defend the truth

Chapter 183: Outlier Lone Goose

The sound of thunder and thunder rang around the ears, but the sound of vibration did not come from the nine heavens, but from the slowly closing gate of the treasure house.

A precarious figure hugged the treasure box in his bosom with his remaining left hand, and walked forward with great difficulty.

The rest of my life is lost, and the wind and snow drive passers-by.

Linghutian didn't die, he just put his life on the gambling table, betting that Huo Ming would be cheated by him.

Huo Ming deliberately let Huo Ming see the jade talisman, even sold the flaw on purpose, fell to the ground and pretended to be dead, in order to be able to enter the treasure house smoothly.

Huo Ming is very smart and very keen on intelligence work.In his hands, the dense files about Linghutian were piled up at least as high as three or four floors.

Therefore, Huo Ming is very sure that he has a good understanding of Linghutian, especially in terms of personality.

This kind of detailed understanding may even be clearer than Linghu Tian himself.

As a result, Huo Ming never imagined that Linghutian, who is bohemian by nature and has a clear distinction between love and hate, would actually make such a bitter trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Linghu Tian put his body like a broken willow in the wind against the stone lion statue outside the treasure house, barely able to stand up.

He tucked the treasure box under his arm, patted the entrance of the rare elixir tremblingly, swallowed it like a waste, and continued to stagger forward.

The injury is so severe, without rest and breath adjustment, even if the panacea is swallowed whole, it will be difficult to exert its effect.

It can be seen that every time Linghutian makes a difficult step, he will leave a bright red footprint on the white snow.

Linghutian could even feel that his physical body was slowly dying.The blood flowed less and less, but his body became heavier and heavier, becoming a heavy burden, dragging him down so much that he couldn't travel lightly.

Judging from left and right, Linghutian seemed to be suffering from a madness. If he was a normal person, he shouldn't waste his life in vain.

But Linghutian really didn't go crazy, he was just more paranoid than ever, obsessed with the path he chose, and wanted to finish the last journey.

After stumbling and stumbling, Linghutian had already walked out of the treasury three hundred steps, and the panacea he swallowed was more or less useful.The spiritual energy that was born with the power of the medicine slowly flowed into the sea of ​​​​qi along the broken meridian, and accumulated into a cup of spiritual energy that could barely hold the sword.

"Unexpectedly, the famous Jinghong prodigal son even used the method of lying down and pretending to be dead."

In the shadows under the old tree, a young man with a long sword in his arms, leaning on the tree trunk, stared coldly at Linghu Tian who was staggering towards him.

Linghutian has long been aware of the young man's existence, but the other party has never shown any killing intent, and even now that the distance between the two is less than ten steps, there is still no killing intent.

Seeing the young man opened his mouth, Linghu Tian finally stopped, tapped the treasure box lightly with his fingers, and with a slight tap sound, called the Caohui sword carried behind him to his front.

"Liu Zian, do you think you are the only one worthy to stop me?"

Linghu Tian held his chest high and held his head high, despising the young people with cold eyes, his voice was low and gloomy, revealing invisible the arrogance of being the proud son of heaven.

Whether it is the end of the crossbow, fierce and soft inside; or confident and full of confidence; it depends on whether the momentum of the body is solid and not scattered!

Momentum is mostly invisible, and in the eyes of insightful people, it is difficult to pretend.Even though Linghutian's appearance had been reduced to such a miserable state, the martial spirit and fighting spirit he displayed was able to support what he said, which contained undoubted weight.

The young man with a long sword in his arms walked out of the shadows slowly. It was Huo Ming's close confidant, Liu Zian, the shadow guard of Lince Mansion.

Liu Zian gently pushed the sword out of its scabbard with his thumb, revealing a gleam of coldness, and said calmly, "Liu knows that he is not good enough, so he dare not have the self-deprecating delusions of taking down the honor. A hero like the honor, if he dies Under Liu's sword, it is even more embarrassing!"

