defend the truth

Chapter 189: 1 Object Drops 1 Object

This fierce battle was the first time since Li Weizhen became a Qi trainer, he was seriously injured and out of strength. He was forced to recover from his injuries temporarily and watched helplessly as his companions fought hard in front.

Such a situation has never been encountered even in the Asura Field on Leigu Mountain.

But today, tonight, everything seems to be going in the worst direction.

It really is "the leak in the house happens to rain all night, the boat is late and the wind blows", such misfortunes never come singly, so that Li Weizhen didn't dare to have any hope of a happy future.

Li Weizhen still remembers that when he was elected as the governor of Yuzhantang, Zhan Jifeng, his titular uncle and actual art mentor, was skeptical.

Zhan Jifeng's original words are as follows: "Your boy will be an excellent war repairer, but if you want to become an excellent leader, there is still a long way to go. For now, I think This opportunity came too early for you."

"But it's not bad to go out and bump into a wall!"

Zhan Jifeng patiently explained his concerns. As a young leader, Li Weizhen was too energetic, which meant showing his sharpness.Subconsciously, I put myself in a dangerous situation without knowing it.

In fact, Zhan Jifeng saw it quite accurately.Just like in Bailongtan in the past, although Li Weizhen had a strategy, it was based on the premise that he would take risks and blow up the ship.

And in many battles, Li Weizhen often took the lead, and in order to protect the people around him, he did not hesitate to do the act of dying with his opponent.For a brave warrior, it is of course extremely correct to do so.

But if you are a leader, you should think more and be appropriately cruel, not only to your enemies and yourself, but also to those around you.

In his bones, Li Weizhen longed to participate in every battle, to take on as much as possible in the battle, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a sacrifice.

But perhaps, from another perspective, Li Weizhen has never really trusted the comrades around him. Even if they are good enough, he still hopes to solve the immediate troubles by himself.

In essence, he is such a lonely person. He longs for comfort because he has experienced powerlessness and panic because of it!

Therefore, now, Li Weizhen, who is protected by his teammates, really feels worse than death.

But as the time passed inch by inch, looking at the heroic figures in front of him, Li Weizhen seemed to realize some truth.His originally heavy shoulders seemed to lighten suddenly.

For no reason, Li Weizhen suddenly remembered what Zhao Hongxue said to him before the battle started, "Don't look down on people, in fact you are not that great."

Li Weizhen murmured to himself: "Yes! Actually, I'm not that great. Since when did I start to look down on the people around me from the bottom of my heart?"

"It seems to be after returning from Funan City?"

Between life and death, an instant epiphany, everything came so suddenly.And sometimes, it is not necessarily so obvious whether it is good or bad!

After Li Weizhen was able to sit up cross-legged, Xia Chan had already returned to the battle with eyes red and swollen from crying.

Counting the cause and effect, this is the second time that Li Weizhen has saved Xia Chan from danger.The little girl firmly believes that in this difficult world where people are unpredictable, it is a great fortune to meet someone who is sincerely good to her, even if she exhausts all her life's luck.

After Black Snake suffered a serious injury, it was extremely difficult for Xia Chan to succeed in a sneak attack.

It can even be said that the current Xia Chan is completely regarded as a thorn in the side of the black snake, a thorn in the flesh.Even if the other three were to be spared, it would still be willing to swallow this little human girl alive.

This extreme hatred was carefully used by Xia Chan.This seemingly innocent little girl actually attracted the black snake away little by little, and pulled her to a place far away from Li Weizhen.It can be described as well-intentioned!

Objectively speaking, if Li Wei was really selfish, then he could easily stay away from the battle and escape alone.

Xia Chan dragged her huge axe and swam quickly on the water surface, splitting waves of rolling waves.For a whole quarter of an hour, she didn't make a move once, because it was hard to find a fighter.

I don't know who taught the experience, or Xia Chan's own combat skills.As long as it's not a fatal blow, she would rather continue to save her strength than take the shot easily and just spend it with the opponent.

Of course, this premise is because Xia Chan has such a loyal snow wolf under her seat.Even in a scarred and miserable situation, it is willing to entangle the enemy for its master and create an opportunity to swing an axe!

After some back and forth, the green-horned black viper gradually recovered from its madness, and no longer made too many meaningless attacks. Obviously, its strength is not too much to use up.

However, Xia Chan, who was determined to do something, did not intend to give both parties a chance to breathe.

"Xiaobai, continue!"

Under Xia Chan's exclamation, Snow Wolf turned his head suddenly, then turned around and jumped up, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed a pill that had been shot into the air with a grunt.

