defend the truth

Chapter 181: Foresight

In an instant, the time in Xiaozhufeng's cave seemed to stand still.

The magic mirror transformed by the Thousand Miles Divine Sight Talisman did not turn into fluorescent light and disperse after it shattered suddenly.

The fragments of the magic mirror are still suspended in the air, floating slowly, and falling slowly, proving that time is still passing in this square inch of land, but it is going very slowly! Very slowly!

Although each magic mirror has been broken into dozens of pieces, it is still conscientiously conveying the pictures from far away!

As a result, dozens of mysterious monks and the gloomy face after the bamboo hat was slowly removed appeared on the magic mirror originally monitoring Tianjian Square.

It was a face with normal features, a bit more honest and honest, but with a strong murderous look written on its forehead.

I saw that the mysterious monk slowly put the sword back into the sheath, as if he wanted to wear the sword on his left waist.

But suddenly, the mysterious monk's knees sank slightly, and he lunged forward, and the subtle movements of his hands seemed to give signs.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chaohu subconsciously licked his lower lip and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.Then he rolled his eyes and looked at Zhu Wuxin, as if he didn't want to miss the good show and wanted to have fun with him.

Zhu Wuxin slowly raised his hand, and was about to wave his sleeves, so that the small world in the secret mansion would no longer be affected by it, and return to its proper time flow.

However, in the blink of an eye, it was too late to stop.

The mysterious cultivator above Tianjian Square has once again revealed its sheath!

I saw his right foot slam into the air, and his whole body shot towards the dome like an arrow!

In an instant, he rushed forward and drew his sword, as fast as thunder!

The sword can charge horizontally, like cutting a dragon, rushing forward to cut Nilin!

What's even more shocking is that the posture clearly wants to jump out from the magic mirror!

It's a pity that Zhang Chaohu, who loves to watch the excitement, was disappointed in the end.As a result, there was no dramatic change of life.

Some are just a half ray of sword energy that came through a certain law, and all magic mirrors can't image at all, and they turned into fluorescence.

Of course, that half wisp of sword energy was also taken away, and Zhu Wuxin's half wisp of temple hair was a great achievement!

Although the owner of the sword energy couldn't see this scene, it didn't affect Zhang Chaohu, who was a bystander, and almost laughed so hard!

Zhang Chaohu laughed loudly and said, "This kid is quite interesting! Hey, Master Zhu, isn't your brain bright? Do you think he is provoking you or warning you?"

Facing the sword qi that brushed against his neck just now, and Zhang Chaohu's gloating, Zhu Wuxin remained calm and his face was as calm as water.

When he pulled the half of his temple hair behind his ears, he just laughed at himself and said, "It seems that from now on, I have to tie up my hair honestly, so as not to be laughed at by my friends!"

Zhu Wuxin is gentle and elegant with an evil and charming demeanor. If you meet for the first time, your impression will be astonishing.

But even Zhang Chaohu, who is an old friend, caught a glimpse of Zhu Wuxin's act of teasing her hair just now.There was no reason in my mind, and the four characters of amorous feelings popped up.

Zhang Chaohu, who was still laughing heartily at first, restrained his smile in an instant, quickly looked away, and gulped down the wine!I couldn't help muttering in my heart, "Why is my throat so dry? It must be because I laughed too hard! It must be..."

The subtle abnormalities displayed by Zhang Chaohu were fully seen by Zhu Wuxin. After the latter raised his eyebrows slightly and cursed "Dirty!" in his heart, his behavior was still normal.

After burning a piece of incense stick that has the effect of calming the mind, and closing the lid of the incense burner, Zhu Wuxin leaned back on the chair, sat lazily and said, "It's a warning! After all, he didn't use the flying sword of his life to cut me, it was already Leave three points of thin noodles!"

Zhang Chaohu clicked his tongue and said, "His sword seems to be able to break through ten thousand spells with one sword! You don't need to be angry with the sword, you can send the sword energy here. If the human sword is one, wouldn't you be popular tonight?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chaohu shook his head, pretending to sigh and said, "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and newcomers replace old ones! How sad do you think we are? There are old guys on the top who can't let go of their fists; The newcomers keep coming up, and they don't give you a good look. It seems that you live a long time, but you just suffer more than others!"

Zhu Wuxin's fingers intersected in a steeple shape, and his thoughts became more and more settled. He sneered and said, "You don't need to provoke me, I'm not interested in attacking him. After tonight, let's talk about him surviving the pursuit of Zixiaozong!"

Zhang Chaohu also relaxed his sitting position, noncommittal to Zhu Wuxin's guess, rubbed his chin, grinned and said, "I said Great Ancestor, with your knowledge and knowledge, it is like the walking Buddhist scripture pavilion. Do you know, just now What happened to that sword?"

Zhu Wuxin shrugged and said, "I can only say that I was the one who made a fuss in my class just now, and sometimes you encounter a clever word, and you really can't do anything about it!"

At the end of the sentence, Zhu Wuxin imitated Zhang Chaohu's Jingzhou accent as if he was still a child at heart.

Zhang Chaohu rolled his eyes, "Don't play tricks with me! Let's talk about it!"

