defend the truth

Chapter 131: The Water Sly

In the small forest less than a mile behind the sand dunes of Bailongtan, Li Weizhen established a camp belonging to his team there, and there were also geologists in his team who could set up formations.

Although it is not as good as the faceless figure of Xuanguimen, it is enough to cover a small forest!

There are also talisman masters who take yellow paper, and Cai Ruoxian is one. Everyone carries a Wuchang talisman with him, and he will never be soft when fighting.

Speaking of Cai Ruoxian, Li Weizhen had to think back to the beginning of the formation of this team.

Although these years, the view of the heart of the lake has also cultivated some people.But after all, there are few talisman repairs, and even fewer good talisman repairs.

At first, Li Wei really wanted to invite Yang Xin, who was in the same period, to join the army, but the other party politely refused.

Not only Yang Xin, but none of those who performed well in the same period were willing to join Li Weizhen's team. Even Nie Geng, who he thought he had the best relationship with, refused with a wry smile.

For quite a long period of time, this has been bothering Li Weizhen. God knows how much he wants to fight side by side with these former classmates again.

Later, it was Wen Renyu who led Cai Ruoxian to find Li Weizhen, and simply said a word: "I, Junior Brother Cai, can definitely help!"

Facts have proved that Wen Renyu's words were too modest.

Apart from his poor fighting skills, Cai Ruoxian has almost no shortcomings in other aspects.

Time flies, more than a month has passed.The days go by quickly, but every day is boring.

It was so boring that Li Weizhen could only sit on the reef and watch the sea every day, holding a bamboo pole and wrestling with guys in the water, killing time.

There is almost no spiritual energy here, so there is no point in meditating.

The battle was not without, and there was even a big battle a few days ago, but it didn't happen in the defense zone that Li Weizhen belonged to.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, Li Wei really didn't dare to think about it, for fear of spoiling his mood.But one thing is true after all, not only him, but they, wasted more than a month.

The long period of comfort and silence is neither bad nor good for a team whose name is war.Everyone's desire to fight is very strong, but it is also true that morale has dropped.

If Li Wei really didn't say something, someone would say it secretly behind his back, but as long as he didn't catch the current situation, he couldn't beat that person up again.After all, what the man said was true.The prestige is not so playful.

In the first half of the month, Li Weizhen and his party would also be honestly ambush and set up sentries in the sand dunes, on the the sky and on the ground.

Li Weizhen couldn't hold back anymore, and walked to the reef flat, he was the cape hat and the bait for fishing.

Suddenly, the wrist of the young man wearing a self-made straw hat on the reef flicked, and a silver thread shone brightly in the sun, breaking through the waves, and with the pulling of the bamboo pole, finally something came out of the water .

Half of a dead sea bird, in the words of the freckled boy, is too shabby, the lower half is gone, and the upper half is still connected with a string of internal organs that have been soaked gray by the sea.

Looking at the wound, it doesn't look like it was bitten by a fish, it's more like... being cut by some boring guy with sword energy.

Li Weizhen murmured to the seabird carcass: "Thank you for your hard work, I'll let Brother Xian do a ritual for you later!"

Then, Li Weizhen raised his left hand and said to the sound transmission ring worn on the index finger of his left hand with hollowed-out characters: "Attention everyone, get ready to enter the battle state! Repeat it, everyone enters the battle state!"

After all, Li Weizhen jumped into the water, quickly dived to the deep water area, and hid in a quiet and deep seabed cave.

Ordinary monks in the qi training period, even with spiritual power and stellar qi protection, cannot dive to such a deep area.

But Li Wei was really different. He had something in his mouth, the black dragon scales that he hung around his neck all year round.In addition to exorcising evil spirits, by chance, he discovered that this thing has more practical functions.

It didn't take long for Li Weizhen to discover that there was not even a very faint ray of light under the water, which meant that there was a big guy like a dark cloud covering the sky above, slowly passing by.

Li Weizhen's eyes were covered with spiritual power. He was staring at the sound transmission ring in his hand. There were several fragmented crystals on it, which were flashing alternately in a certain pattern.

It was a set of code words, which conveyed information to each other when it was inconvenient to speak.

The information from outside was: there are three warships sailing towards Bailongtan. Although they are well concealed, they are definitely not the merchant ships of Xianhui.It is clear that they are carrying a large amount of supplies, aiming to grab the beach and set up camp!

The three warships probably brought people from half the sect!

The people outside were a little hesitant, asking if they should immediately ask Leigu Mountain for support.

For more than a month, the small fish and shrimps were not caught, and three big fish came all at once, but they were afraid of being full. It was really contradictory!

But Li Weizhen didn't hesitate, he replied: "Let their spies go ashore, the first-line team should pay attention to concealment, and the second-line team can let the two teams show their faces properly, so that they think they have caught a rabbit! But don't play!" It’s over, if they don’t stalk the hawks, just wait for me to kick their butts!”

Then, Li Weizhen said again: "As for the three ships, just let me handle them!"

After all, it is a cold code word without emotion, if the voice can be heard, those who are ambushing on the shore will be able to hear the undoubted confidence in the words, and there is absolutely no boasting or exaggerated emotion.

A quarter of an hour later, Jian Guangfei, who went ashore to investigate, returned to the deck.

Afterwards, more than 20 sampan boats capable of carrying seven or eight people began to land on the beach.More than 30 sword lights shot up from the big ship, trying to dominate the sky.

Nearly six times the enemy!Such a huge battle, if there is a head-on confrontation, who would dare to say that there is a certainty of victory?

"Brothers on the first line, bear with me, and I will give orders when I show my face. Brothers on the second line form a sword formation and meet the enemy!" Li Weizhen hurriedly gave orders, and began to float up.

At this time, the sound of roaring and exploding outside could not be heard incessantly, which originated from the mountain-breaking crossbows on the three warships. The huge arrows could smash a big hole in the ground, let alone a big hole in the ground. He exploded and died on the spot.

Otherwise, why do people drive three big ships to swagger through the sea?Because the ship itself is a large magic weapon, extremely deterrent!

This is due to the fact that the bow of the boat is facing Bailongtan, and only three crossbow arrows can be fired in each round. If it is sideways, the hull of the boat is facing the shore.Then from the cabin, at least eight big holes will be opened, and after a few rounds of swishing, the Bailong Beach will be full of holes.

It is said that on some high-end warships, there will be at least one, and as many as three or five continuous-firing giant crossbows on the ship tower. Rao is a sword fairy soaring in the sky, even if he is a little careless, he can be knocked down.

On the bow of the warship in the middle, there is a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression. He is wearing a blindfold, and he probably lost his sight.But in his remaining eye, there seemed to be a breathtaking look.

The middle-aged man was originally just a casual cultivator active in the northern part of the East China Sea. Half a year ago, when the Hehuan faction was determined to unify the entire territory of Yingzhou.He has a unique vision, and he followed the Hehuan faction to pick up leaks and made a lot of money.He picked it up, picked it up, and finally pulled out such a team for him.

Later, when the situation in Yingzhou stabilized, he fled out with all his belongings and team.

The middle-aged man has made up his mind that as long as he lands on the shore, he will sink the ship. This is called sinking the boat.From being a lonely family to being a single person now, why can't I go one step further, own a mountain, and even establish a sect?

Thinking of this, and thinking of being called the ancestor by his disciples and grandchildren in the future, the mood of the middle-aged man is as surging as this wave!

Suddenly, a young man who was regarded by the middle-aged man as his current deputy and future disciple of Kaishan ran out of the cabin and said with doubts on his face: "Boss, just now the magic circle has reflected. It seems that there is something..."

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