defend the truth

Chapter 195: Meeting is Separation

After walking out of the Shadow Swamp, Li Weizhen and his party were not in a hurry to continue on their way.Instead, he found a natural cave, adjusted his breath and meditated, trying to fill up the almost dry sea of ​​​​qi in his body as much as possible.

After about an hour, the sky has gradually become clear, and except for Li Weizhen, the other three people have finished their meditation one after another.

Two quarters of an hour later, the ridge of the mountain in the far distance was already glowing, but the three people in the cave were really bored staring at each other.

Zhao Hongxue, who was bored in every possible way, supported her oval face with her hands, stared at the dewdrops dripping slowly on the fern on the big leafy mountain outside the cave, and finally couldn't help but yawned.

Xia Chan couldn't help covering her smile and said, "If Sister Xue is tired, you can relax and take a nap. Judging by Brother Li's breathing rhythm, there is still a while before the end!"

"If elder sister Xue is fast asleep, I will wake you up when we start our journey. There are no outsiders here!"

Zhao Hongxue waved his hand and thanked Xia Chan for his kind words and concern. When he caught sight of Li Weizhen, he couldn't help frowning, and said angrily, "What the hell is this guy doing? Everyone is a Qi trainer, but he is the most procrastinating. Do you want to restore so much spiritual energy?"

Xia Chan still persuaded with a calm and gentle appearance: "Brother Li is a person who was accepted as a disciple by the head of the sect after all. His talent is better than ours, and he is different from ordinary people. That's a normal thing!"

Zhao Hongxue rolled her eyes, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Stop talking for him all the time, maybe it was the previous leader who got confused for a while, and then fell in love with this kid, and lost his fame for nothing. what!"

But Zhao Hongxue still restrained himself from speaking out like this for a while.The Sect of Supreme Unity no longer exists, so what is the point of saying these things?

To add salt to the wound, or to add fuel to the fire?It hurts, who is it?

But Zhao Hongxue still had something to say, but there was less vigor in the words and more heavy sadness.

"Life is born like wind and rain, and goes like dust. Now that the sect can't go back, have you ever thought about how to go in the future?"

"Being a casual cultivator who was once looked down upon by us, or a good bird choosing a tree to live in?"

"Anyway, sooner or later, we have to face it, so why not discuss it!"

It was originally a semi-dark cave, but now there are dark clouds pressing down.Zhao Hongxue's starting point is good, just discuss the matter and return to reality.

However, in real life, not everything has an answer!

What's more, among the three sober people, none of them could really accept what happened yesterday.And how can you speak freely about your vision for the future?

The atmosphere was silent again for a while. Luo Yicheng, who was the most taciturn in the group, was the one who gave the answer first.

"I think, I should go back to Funan City! After all, once the news gets out and reaches my mother's ears, she will definitely find it difficult to accept it. If I can't go back as soon as possible and let her know that I am still alive, I will Worried that she will do something stupid!"

As a child, it is quite normal to have such a decision.Even for practitioners, there are very few people who can cut off their relatives.

Zhao Hongxue turned to look at Xia Chan, eager to know what she was thinking, "Little sister, what about you? Don't you have a family too?"

Xia Chan hesitated for a while, looking at Li Weizhen from time to time, her face became more and more troubled, she shook her head and said, "Let me think about it again!"

For no reason, Zhao Hongxue was a little disappointed, because she subconsciously felt that Xia Chan's decision would affect her decision.

When Chaoyang had already climbed up the hill, Li Weizhen finally opened his eyes slowly, showing apologetic expression to everyone.

A group of people set off on the road again, walking on the windy and frosty road under the warm sun at the end of winter.

After holding the sword half way, the group of four finally arrived at Jishuijian in the hinterland of Dayanling at the end of noon.However, Li Weizhen searched Jishuijian for more than ten miles, but he couldn't find the freckled boy.

Li Weizhen's face was full of melancholy, he couldn't help scratching his head and muttering: "This kid, he must be lost, right?"

Seeing Li Weizhen jumping up and down for a long time, he was so anxious that his ears were red.Zhao Hongxue couldn't hold back anymore, and wanted to fan the firewood pile.

"Maybe it's not coming at all?"

Hearing such sarcastic remarks, Li Weizhen's murderous gaze instantly passed away.

Zhao Hongxue's face was stunned, but he still stiffened his back and said: "Also... it's not impossible! Just allow us to be safe and sound, and your junior brother will have a smooth journey?"

In fact, Zhao Hongxue already regretted that sentence when he said it earlier.She seldom utters such vicious words that add insult to injury, but for some reason, when facing Li Weizhen, she always says something that she finds inexplicable afterwards.

Li Weizhen turned his head away, waved his hands weakly, and sighed: "Now I don't want to argue with you about this."

Then, Li Weizhen turned around and found a stone near the water to sit down, trying to get close to the clear stream of the mountain, and listen to the pleasant sound of the stream hitting the stone, to wash away the restlessness in his heart.

In fact, Li Wei has already prepared for the worst in his heart. If he waits another quarter of an hour, he still has no hope for the freckled boy.Then he headed in the direction of Yuelun Mountain and searched all the way back.

Live to see people, die to see corpses!

In the time of waiting, fifteen minutes can be very long, but Li Weizhen still survived and survived the worst result.

So, after taking a deep breath, he already planned to go alone to find the freckled boy.

After Li Weizhen made a move, Xia Chan immediately stepped forward and grabbed Li Weizhen's sleeve, summoned up her courage and said, "Senior Brother Li, let me go with you!"

Unexpectedly, Li Weizhen slowly rolled up his sleeves in an extremely puzzled manner, shook his head and said: "No need, it doesn't mean that if there are many people, things will be easy to handle. Besides, this is an agreement between me and him."

Leaning against the tree trunk with arms crossed, Zhao Hongxue sneered when she saw the tugging behavior of the two, "One is stupid, the other is stupid, it's absolutely amazing!"

I don't know why Xia Chan showed great courage. After Li Weizhen clearly refused, she just lowered her head half-heartedly, and didn't let go.

This made Li Wei really confused. Could it be that he had to tear his sleeves to get out?

Others were equally embarrassed, and they didn't know who to persuade, so they turned their eyes to one side.

Zhao Hongxue looked at the stream with her mouth pursed, and a certain poem about falling flowers came to mind.

And Luo Yicheng looked towards the jungle ahead, his face suddenly changed, "Look, everyone, there is movement ahead!"

In the direction Luo Yicheng pointed, some weeds that are growing well are moving without wind.

And Li Weizhen rushed out like an arrow from the string.Before that, he first used a trick to get rid of his shell, and took off his coat!

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