Zhu Wuxin sat up slightly, and said with a light smile, "It's like this. You also know that the Thousand Miles Vision Talisman was passed down by a powerful monk in ancient times. In later generations, we will respectfully call him the Patriarch of Three Mountains and Nine Hous!" "

"At that time, the world of self-cultivation did not have the order it is today. It simply followed the law of the weak and the strong. Later, many people who followed the ancestors of the Three Mountains and Nine Hous also became their own forces. So that, after the era of clan disputes, it evolved into Many Taoist sects or heretic sects enshrine the ancestors of the three mountains and nine lords on the altar!"

"There are many talismans or supernatural powers that can peep from a distance, but the thousand-mile divine vision talisman is the most widely spread, simplest, and most practical!"

"Because there are many people who use this talisman, and there are even more people who guard against this talisman. But his method of breaking the spell is very new. I even have to provoke him to make a second sword before I can be sure how it is." Made it."

Zhu Wuxin went around a lot, but in the end she was still playing tricks, and Zhang Chao's tiger eyes almost popped out of her anxiety.

Zhu Wuxin's two thumbs were circling each other, and he said in an unhurried manner, "I'm almost sure that he should have received the inheritance from the Patriarch of Three Mountains and Nine Hous, it may be a small object, or it may be a secret book. Through this, I learned some laws and mysteries, and some of the laws of heaven and earth should be in common with this talisman!"

"In short, he can find and use this law to transfer the sword energy. If I use other peeping methods, he can still detect it, but he can't do the same thing!"

Zhang Chaohu was a little stunned, and then, with a look of enlightenment, he nodded and said, "No wonder you said that you are using an axe. What you mean is that you just used the Thousand Miles Vision Talisman on the Patriarch of the Three Mountains and Nine Hous!"

"It's like, you borrow someone else's dog to bite someone, but the owner of the dog comes and whistles, and the dog can be called to bite you!"

Hearing this, Zhu Wuxin couldn't help but feel ashamed, and said with an embarrassed smile, "That's almost what it means."

Suddenly, Zhang Chao's tiger eyes rolled, and he said treacherously, "Do you think there is a possibility that this guy is the reincarnation of the Patriarch of the Three Mountains and Nine Hous? Think about it! That old man is the most powerful at the end of ancient times. One of the few monks in the world, but his final achievement is far less than his name!"

"It's not impossible to re-prove the Dao and gain a foothold in a higher place!"

Zhu Wuxin's face suddenly became gloomy, and he snorted coldly, "If that's the case, he will really become our trouble."

An ancient reincarnator, after being fully awakened, will be a terrifying existence.It's easy to be friends, but it's really hard to be enemies!

Zhang Chaohu's thinking expanded more and more, and he didn't seem to want to stop there.He slapped his forehead suddenly, as if he had discovered something more interesting, "By the way, you and the Patriarch of Sanshan Jiuhou, roughly calculated, should exist in the same period!"

"It's really reluctant. When I ascended, I was just a bamboo! According to you, I am at the same time as many great gods!"

Zhu Wuxin couldn't help but feel a little headache, thinking that you are clearly mocking me, right?

Zhang Chaohu laughed and said, "It seems to be the same thing, don't worry, it really wasn't intentional!"

Zhu Wuxin was indeed a little sad, especially after talking about this topic, he would touch a big stone that had been pressing on his heart.

"Do you still remember the speculation I mentioned to you? Maybe, in a few years, there will really be some ancient monks crawling out of their graves!"

Zhang Chaohu's expression gradually became serious, "You mean, because last year, there was a small-scale spiritual movement in the Central Plains?"

Zhu Wuxin rubbed the center of his brows, looking a little helpless, "This should be just a sign. In the near future, there should be another large-scale change, and even Jingzhou where you are located will be included. The resulting The frenzy of spiritual power may make some Guxiu who have been sleeping for a long time, like a cat smelling fish, come out of the secret realm and reappear in the world!"

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the cultivation world at the end of ancient times, and the cultivation environment has undergone tremendous changes.Some ancient cultivators who were too late to ascend lost the possibility of enlightenment.

They either give up their cultivation and embark on the cycle of reincarnation over and over again; or they sleep in a secret place, avoid disasters, and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback.

Zhang Chaohu sighed and said, "If that's the case, then the world will be even more chaotic!"

Those ancient monks, once awakened in large numbers, will definitely not be willing to lurk in the dark and plan carefully like Zhang Chaohu and other reincarnated people.

For tens of thousands of years, they have long been unable to integrate into this new era.They will only use the most tyrannical means to destroy this orderly era and return everything to the disorder and chaos of ancient times!

Once they successfully disrupt this world, there will be no distinction between good and evil in the realm of comprehension, only the bloody jungle of the jungle!

Zhu Wuxin said with a bitter face, "Otherwise, why do you think I planned today's matter? Isn't it to let him adapt to the future in advance? Even if he knows the truth in the future, he will hate me. I will pat my chest and say, I I owed all the people in the world, but I never failed him!"

Zhang Chaohu fell into complete silence, and after a long time, he left Xiaozhufeng cave alone!

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