defend the truth

Chapter 133: Scarlet Bay

On Leigu Mountain, inside the tent of the Chinese army, Huo Ming rarely held a book in his hand, but leaned on the book table, lit a furnace of incense, and drew amulets on the sand.

Suddenly, the ashes from the three sticks of incense were all shaken off, followed by a sound like a rock cracking from afar.

Listening to the voice and arguing, it should have come from Bailongtan ten miles away.

Huo Ming slightly pursed his lips and smiled, picked up the newly painted talisman and raised his eyebrows: "It's really early, it's better to come by coincidence. Unexpectedly, this hard-won Thousand Miles Vision Talisman will come in handy so soon !"

Huo Ming then picked up the incense towel in his hand, and after carefully wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he left the desk and came to the center of the tent, pinching his fingers and stepping on the Seven Star Steps!

"The sky is clear and the earth is spirited; the patriarch secretly transmits the divine vision mantra, and the eyes of thousands of mountains and rivers are closed; the mirror of yin and yang, quickly reveals the true form; I am entrusting the three mountains and nine waiting patriarchs, as urgent as a law!"

As soon as the spell came out, Huo Ming immediately drew a circle with his finger, and then the space surrounded by the finger gradually became distorted, and finally presented the scene ten miles away before the eyes of the caster.

Just when Huo Ming was about to fold his arms and watch quietly, the curtain was lifted without warning.

The visitor laughed loudly and said, "I knew you were peeping, so why didn't you catch me?"

Huo Ming didn't even need to raise his eyelids, Linghutian was the only one who could walk into the camp of the Chinese army so unscrupulously.

Huo Ming thought to himself: "You don't want to see it? If you don't want to see it, you won't come!"

But just as Linghutian said, Huo Ming is a typical seed of reading, and what he says will be much more beautiful than what he thinks in his heart.

I saw that Huo Ming nodded slightly and said: "Brother Linghu laughed, after all, it's the commotion under the nose, you have to care about it, don't you?"

Linghu Tian took a sip of his wine, waved his hand and said: "Yes, this time the truth is on your side, so I won't pursue the matter of you secretly spying on my junior brother!"

Afterwards, without waiting for Huo Ming to find an excuse, Linghutian showed a look of surprise, changed the subject and said, "It's not that I haven't seen others use the Thousand Miles Vision Talisman, but the magic mirror you drew, look It's very clear! In my impression, it can be ranked in the top three!"

Just when Huo Ming thought that he was about to receive great praise from Linghu Tian, ​​after hearing the second half of the sentence, his face froze and he almost recovered from his breath.

"Hey, hey...that kid started fighting swords, why does he seem to be a cripple? Can you zoom in on the scene a little bit, I want to see if this brat is embarrassing me to Yuzhantang."

"If this kid can't even beat a cripple, I'll kick him into the sea with one kick!"

Linghutian happily draped Huo Ming's shoulders, his mouth and eyes were full of smiles, he didn't look worried at all!

Compared to just now, Huo Ming was no longer in the mood to watch a good show for no reason, and just replied dully, "Yes!"

Then, with the palm of his hand on the mirror surface, the scene presented was much closer.

"Well, not bad! Now we can be ranked second! Don't be proud, you must understand the truth of sitting in the Asian Championship!"

"Then I have to thank you?"

"Why are you being polite to me!"

On Bailongtan, Li Weizhen carried the bloody head of the middle-aged casual cultivator, skimmed over the beach at low altitude, and shouted to his comrades who were chasing and killing the defeated enemy: "The first and second teams come with me, the rest continue!"

When Li Weizhen went ashore, at a glance, he saw nearly a hundred corpses lying in a pool of blood.The remaining people fled madly, and the people behind also chased madly.He didn't want to devote the three elites under his hands to such a meaningless killing.

Moreover, on the sea cliff not far away, the other three teams led by Fu Lichi are engaged in a fierce battle with more than double the number of enemies, and Li Weizhen must rush to help as soon as possible.

Fu Lichi and the others were forced out of the ambush point because of the long-distance suppression of the mountain crossbow before, and they could not continue to maintain the sword formation.

The battle continued from the ground to the air. Fu Lichi and the others formed a circle, back to back, surrounded by the enemy.Those who are trapped by beasts will be trapped and fought instead.

The group of casual cultivators saw Li Weizhen leading the menacing team, so they immediately wanted to send out their men to fight.

However, in front of those casual cultivators, it was not the flying sword, but the head of the middle-aged cultivator that Li Weizhen swung his arms and flung out.And shouted: "Go on!"

