defend the truth

Chapter 151: What is Home

After the turmoil under the Shanmen Archway was over, Li Weizhen first went to Zhanyuntai.

Because according to the previous agreement with everyone, they will return to the Spring and Autumn Pavilion first, and make a detailed list of the dead.

Then, who are the corpses that can be brought back to the mountain gate, and what standard of burial is recommended.

Then, they discussed together and drafted an application to see if it would be logical to take in the five Xuanguimen disciples who returned to the mountain together, and formally accept them as their own.

On the contrary, the detailed report on the war has become the last thing, because there is nothing to write.So many people died, the success or failure of the war and the merits and demerits, a capital "miserable" is enough to explain clearly!

After finishing these things, according to the original plan, they went to meet the head of the family together.

But when they walked out of the threshold of Zhanyuntai Martial Arts Hall together, they all saw the messenger waiting under the steps.

The so-called messenger is actually a person who sends a message and brings a message.According to this person, the head of the sect had already been invited to join the battle in Fuchun City seven or eight days ago, to solve the urgent need at that time.

Currently, the decision-maker in Taiyi Sect is acting head Rui Hongchang.

And the current acting head just happened to start retreat yesterday.Therefore, I entrusted this messenger with an oral order that any reports can be submitted first, but if you want to meet and discuss matters, unless it is extremely urgent, you have to discuss it in a later day.

Meeting such a lazy acting head, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, staring at each other, there was really nothing they could do, so they could only sigh helplessly.

The people who had been shut down before going out, it was no fun to stay any longer, so they all went back home, busy with their own business.

It's just that Li Weizhen didn't forget to ask Cai Ruoxian to arrange a place for the five people who still had their identities as disciples of the Xuangui Sect.If it really doesn't work, there is no other way to live in Jixin Courthouse first.

Of course, this kind of grievance is not because of how bad the residence is, but because of his identity.These five people are Qi trainers anyway, and they should have their own fairy mansion in Xuanguimen.

But now in Taiyi Sect, they are neither honored guests who are officially handed over, nor captives under house arrest.They can't be allowed to walk around at will. Before they have a formal identity, they have to be watched and led by someone.

There is a sense of being neither human nor ghost here, even Cai Ruoxian will be constrained everywhere, because he is not human inside and out.

It stands to reason that Li Weizhen brought him back, so he should personally arrange the arrangement.But according to his current temperament, this matter will often go to two extremes, either it will be very smooth, or it will be a big trouble.

After all, Cai Ruoxian will deal with the tedious matters of these rules and regulations, and it will be much more convenient. Even if the process is not smooth, at least mistakes will be avoided.

Therefore, Li Weizhen often said half-jokingly, half-seriously, that once he returned to the mountain, Cai Ruoxian would be his own brother!

With the breeze in his sleeves, after returning to Defeng Jingyuan, his tough and straight body and sharp and solemn face seemed to collapse all at once.

All that was left was a tired face and a slightly arched spine.

This appearance, not to mention the disciples of Yuzhantang, has never seen it, even the two little Taoist boys who have never been guarded by Li Weizhen have never seen it.

Facing An Lan and Ye Tong's worries, Li Weizhen did not explain anything for the first time, and said bluntly: "Sir, I am just a little tired, so I won't eat lunch, so let's prepare for dinner!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, dragged his weak body back to the dormitory, untied his belt, and fell asleep.

Li Weizhen has many thinking habits that are incomprehensible to others, such as sleeping. In his opinion, no matter whether it is a physical injury or a spiritual injury, as long as he sleeps, even if it cannot heal, most of it can be recovered.

Even if the sky is falling, after waking up, he can muster up his energy to face it.

From the point of view of other monks, they don't quite agree with it. They would rather spend the same time in meditation.Simply sleeping, isn't that what ordinary people do?

However, if these people can break through the many obstacles on Li Weizhen's body, and take a closer look at the miraculous and mysterious movement of the Qi veins, then all these voices of doubt will turn into amazement!

