defend the truth

Chapter 174: Parting

More than [-]% of the houses in Jixin Courtyard collapsed, including the one where Li Weizhen once lived.

When the enemy attacked the mountain gate, most of the disciples of the outer sect hid in their residences according to the gate rules.

It turned out to be a bad decision, and it wasn't far from the fray here.

A few fireballs and strong winds fell, and it was already a sea of ​​flames.

At that time, except for Yaolu, all inner disciples participated in that bloody battle.

No one led the outer disciples to escape to a place far away from the battle situation.So many people died for no reason.

It's no wonder that the Taiyi Sect has been at ease in Yuelun Mountain for too long.It's not that I never thought about the day when the enemy would attack the mountain, or I didn't expect it to come so fast and so suddenly.

People without thought, he must worry about.For no reason, Li Weizhen remembered this sentence.

Looking at the various actions of Taiyimen over the years, as well as Li Weizhen's own personal experience.He found that the group of them seemed to have to be slapped a few times and kicked a few times before they wanted to do anything.

If he was beaten enough to hate him, and the other party grinned again, he would still think about whether he would be able to live in peace in the future!

Thinking about it, I'm really ashamed, what kind of bullshit lesson, I'm obviously stupid!

In the end, most of the surviving outer sect disciples were in the Spiritual Beast Field, Qi Hut... Those who were far away from the living area, failed to keep up with the brigade after the battle started, and simply stayed where they were.

Now these surviving outer sect disciples are busy, completely putting out the fire that burned on the Jixin Garden House.

It cannot be said to be futile, but it is definitely a drop in the bucket.If the fire could be easily extinguished, it would not be able to ignite under the heavy rain just now.

Li Weizhen looked helplessly at the freckled boy beside him, who shrugged his shoulders and returned a helpless expression.

It is indeed difficult for a Qi trainer who has practiced fire art to extinguish the fire.

When manpower is limited, since it cannot be extinguished, let the fire continue to burn!When there is nothing to burn, the fire will naturally go out.

Therefore, Li Weizhen fell from the sky, telling those who were staring at the wells to quickly put down the buckets in their hands and go to work on other things.

If the house is gone, it will be rebuilt. Anyway, now, the Taiyimen is considered to be ten rooms and nine empty. A lot of immortal mansions are vacant. As long as you don’t sleep in the Sanqing Hall, where can you sleep?

But if a few more people were sacrificed because of saving such a fire, it would be really wronged!

But Li Weizhen didn't let those who put down the buckets idle, and he took the lead to remove all the combustibles near the outermost edge of the Jixin Garden House, felling and removing all the combustibles.Then use the sword light to cut down the deep ditch and form a fire zone to prevent the fire from spreading outward.

Just when everything was going on in an orderly manner and was about to be on the right track, another bell sounded from afar.

Li Weizhen hastily stopped what he was doing and threw his sword into the air, but he didn't notice any changes from the mountain gate.Then through the sound transmission ring, I tried to communicate with Cai Ruoxian who was still staying in Tianjian Square, "Brother Xian, what's the situation with you?"

"I just saw Senior Sister Sui return to the mountain."

"Just her?"

"should be!"

"I'll ask her what she means."

After all, before Li Weizhen left, he saw Sui Wenyan Yujian flying here from a distance.

Sui Wenyan's clothes were stained with blood, and it was hard to tell whether it was her own or the enemy's.But there were obviously tears on her face, which hadn't been wiped off in time, which was easy to tell.

Sui Wenyan also saw Li Weizhen, and showed a rare look of happiness to him.

Although it was only for a very short moment, Li Wei, who has excellent eyesight, really saw it clearly.Obviously, the mood of the other party should be the same as before.Because I found a ray of fire in the dark, I feel comforted.

Li Weizhen spoke first, and asked directly, "Did you ring the bell?"

Unexpectedly, Sui Wenyan skipped this question directly, and said in a crying voice: "The enemy is counterattacking, we can't hold it anymore, let's go down the mountain quickly! Let everyone run away!"

Li Weizhen looked shocked and said: "You tell me clearly, what's the matter? You should have followed the others to chase the remnant enemy before, right? Now where are the others?"

Sui Wenyan couldn't help crying, shook his head and said: "The others... probably won't be able to come back either. We got separated and were ambushed on the road. If Elder Wei hadn't risked his life to resist the thieves, I wouldn't be able to come back either. You Said that the second senior brother will come back?"

Sui Wenyan obviously looked deeply shocked, and his speech was somewhat incoherent.

But the meaning is probably clear, in short, it is a series of traps.

If the mountain gate cannot be attacked by force, it will lure the enemy to attack, turning the offensive and defensive war into a positional war and an ambush war.

Divide and annihilate them to reverse the advantage.From the beginning to the end, everyone in the Taiyi Sect failed to play the role of a hunter, but the prey lured out of the cave.

Those who are good at fighting will eventually die in fighting!

Seeing two people in the air, one solemn and the other in mourning, the freckled boy who was in charge of comforting the outer disciples quickly came to the two of them with his sword.

The freckled boy asked cautiously: "Boss, what's the situation now?"

Li Weizhen was breathing heavily, and he calmed his eyes and said solemnly: "Tianqing, you take everyone to evacuate to Beidu Mountain first. Tonight, we may have to pass through the west mountain range and leave Yuelun Mountain."

If the enemy is really going to rush up the mountain, then he will definitely hit him straight away by taking the main road.

Hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, walking the rugged mountain roads, and leaving in the dark was the only way Li Weizhen could think of with his remaining rationality.

At this time, someone must make a decisive decision without delay.Although, Li Weizhen is not sure whether such a decision should be made by him.

The freckled boy touched the back of his head and said, "Why, so suddenly? Is it an order from the head?"

Li Weizhen didn't explain anything. Instead, he followed the freckled boy's words and nodded, "Yes, just tell the people below that it's the order sent back from the head. Everything is for everyone's safety!"

Hearing this, although the freckled boy was thoughtful, he still did it right.

Seeing Li Weizhen's unruffled planning, Sui Wenyan's mind was also affected by it, calmed down a little, and said in a deep voice, "I'm beginning to understand why Master accepted you as a disciple before he died."

Li Weizhen waved his hand, and said in a depressed tone, "If you want to praise me only at this time, you should avoid it!"

Then, Li Weizhen looked into the distance behind him, and continued: "Now, please go to the Yaolu, and mobilize everyone to go down the mountain as soon as possible! Sometimes, your words are more effective than mine, and Senior Brother Wen is more willing to listen to you. "

Sui Wenyan was puzzled and said: "Listen to your tone, you don't plan to go together? How many people can I persuade to go together with my open mouth?"

Li Weizhen said solemnly: "If you persuade Brother Wen first, don't you have two mouths?"

"As for me, it's a little personal, and it's inevitable that people will be selfish!"

After all, Li Weizhen went away with Yujian through the sky, rushed to Beidu Mountain, and pointed his sword at Qilu!

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