A young rogue cultivator was obedient by accident, reached out his hand and held the bloody head, then let out a strange cry, and hurriedly threw it behind him.It was cut in half by the person behind him with a subconscious sword.

Li Wei was really sure that although some were bloody and bloody, there should still be quite a few people among them. They recognized the dead face clearly, but they were generally calm.

There is not much anger, much less sadness, just endless desire to survive.

To put it bluntly, Li Wei really failed to frighten the enemy's courage, but instead drove the dog into a poor alley.

In the team of casual cultivators, an old man raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers who want to survive, go up with me and kill this group of hateful Taoist lackeys!"

Li Weizhen snorted coldly: "Keep in formation and punch them through!"

Facing the group of vicious dogs fighting each other just for their own lives, Li Weizhen and the others lined up neatly, more like a wild goose with lofty aspirations, an arrow piercing the enemy's heart.

But in this battle, Li Weizhen didn't even use his swordsmanship supernatural powers, just by cooperating with his teammates, he tore off the enemy's flesh and bones bit by bit.

With Fu Lichi successfully leading the team to break through, even the internal organs of the enemy were hollowed out, and there was nothing left.

In troubled times, who doesn't live like a dog?

The only difference is that whoever is wandering will be shouted and beaten; whoever has tiles on his head has food in his belly.

Therefore, Li Weizhen was really not angry when he was called a dog. Youdao is fair and comfortable, and he himself can't decide.

So what?Behind him is everyone, and everyone has a small family. As long as more generations like An Lan and Ye Tong can live well, then what can this housekeeper do?

In the past, Li Wei really didn't dare to think so far and so generously, but now he feels that he has the right to think about it!If the two and a half children in the family really have the aptitude for cultivation, will my identity stop at my husband in the future?

Back on the beach, Li Weizhen witnessed a microcosm of today's world with his own eyes.

I saw the freckled boy holding a long sword, hesitating, and in front of him, there were five or six young casual cultivators around his age, who had lost their hands and were forced to the shallows, trembling.

Li Weizhen folded his hands on his chest, turned his neck sideways, looked coldly at the freckled boy, and said, "God, you should know that we don't take prisoners. Let's do it!"

This time, it was also the first time that the freckled boy did not carry out Li Weizhen's order. He looked miserable and looked back: "Brother Li, we have killed too many people, look at this sea, look at this sand, it's all red , are all stained red with blood! Can you... let them go?"

While talking, the freckled boy dropped his sword and cried.

Li Wei was really silent, he really looked alike, the mourning young man in front of him, the young man who had already killed him softly, was really similar to himself back then.

But in the end it was before!Can not go back!With a sigh, Li Weizhen's tone became more and more stern: "Pick it up, I'll count to three!"

"I..." The freckled boy's chest rose and fell rapidly, and he couldn't stop sobbing. He never thought that his senior brother whom he respected so much would force him to make such a cruel decision.

"three two……"

"Wait, I still hope Dutong, let Xiao Cai say a few words!"

Seeing this stalemate, Cai Ruoxian quickly ran out, walked to the side of the freckled boy, and said in a low voice, "You boy, don't be foolish! If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about it for everyone! Then Many people are watching!"

The freckled boy was even more dazed, but his hands didn't work, he still picked up the sword tremblingly, and then turned around as if he had lost his soul.

It's not that the freckled boy has never killed anyone. In this team, no one has clean hands.It can even be said that he crawled all the way from the pile of dead people.

For a long time, as long as the freckled boy opened his eyes, he thought about how to survive this day, no matter how hard it is, how good it is to live!

On the shoal, the freckled boy held the sword with both hands, with the hilt pressed against his chest. This was not a very comfortable posture for holding a sword.Whenever he took a step forward, those young casual cultivators took a step back.

The freckled boy's eyes were loose, and he murmured to himself: "I'm sorry... there is no other way!"

Just walking step by step, from the waves hitting the ankles to being submerged in the belly button.It's really the king of hell who wants people to die in the third watch, and now it's the end of the fifth watch!

The freckled boy finally calmed down, stabbed out with a sword, and immediately blood waves slapped his face, making his whole body wet.

After all, it's a habit. The angle of this sword is very precise, just enough to pierce the throat with a sword.If it can really get in, instead of being blocked by Zhan Gang!

"I'll just pretend that you haven't been to shore, where did you come from, where are you going! From now on, don't run to the thief boat again, get out!"

The freckled boy smiled through his tears, and he seemed to see a sea-fixing needle in his eyes!

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