates disasters and disasters, and its sound shakes the world. It is an auspicious town. If you can protect the people who live in the house in the future, you will have good luck. Of course, it is the most Not too bad."

"But I'm already very satisfied if I can seek peace of mind!"

Every word is pearls and every sentence is sincere.However, walking in this world, wanting to have a clear conscience, is it easier said than done?

Its difficulty depends on how much you are willing to pay for the word "peace of mind"!

Zhao Hongxue puzzled and said, "You don't owe him anything? He has quite a few friends, but maybe, in his heart, he doesn't necessarily have a place for you!"

Luo Yicheng smiled and said, "But he doesn't owe me anything! You are too thoughtful, and you won't be able to make friends like this."

Zhao Hongxue casually turned her index finger, and burned a fallen leaf that floated in front of her eyes to ashes.He said unhurriedly: "The words "those who gain the Dao will help more than those who have lost the Dao" will be memorized when I was three years old! But is the truth in the book really realistic?"

Luo Yicheng shook his head slightly and said, "You should ask Mr. Lu for advice on this question while he is still alive. As for me, I don't study this, so it's hard to say!"

The more difficult the other party was, the more proudly Zhao Hongxue raised the corners of his mouth, "But you are the one I'm asking! Don't change the subject, I just want to know your answer!"

Perhaps, this question really weighed heavily on Luo Yicheng.So much so, that he actually stopped what he was doing, looked straight at Zhao Hongxue and said, "My background is no longer a secret. Children from a family like me have been educated since childhood to make friends with a purpose. Only those who use it can have the value of making friends."

Zhao Hongxue couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, nodded and said, "I'm very satisfied with this answer!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Yicheng shook his head solemnly. He waved his hand and said, "I haven't finished talking. I haven't had any friends since I was a child. But now I don't have any. I hope I will have one in the future. In fact, making friends should not be It's so superficial. My knife skills cannot be separated from water, and I hope that making friends will also come naturally."

Zhao Hongxue sneered and said, "You mean, when fate is here, it's here, right?"

This time, Luo Yicheng no longer answered directly, but looked at the ancient ginkgo tree and said some seemingly irrelevant words: "Actually, my family is really related to the ginkgo tree. My ancestors came from the Central Plains. The wealthy family came to the Tiannan Territory when the Great Zhou Dynasty fell."

"Ginkgo, also known as the Gongsun tree, 1000 years, 1 years, writes the rise and fall and vicissitudes of a family! The ginkgo tree in my house has also experienced thousands of years of wind and frost! It just waits quietly. Facing the wind, waiting for the cloud; waiting for the wind and rain, engraving the annual rings of the years!"

"It made me understand a truth. If you do some things now, you may not be able to tell right from wrong soon. Perhaps, you have to wait patiently for many years before you can gain real insights from it."

"But at the very least, you have to plant a seed first, and wait for it to take root and sprout in the coming year!"

Zhao Hongxue stretched, stood up slowly, and said angrily, "Looking around and talking about it, I don't even know what you're talking about? It's boring!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Hongxue flicked his sleeves, leaving only a distant figure behind.

Luo Yicheng smiled indifferently, picked up the carving knife again, chiseled, or sliced, every turn and setback, it flowed smoothly, and the water continued!

The ingenious young man murmured to himself: "Is what you care about really the answer? In fact, over and over again, you just want to use my answer to deny the answer you have already thought about in your heart!"

"What kind of answer is actually not important. What matters is where the person in your heart is!"

Suddenly, a mountain wind blew by, and the sawdust on the ground took advantage of the wind to soar up, and traveled far into the vast world!

There is also a seed that lands quietly, and after years of passing, it will eventually become green and sparse, towering to block out the sun!

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