The vision also appeared immediately, only to see that the snow wolf began to emit white smoke all over its body, as if its fur spontaneously combusted.Immediately afterwards, there was a series of popping beans coming from under the skin, crackling and crackling.

In just a few blinks, the snow wolf's body was raised by more than seven or eight feet, and when it stepped down, the water surface rose significantly.

If it was said that the green-horned black viper could easily bully the small with ease, then now, the Snow Wolf's body size is not far behind.

And after taking the elixir, not only did the snow wolf grow in size, but even the aura of his body, and even the aura of his blood, had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At the same time, the green-horned black viper felt the restlessness from the power of the blood, which was enough to prove that the changes in the snow wolf were by no means superficial.

Soon, the Snow Wolf charged at the Black Snake again with its newly acquired strength.This time, it is no longer hitting a rock with an egg, but swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

It can only be seen that under the two-by-two sumo wrestling of lightning and flint, it is obvious that the snow wolf's control over the physical body is more flexible, and it is not affected by the giantization.After successfully dodging the venomous bite, he thrust the proud snake's head into the water with a sharp claw.

But just when the snow wolf wanted to show its white fangs and inflict even more serious damage on the black snake, the tail of the snake that had been quietly lurking in the water jumped out of the water and wrapped itself around the wolf's waist like lightning. .

If it is not forced, with the hunting habits of the green-horned black adder, it is rare to have such a close-to-hand combat.It can only be said that this night, the poison that it depends on for a living rarely showed itself.

The body of the green-horned black adder squirmed slowly, getting tighter and tighter, so that the snow wolf had to grit its teeth and whine, its limbs trembling uncontrollably.

Zhao Hongxue and Luo Yicheng were very anxious, and wanted to rescue the snow wolf with swords, lights and knives, but unfortunately because of fear of accidental injury, they all had little effect in the end.

On the contrary, Xia Chan, the master, was still standing still, making others wonder, is this overly calm behavior really the behavior of a beast trainer?

Soon, the snow wolf who was entangled almost out of breath, helplessly let go of the claw that was holding the snake's head tightly.

And the ferocious face that came out of the water again expanded its bloody mouth as much as possible, and finally bit the wolf's neck tightly as it wished, and injected the venom frantically!

But at the same time, the tenacious snow wolf also bit the snake's neck tightly, and the solid scales shattered little by little under the strong bite, until the teeth penetrated into the flesh.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and tore it with all the remaining strength in his body.In an instant, the eyeballs of the black snake almost stared so hard that they were about to fall out.

After all, the black snake was the first to let go. This is not the time to judge who has the better teeth. Compared with Snow Wolf, it is really incomparable.

Moreover, the black snake not only let go, but also let go of the body that was wrapped around the waist of the wolf.Sure enough, Snow Wolf quickly reciprocated, threw it out violently, and tore off a piece of flesh from its neck.

But this time, the black snake did not fall into madness and rage, not only because it was not a fatal injury, but also because it consciously treated its prey, swallowing it into its belly was already the best way to vent its anger.

In the Black Snake's knowledge, the attack and bite just now almost used up [-]% of the venom it had accumulated.Even a prey of the size of the current snow wolf will soon die due to hemorrhage all over the body and organ necrosis.

This is why the black snake is willing to give up fighting, because for a poisonous snake, the barbaric practice of fighting with the body is really extremely stupid!

And now the black snake is more thinking about it. To swallow this prey that suddenly grows so huge, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort, and it will take a long time to eat.Then it can no longer be an appetizer, and it has to be dragged back to the cave to enjoy slowly!

However, not long after the black snake raised its head again, the snow wolf also shook off its wet fur, and pounced majestically.

This made Hei Snake's eyes reveal a trace of surprise, but he soon returned to the look of "playing with you", completely thinking that Snow Wolf was doing that dying counterattack.

But soon, Black Snake realized that something was wrong. Why hasn't this four-legged monster with long hairs reacted to poisoning yet?

Could it be that my old lady's poison has expired?

This big snake, who has lived in the south all his life, never imagined that on the snow-capped mountains in the far north, there is its distant cousin, the polar snow viper.

Unfortunately, that is the hometown of this snow wolf.The snowy region in the north is an extremely cold place, especially in winter, it is even more difficult to find food.

But as long as the polar snow adder sleeping deep in the cave can be found, then the wolves can also fight their teeth in winter.

For this lone wolf from the north, it also has its own fixed cognition, no matter how big the snake is, it is just a food reserve!

If it's a snake, you have to eat it for me!

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