defend the truth

Chapter 128: Flying the Battle Flag

Even if he couldn't see that annoying face clearly, he could also recognize that flamboyant flying sword.

The freckled boy immediately made a grimace, and said angrily, "It's true that you can't talk about people during the day!"

The pale silver sword light fell into the square, and Li Weizhen immediately walked up to meet him, his face still calm, "Li Chi, as the vice governor, you didn't come to the meeting just now, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

In front of Li Weizhen, the young man wore a bright silver crown on his head, and his face was crowned with jade, which gave people a very good impression, but the arrogance in those eyes could not be concealed, but it meant to keep people away thousands of miles away.

This person's name is Fu Lichi, who entered the mountain gate a year earlier than Li Weizhen, and was the first top-notch person who successfully established a foundation that year.It is also the practice of Dzogchen during the Qi training period, majoring in the "Beidou Cave Heart Tribulation Method".

Of course, what Fu Lichi talked about most in private was that he had a good aunt, the owner of Sunflower Peak - Fu Yuehan.

Facing Li Weizhen's questioning, Fu Lichi twitched his mouth, and said with a cold smile: "Anyway, they are just talking nonsense, and you are all in charge, isn't it enough?"

Fu Lichi's arrogance has not lasted for a day or two. At first, Li Weizhen had a lot of patience with him because everyone was brothers and sisters in the same team.

On weekdays, Lila formed cliques and tried to divide them. Because of the lack of success, Li Weizhen also turned a blind eye and closed his eyes, just as it was to give someone face.

Li Weizhen thought, anyway, he has always firmly grasped the control of the team, so he just put a vase by his side, not counting on it.

But who would have thought that this kid would really push his nose and face, going too far.In the past, playing small tricks was harmless, and it could still be regarded as watching people play monkey games.

Now, at this juncture, without a word of explanation, he blatantly refused to come to the meeting.Whose face is lost?

Li Weizhen just looks stupid, but he really isn't stupid, and he understands the truth better than anyone else.

Seeing Li Weizhen's gloomy face as usual, the playfulness on Fu Lichi's face intensified, and he sneered, "If there's nothing else, please step aside, you're blocking my future!"

This remark has a double meaning, even a person like the freckled boy who doesn't like to flip through books can understand the other meaning.

The freckled boy threw off the rein immediately, ignored Cai Ruoxian's desperate look at him, pointed at Fu Lichi and said sharply: "Oh my god! Why are you talking so hard, you stupid bastard? You want to fight, right? Come, come, come at me, I can't beat you, I have to beat you to death!"

Li Weizhen frowned, secretly suppressing his anger and said: "Tianqing, you don't have a place to talk here yet, don't just join in the fun, just stay and go!"

Then, Li Weizhen leaned forward, patted Fu Lichi's shoulder lightly, and said in his ear: "We've known each other for so long, and you gave me a lot of things, and I remember them all. Reciprocity, it's my turn to give you four gifts." One word, too much!"

Li Weizhen has a characteristic that he doesn't even notice. When he behaves calmly and reasoning with others, even if there is fire in his heart, his smile can still be as warm as the sun in winter, and his eyes are still as clear as water.

Facing this kind of smile, Fu Lichi felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart. For no reason, he chose to step forward and directly knocked Li Weizhen's shoulder away. He was extremely arrogant.

"Boring, do you really think of yourself as the boss?"

When the two turned their backs completely, Li Weizhen's face plummeted, and he hid his smile, "Stop!"

"What did you say?"

"speak English!"

Suddenly, the two turned around at the same time, and Fu Lichi's originally stern and arrogant face twisted instantly.Because what he saw in his eyes was a whip kick with the force of wind and thunder.Before he could stop it, the sudden strong force seemed to dent most of his face.

The whole person flew out like a willow leaf in the wind, and fell into the soft flower bed, covered with grass, leaves and flowers. Although it was not injured, it was still extremely embarrassing!

The shocking scene made the freckled boy, who was still sullen just now, clap his hands subconsciously, while Cai Ruoxian was still at a loss and didn't react at all.

"Hey, come with me, right?"

Fu Lichi, who was furious, reacted quickly enough. He spit out blood foam, stood up, and raised his hand to call out the flying sword.

However, in terms of reaction, Li Weizhen was always the one who was sure to take the lead. When Fu Lichi called out the flying sword, the Zhangang in his hand had already been released.

Under the collision of sparks between electric light and flint, the shining bright silver flying sword has been quickly knocked into the air by Zhan Gang, and firmly suppressed.Just like his master, Fu Lichi, was choked by Li Weizhen and pinned to the ground!

Now, how can Li Weizhen's aura be approachable at all?The shape is like a tiger, and the killing intent is monstrous!

Looking at Fu Lichi's face that was already red and purple in an instant, but still unrepentant, Li Weizhen frowned angrily and said, "You really dare to draw a sword against me? Who do you think I am? The dead I have seen, More pants than you peed in when you were a kid, believe it or not?"

"If I don't kill you, I can cripple you! You and I practice the same technique, so as long as I blow up your acupuncture point..."

Li Weizhen put the five fingers of his free left hand together, and slowly counted along the ribs on Fu Lichi's right side one by one, and finally stopped at the seventh rib, and pointed with his fingers.The unquestionable tone made people chill, "Do you believe it or not?"

At this moment, Fu Lichi's eyes finally showed boundless fear. He had inquired about Li Weizhen's deeds.In the first monthly exam when he just started, he almost killed the newcomers of the same period in the competition.It is said that the process was extremely bloody and cruel. At first he thought it was just spreading rumors, but now it seems...

It's not that Fu Lichi has never seen life and death, and his sword has been stained with blood. He has strength, so he is arrogant.But it was the first time that someone pushed him to the ground without any resistance.

Trying to use up the last breath in his mouth, Fu Lichi still said those three words, "I... I'm convinced!"

However, Li Weizhen's expression did not slow down, and he also responded with three words, which made people puzzled, "We'll see!"

A farce finally came to an end, the commotion was so loud that everyone in Tianjian Square watched with cold eyes.

It's not that no one wanted to speak out, but that Linghutian stayed beside those two, but he kept silent all the time!

Afterwards, when Li Weizhen let go, Linghutian didn't say a word, didn't even look at him, turned around and left.

It seemed that he was still showing a bit of entertainment, pouring wine gourds into his mouth again and again, just like a drunk watching the excitement on the street.

When Li Weizhen put his sword back into its sheath and turned to face his 31 loyal subordinates, all he received were smiling faces and applause.

Li Weizhen couldn't help smiling Hexi, and sighed in his heart: "This is the function of the vase! Putting it on your eyes, it's easy to break your hatred! If you don't make trouble, what can I use to boost morale? From now on, let's give you some advice!"

A quarter of an hour later, Linghu Tian's blue bird soared into the sky. Below him, the three teams were orderly and in unison.

The moment he stepped out of the archway of the mountain gate, Li Weizhen raised his arms high, raised his five fingers, and shouted in a dignified voice with the might of a tiger roaring: "Raise the battle flag!"

The young man with freckles who followed him grinned and held up the flagpole. On the flag, "Taiyi" and "Yu Zhan" each occupied one side, and the prestige shook the heavens!

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