In fact, even Li Weizhen, who was sleeping soundly, didn't know that at this moment, a rising red sun was hanging on the sea of ​​air like a hundred-mile lake, accompanied by a bright moon.

At the same time, the surface of the water was boiling, and a small horned dragon covered with golden scales jumped out of the water, playing and churning from the sea, trying to chase the sun and the moon.

As a result, the sea tide rose wildly, the rivers flowed backwards, and some people climbed up the mountain against the current, like thousands of troops, commanding Zifu.

It can also be seen that in the purple mansion, because of the gathering of the breath of mountains, rivers and rivers, an illusory and exquisite lotus flower without substance is bred.

And above the lotus, a more illusory and hazy figure is sitting cross-legged in meditation!

The sun and the moon shine together, the dragon rises on the sea, the air rushes into the Zifu, and flowers grow on the top!

Borrow your body to be my house, to receive the essence of the sun and the moon, to receive the spirit of all things, to be the birth of the heaven and the earth, and hope for the hope of rebirth!

It wasn't until it was completely dark that Li Weizhen came out of the dormitory yawning. As expected, the two little guys were already waiting outside the door with their cheeks in their hands.

Before Li Weizhen could open his mouth, the two little clever ghosts had already run away. No need to ask, they must be busy around the stove!

Li Weizhen went back to the house and glanced at the pointer on the armillary sphere. If he followed the tacit understanding in the past, he would go to take a comfortable bath now, and he would be in time for dinner.

The aura of golden water in Beidu Mountain is the most important, and there is a dark spring flowing under this fairy mansion.Therefore, the construction of the bathroom only needs to be excavated and drained around a few springs, and it will be natural and elegant!

Because it is built on the living spring, the spring water is warm in winter and cool in summer, which is directly felt; and because the spring water is rich in spiritual power, soaking it for many years has the miraculous effect of prolonging life and strengthening the body. The lower the cultivation base, the more benefits you will get. big.

In other words, the people who really benefited from this semi-natural soup pool were not the owner Li Weizhen, but the two children.At most, he just took a shower for convenience.

During dinner, I don't know if it was because the food was too fragrant and the smell was too ecstatic, it drifted to Jinxiao Pavilion, and hooked the worm in Jin Cheng's neighbor's stomach.

Just as he was about to put down his chopsticks, Jin Cheng held a jug of wine and just paid a visit, giving Li Weizhen a pleasant surprise.

The joy is that it is gratifying to reunite after a long absence; the surprise is that as a junior, it should be Li Weizhen who visited Jin Cheng first.

When Li Weizhen half-jokingly said that he was not, what he got in return was a slap on the back of the head from Jin Cheng who laughed and cursed.

An Lan and Ye Tong covered their mouths and laughed for a long time, just because Li Weizhen behaved in front of Jin Cheng, as if they were in front of Li Weizhen.

It's clear that the student saw his husband's appearance!

At the dinner table, Jin Cheng held a bowl and said with a smile: "Why do you always have the five-spice rabbit diced dish on your dinner table? I've seen it seventeen or eight times. Don't you get tired of eating it? If you often live on the mountain , the rabbit raised in the spirit beast farm must not be eaten up by you?"

Li Weizhen smiled, and was hesitant to speak, An Lan hastily echoed: "Yes, yes, Grandpa Jin, you have to tell me, sir! Little rabbits are so cute, and they can obviously be braised in soy sauce, spicy, and stir-fried ...There are so many delicious recipes!"

"That's fine, I'll change the flavor another day!"

After hesitating, Li Weizhen never confessed. In fact, he didn't pick anything to eat, but only this "Spiced Rabbit Ding" can make him think about others, and only this dish can have a taste of home.

I know that as a practitioner, I shouldn't have such unrealistic thoughts of comfort, but I just can't stop thinking about it!

Some people fight for fame, some for profit, but some also yearn for a plain life.

Even if it's just an extravagant wish, Li Weizhen still hopes to have a home in this world, a place where all burdens can be unloaded.

Because if you have a home to return to, you have the right to choose to wander!

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