defend the truth

Chapter 178: Self Destruction

Now, if someone asked Li Weizhen face to face: what kind of feeling would it be to kill one's best friend with one's own hands?

Li Weizhen would definitely keep silent, but he could give two answers without thinking.

Either stab that person with a sword, or stab yourself with a sword.

The specific answer depends on who is asking the question.

If this question came from the freckled boy, then Li Weizhen would choose the latter.

At this moment, Li Weizhen regretted the agreement he made on Beidu Mountain.

If he can still live until tomorrow, he will appear in Jishuijian alive.

When the freckled boy looked left and right, trying to find Cai Ruoxian.The face that was full of hope gradually turned into a face of loss and suspicion.

Li Weizhen's mere fantasy in his mind is enough to make him feel cold all over.

Inventing an elaborate lie?With the freckled boy's trust in him, it may not be impossible to hide it for a lifetime.

But that kind of guilt will only take root completely, absorbing nutrients day and night, piercing the conscience!

It was clear that under the circumstances at that time, Cai Ruoxian had no way out.Going down with that sword, solving the pain in advance, and avoiding the despair of being gnawed dry by a hundred ghosts, is absolutely the right choice.

Even the "murder weapon" was provided by Cai Ruoxian, the tip of his own sword.

In the final analysis, Li Weizhen can only be regarded as passive manslaughter.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that everything has been completely wiped out, and I can feel at ease.

But in this world, the word "love" is the most difficult to figure out, even the most common friendship.

How does it feel to kill your best friend with your own hands?

Li Weizhen had forced himself to ask this question thousands of times in his heart, and the answer he got was always guilt.

Even if you can't say it, you still feel guilty!

Li Weizhen, who lost his soul, almost killed only by instinct. He even hoped that this bloody battle would not stop, at least not until his life was over.

Because, only physical pain can barely make him feel that he is still alive.

Li Weizhen was numb in consciousness, and even heard several different voices calling him to stop.

stop it!Let's leave this abyss together!

But these voices came too late!They should have said it to themselves before Cai Ruoxian gave up his life for benevolence, before the old scholar died generously!

At the moment, Li Weizhen is more afraid of facing the living who care about him than the dead.

For no reason, Li Weizhen's thoughts drifted far away, as far as his vague childhood.

I still remember the long dream that I didn't want to wake up. In the dream, the most unrealistic and the most let Li Weizhen willingly sink was his mother who had passed away since he was six years old.

In that year, Li Weizhen's childhood was stained gray from a blank sheet of paper.

Another year, I moved away from the city and the private school, and the dream of becoming a bachelor of letters turned into an empty talk and joke buried in my heart.

Later, the monster that was born out of nowhere completely turned upside down the life that was trying to keep its own law and order!

Every time in the future, I feel that hope in life is gradually rising, and what I can't get rid of in the end is an unfortunate nightmare!

I deeply remember that the most core sentence in the "Taishang Induction Collection" is: There is no way to good or bad, but people call themselves.

Li Weizhen still can't figure out what he did wrong for such an accident, for a six-year-old child, or for him now.

It is said that practice is to control one's own destiny.

Before that, for a moment, Li Weizhen felt that he could touch the tail of fate.

Famous at a young age, highly trusted, with goals ahead, friends by his side, and a small family behind him!

What was unimaginable in the past seems to have become within reach through struggle!

But within a few short hours, everything was like a dream bubble, shattered!

All kinds of misfortunes seem to be traceable in the wandering thoughts, that is, everything stems from Li Weizhen's unfortunate life.

Cai Ruoxian's death became the last straw.

Rather than saying that Li Weizhen desires endless battles, it is better to say that he desires to be redeemed in death!

Even if he knew it clearly, it was just a process of self-destruction!

In Xiaozhufeng cave, Zhang Chaohu became more and more restless looking at Li Weizhen who was trapped by "love".

Zhang Chaohu slammed the table and said angrily, "No, I have to drag him out."

Hearing this, Zhu Wuxin quickly grabbed Zhang Chaohu's hand, shook his head and said, "Hey, you are a real gentleman watching chess without talking! Let alone directly intervening, that's not acceptable!"

Zhang Chaohu said angrily: "Get out, you still tell me these things now? I don't care what kind of stinky chess you play, you want me to see death without saving my brother? I think you want me to be struck by lightning!"

Zhu Wuxin shook his head and said with a smile: "Master Chao, don't be impatient, everything is in my calculations!"

Zhang Chaohu said angrily: "The chess pieces are about to be cut off, what kind of a fart are you? If you want me not to make a move, you can ask your people to withdraw quickly. Anyway, the Taiyi Sect is already finished, do you have to do it so badly?" ?”

Zhu Wuxin said innocently: "My people? Don't you think that those people are all following my orders?"

"I admit that I did contribute to this happening. But the most interesting part of this invisible game is to let go early and make things change a lot. After going through those unexpected processes, the ending Still as you wish!"

"That's really fun, isn't it?"

Zhang Chaohu's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "To put it bluntly, you just used certain things to confuse a group of people and launched this war of extermination against the Taiyi Sect, and you watched the fire from the other side?"

Zhu Wuxin nodded and said: "You can think so! I just let out a little bit of rumors, saying that there is a "Xuanmu Rebirth Pill" in the treasure secret library of Taiyimen, and a genuine Xuanmei Rebirth Pill is stored. Dan, let it go on the black market, so that this rumor can be well documented."

"As for this siege, how many forces are involved in it, it will slowly surface in the future! Of course! I hope that the more the better, the fish are pretending to be fake, so that I can be safe enough!"

"It doesn't matter what the process is anyway, the ending is the most important thing!"

Xuan Mi Rebirth Pill has the miraculous effect of bringing flesh and bones back to life, but with this miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life, it can already be ranked among the ranks of miraculous medicines.

More importantly, this Xuanmu Rebirth Pill also has the magical effect of dispelling the body.

For some ambitious people who only obtained low-grade golden elixirs, a Mysterious Female Rebirth Pill gave them the hope of embarking on the immortal journey and cultivating high-grade golden elixirs.

Because Xuanmu Rebirth Pill, when reshaping the physical body and dissolving the skill body, will also change the cultivation potential.

Once the physical body is reshaped and top-grade spiritual roots are born, the cultivation will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

Of course, it is also possible that after rebirth, the cultivation aptitude is not as good as before, which is the most common situation.

But for the one-in-a-million chance to reshape the top-grade spiritual root, this mysterious female rebirth pill is enough to make most monks in the world flock to it.

Zhang Chaohu snorted coldly: "In this way, I can't let the situation develop. At least I have to be present, instead of sitting here, waiting for things to happen, beyond my reach."

Zhu Wuxin was about to persuade again, when he caught a glimpse of the scene change in the magic mirror, he smiled happily: "Don't worry, don't worry, look, hasn't the person who rescued the chess pieces already appeared?"

In the secret mansion, there are as many as seven or eight magic mirrors opened.However, it was the first time that the mysterious person wearing the black gauze hat appeared among them.

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