defend the truth

Chapter 136: Renewing Friendship

At four o'clock, the sea cliff sent out a whistle.

Every night when the moon is full, one can understand why this White Dragon Beach is named White Dragon by looking down on the sea cliff or higher.

Due to the full moon, the tide spreading inland more than usual, just outlined a slender and beautiful white dragon, and the shining moonlight added to the incomparable beauty of the white dragon.

If you can go to a higher place and look down, the "white dragon beating the drum" corresponding to the spectacle in the distance will be even more shocking and amazing!

This is the freckled boy, the second time he has seen this "white dragon".It's just that compared to the first time, the white dragon at night was covered with blood, which made the pleasant scenery even more tragic!

When the freckled boy was staring at it in a daze, suddenly a gust of breeze blew up behind him, the direction of the wind was opposite to that of the natural sea breeze.

"Brother Li, why are you here? I am not lazy! These tricks are always on!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to check the post!"

The eyes didn't blink much, they were just gazing at the sand, not at the distant tide.

But Li Weizhen has always noticed how hard the freckled boy works.As the saying goes, tigers also take naps, let alone in this long and lonely late night.

So, looking at the young man's little hands that had no place to rest, and the shameful and low eyes because he told a lie that even he couldn't lie to himself.Li Weizhen just laughed it off, waved his hand, and gave the other party a reassurance.

Then, Li Weizhen pulled out a book from his arms, shook it in his hand, lifted his chin, and said with a smile on his mouth: "Look, what is this?"

The freckled boy's eyes suddenly brightened, with a look of "I've seen through it all, so don't show off", he grinned and said, "I don't need to look at this thing, I know it, isn't it the one you picked earlier?" This cheat book!"

Li Weizhen turned his neck sideways, as if he was about to hand the book to the freckled boy, and his expression was extremely serious, "Do you really want to take a look at it?"

Only then did the freckled boy realize that Li Wei was really not joking with him, but instead became a little nervous and stammered, "This... such a good thing, can I really hold it in my hand and watch it?"

Li Weizhen directly stuffed the cheat book into the arms of the freckled boy, shook his head and shrugged, and said, "What's the point? Anyway, I don't intend to study this cheat book, but you can try to practice it. You just lack a skill Magical powers!"

The freckled boy held the secret book in his hand and regarded it as a treasure, but felt that the happiness came too suddenly, so he still hesitated and said: "Brother, don't make me happy! If you learn a supernatural power, you will have more ways to save your life, so you should keep it yourself!"

After all, although the freckled boy was reluctant to part, he really returned the cheat book with both hands.

Naturally, Li Weizhen would not be a boring person looking for people to be happy in vain. He raised his palm, blocked it again, and said indifferently: "It's really for you. Just like what you said just now, I firmly believe that I will give it to you." You are the right choice. Frankly speaking, you are the youngest of us and the one with the lowest cultivation level. I brought you in, so I am more responsible to take good care of you!"

The freckled boy withdrew his hand back, but his expression was a little sad, "Brother is afraid that I will drag everyone down..."

Li Weizhen shook his head, and said decisively: "No, although you were recommended by me, but you passed the assessment based on your real skills, which is enough to prove that you are a qualified fighter! Compared with your worries, on the contrary I think you have great potential, so you should take on more responsibilities!"

Li Weizhen stretched out his hand and pointed at the shipwreck still floating in the sea. His eyes were sharp and he said: "Look at this, this is the battlefield. No matter how capable I am, how many enemies can I kill with one sword and one sword? But I told myself, I I'm not fighting alone! The reason why I can give it a go is because I believe that there are you behind me!"

"Let me just ask you, can you do your best to share the burden for me in every battle in the future? So that I can give it a go without any worries?"

"Of course! As long as you have a word, senior brother, I can risk my life! I can also tell God..."

Seeing the freckled boy raised three fingers, Li Weizhen hastily stopped him with one hand, and covered the boy's mouth with the other hand, "Okay, okay, just keep these words in your heart, but it's not sincere to say it! Cultivating the Tao People, don't swear indiscriminately, you know?"

The freckled boy nodded heavily, and quickly opened the cover, unable to stop the excitement in his heart, he said: "Let me see what a fun thing it is!"