"My young master attaches great importance to respect, and regards you as a serious worry and an enemy for life!"

"Thus, if your lord did not die under the sword of my young master, Liu must regret it for the rest of his life!"

Liu Zian's expression and tone were indeed more than respectful and polite.Judging from the meaning of his words, it's no wonder why he still didn't have the slightest murderous intent when facing the seriously injured Linghutian.

It's because he didn't dare to kill, so he didn't want to kill.Liu Zian was worried that once he killed Linghutian, Huo Ming, who knew he had been tricked, would have no outlet to vent.

The reason why Huo Ming came to this point and did all kinds of behaviors that are not known to outsiders is the existence of Linghutian, which is the key factor.

As a witness, Liu Zian knew very clearly that if conditions allowed, Huo Ming would definitely kill Linghutian himself instead of letting others do it for him.

Otherwise, this kind of regret of not being able to pick the fruit with his own hands after so many years of painstaking efforts will definitely make Huo Ming regret for a long, long time.It even affects the state of mind of practice, causing the Dao heart to collapse.

A true genius will inevitably be extremely paranoid about something that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.The same is true for Linghu Tian, ​​and the same is true for Huo Ming!

"If you don't have the determination to kill someone, then you will never be able to stop me, so why bother? You must know that if you show mercy to me, I won't reciprocate!"

Linghutian smiled indifferently, and then took a big step forward, only five steps away from Liu Zian, assuming that he was bound to fight with the other party to splatter blood on the spot.

"Then please give me some pointers, Mr. Liu will definitely go all out!"

Liu Zian still had a tepid attitude, but the long sword in his arms had been completely unsheathed, hanging by his side in the breeze.

As a half-yellow leaf crushed by the snow floated into the common sight of the two, there was a strange and inexplicable understanding.

In an instant, two sword lights, one blue and one white, suddenly shot out dazzling rays of light, turning into hundreds of flowing shadows, colliding violently.No one is willing to easily let anyone step out of the thunder pool and invade into the forbidden area of ​​life and death.

Liu Zian held the back with one hand, and shook the finger of the sword with the other, concentrating on the flying sword.No matter how erratic and changeable the light of Linghu Tian's sword is, and the combination of reality and reality, he only guards the invisible boundary in front of him.

Linghutian tapped the treasure box with a few fingers in a hurry, revealing some kind of mystery of one-handed tricks.

All I could see was that after a series of rhythmic taps with his fingers, Linghutian suddenly raised his feet, and said with a strong voice, "The spring breeze blows the green and envies the flowers and reds, and the warbler flies and the grass grows and a hundred trees grow!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the Caohui sword suddenly showed a brilliant light, and from the hilt of the sword, a seed-like emerald green light quietly fell to the ground.

Suddenly, spring floats on the earth, and patches of greenery break through the snow.

The grass in the early spring soared up in the blink of an eye, riding on the astonishing growth, a towering giant vine rose up from the ground!

Thousands of vines gushed out crazily on their own trunks, like the air roots of the thousand-year-old banyan tree, re-entering the soil, forming a cage of hundreds of feet.

In the cage shaped like the Vientiane Forest Prison, people trapped in beasts will be trapped and fought instead.

As Liu Zian wished, countless inexhaustible vines attacked him like ten thousand snakes devouring his body, and he couldn't do without going all out.

Looking at the stunned and terrified Liu Zian, who had been sentenced to death early, Linghutian couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic, "Foolish loyalty, foolishness, I am the same!"

Afterwards, Linghutian murmured incomparably sadly, "Chunxianzi, Yingfeicao, in this world, my connection with Master has been broken again."

Liu Zian never imagined that with Linghutian's lingering body, he could unleash such an astonishingly lethal and endlessly powerful supernatural power.Could it be that the gap between geniuses and ordinary people really makes people so desperate?

It's a pity that Liu Zian will never get an answer from Linghutian himself.

The lonely and slightly hunched figure went on the road again, leaving behind the swordsman, the vines, the cage and the grass emblem sword.

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