Opening the title page, the young man with freckles read out the opening words word by word: "Raise the sword with blood, gather blood evil. The power of blood can refine the soul."

The more the freckled boy read, the more tiny beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and he said in a trembling voice: "Senior brother, this... this supernatural power... seems a bit evil!"

Li Weizhen laughed it off, and said disapprovingly: "It is indeed a side door, but it is not a [-]% demon secret book. It says in it that human blood and animal blood can be used to nourish flying swords and condense blood evil. We are disciples of Xuanmen , You can’t use human blood to raise a sword, but you can buy the blood of monsters with spirit stones. Don’t look at Brother Xian, he sometimes needs to draw amulets! He is fair and square!”

After Li Weizhen said this, the freckled boy immediately felt relieved, and he quickly flipped through the following pages, only to have doubts again.He found that at the back of the cheat book, there seemed to be a few pages missing, and there seemed to be traces of being torn.

The freckled boy was puzzled and said, "Look, brother, how many pages seem to be missing here?"

Li Weizhen frowned suddenly, took the cheat book, looked around, thought for a while and said: "Don't tell me, I haven't noticed it before! But it's hard to say how many people have passed through this cheat book. It may be whoever Keep a hand, don't want to be learned by the descendants of the true method!"

The freckled boy nodded, with an optimistic expression, "I understand this, that's what, teach apprentices, starve to death master! Anyway, it's enough for me to learn the previous ones. When I learn more powerful supernatural powers, I may not be able to return." Can't look down on its backhand!"

Li Weizhen patted the young man on the shoulder and said with relief, "You're right! What's the point? As long as the net we've laid is strong enough, we'll fly fistfuls of magical powers and cheats into our pockets. What is it for?"

"Okay, while there is still some time, you go back to the camp and think about it, and strive to achieve supernatural powers as soon as possible! For the remaining half post, I will suffer a bit and stand for you!"

"Brother, you have already treated me so well, how can I be nice..."

"Don't be inked, you're all lazy by order, why don't you hurry up and get out? Do you want me to kick you down?"

Looking at the cheerful back of the boy bouncing around, Li Weizhen's smile was as bright as the moon and stars.He jumped up and sat down on a thick branch of an old tree beside him, dangling his legs, looking at the waves crashing against the reef in the distance with great interest, in a good mood!

After calming down a bit, Li Weizhen just took out a few pages from his sleeves, gathered the chilling wind in his hands, and tore the pages with ancient texts as finely as catkins.Then he waved it casually, turning the sky into snowflakes!

"You can do it, kid! This acting skill and city government are almost on the stage!"

"Isn't this thanks to the careful guidance of Brother Wuming! I still have a lot of things, and I need you to mention some more!"

"If you're a fool, no matter how much I say, it's just nonsense!"

"Cats have nine lives, and humans have to pass ten thousand hurdles. I don't know if I can be considered a smart person, but at least I didn't live up to now by luck!"

When no one is around, Li Weizhen likes to look into the distance and talk to himself.

At noon on the second day, Li Weizhen temporarily removed all the guard posts for an unprecedented time, and gathered everyone together.

The reason is to introduce the young doctor next to everyone, "Let me introduce to you, this is the newly sent team doctor, Nie Geng! He is also a brother who lives in the same room as me, and we often wear the same pair of pants." !"

"Don't listen to your boss talking nonsense, just once, because his pants were dry, he robbed me. Then I threw them away, I have a clean freak!"

"Go, go, you guys are laughing! Don't you have anything else to do?"

Facing the roaring crowd, Li Weizhen blushed after being exposed, and quickly dispersed the team.

After a short gathering, they dispersed again. After the camp was silent, Li Weizhen put his hands on Nie Geng's shoulders and said seriously: "I'm really happy that you can help me! Lu applied, hoping to send you to my team, but Senior Brother Wen said that you..."

Li Weizhen's tone paused, and he quickly put it away with a smile. His eyes were bright and he said: "No matter what, you are here now! The important thing is that we can fight side by side! From now on, there will be me and you!"

"En!" Nie Geng just nodded vigorously, humming a deep nasal voice.He kept smiling all the time, but in the eyes of bystanders, he would feel a little stiff.

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