defend the truth

Chapter 126: Going to Dao Zhang Mansion

Today's Li Weizhen really has too many identities on his forehead.

In the Supreme Unity Sect, the title that is most often mentioned must be the title of Yuzhantang-Dutong.

Yuzhantang was an internal organization of the sect that had been dormant for ten years, and was re-established after Zhan Jifeng took over as the head. It was in charge of foreign wars.

The master of the Yuzhan Hall is Linghutian, and there are three major governors under his command, Li Weizhen is one of them, already in a high position.

The title of Dutong may seem beautiful, but it is canonized after all. Once a mistake is made, it is not impossible to be deprived.

But Li Weizhen still has another identity comparable to him, and that is the direct disciple of the head of the sect, although it was still a matter of the previous head when he was in office.

But at any rate, it is Zhenger Bajing who has undergone the apprenticeship ceremony, and Yan Qingyi is already immortal, as long as Li Weizhen does not commit serious crimes like betraying the sect, in the file, no one can take away his identity as the head disciple .

In the eyes of many discerning people, the identity of Li Weizhen, the former master's direct disciple, is more meaningful.

Because Yan Qingyi deliberately accepted Li Weizhen as his disciple when he was dying of illness and his time was running out. This was more of a kind of incense inheritance, a symbolic meaning!

Of course, Li Weizhen still has another identity that survives in name only, and that is Qilu's disciple.

After returning from the Battle of Funan City, Li Weizhen first went to Beidou Peak and devoted himself to practicing the "Beidou Cave Heart Tribulation Method".

After a little success, he was recommended by Zhan Jifeng to go to Taihe Peak, and minored in water-type supernatural powers "Five Springs Cleanse the Heart" and "Congenital Gang Qi".

In this way, it took a year.After all, Zhan Jifeng and Luo Siling are both Li Weizhen's mentors!

But in the end, the rules come first, be more intimate, Li Wei can really call these two uncles, but he absolutely can't call those two masters, otherwise he will be deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!

Zhan Jifeng is worthy of the reputation of being urgency, righteousness and fairness. Although he is teaching apprentices on behalf of the deceased brother, he is not negligent or ambiguous at all.He completely regarded Li Weizhen as his own direct disciple, and grasped the task of practice very tightly.

As a result, the number of times Li Weizhen returned to Qilu was very few.Later, although he had some freedom in practice, he soon joined the Yuzhan Hall, went down the mountain to practice every now and then, and spent very little time in the sect, let alone returning to Qilu.

As a result, Li Weizhen almost became Jin Cheng's heart disease.

Every time, when Li Weizhen returned to Qilu in his busy schedule, Jin Cheng was overjoyed at first, but soon his face darkened again, and he cursed: "Wolf with white eyes!"

Perhaps Li Weizhen himself felt indebted to this man who took care of him when he was still in his infancy and regarded him as his own.

Therefore, Li Weizhen gave up his fairy mansion on Beidou Peak and moved to Beidu Mountain to be a neighbor with Jin Cheng, so that he would have more opportunities to return to Qilu.

When Li Weizhen made the decision to move, people took turns to talk to him throughout the night. First Wen Renyu, then Linghutian, Sui Wenyan, and even Jin Cheng asked him not to be so self-willed.

After all, the intensity of aura on Beidou Peak is more than one month higher than that of Beidu Mountain.This is a decision only a fool would make, but Li Weizhen is such an unreasonable fool.

As a result, Zhan Jifeng tore up that application form for a full thirteen times, but he couldn't survive Li Weizhen's stubbornness. It was only later that he finally caught up with this silly boy's practice mission, and finally he finally got his breath.

Li Weizhen was in the immortal mansion of Beidu Mountain, named "Defeng Jingyuan". After he asked Jin Cheng, he took the first word from the "Debao" plaque of Yunzhu Patriarch.

The Immortal Mansion was newly built. After the Tiangong Institute surveyed the terrain, the blueprints were drawn up by the elders himself. The supervisor and the one who contributed the most was Luo Yicheng who had indirectly received Li Weizhen's favor.

Defeng Jingyuan is five miles away from Jincheng's Jinxiao Pavilion. At first, Li Weizhen suggested that it could be closer, preferably one that can be reached by turning around when going out.

It was Luo Yicheng who patiently talked about it for a long time, saying that this location is the best match for him, but another location would be bad for Fengshui, and if it was unlucky, Li Weizhen had no choice but to give up.

After bidding farewell to Linghutian, Li Weizhen returned to Defeng Jingyuan with his sword all the way, and deliberately took a detour, his whereabouts were a bit secretive.The reason why he was so sneaky, to put it bluntly, was that he didn't want Jin Cheng to know that he was back.

In the past, Li Weizhen would first visit Jin Cheng, but today, he has other ideas.Because, tomorrow he will go down the mountain again, he doesn't want to be nagged about again.

Of course, it wasn't that Li Weizhen felt annoyed, but that he didn't want the old man to worry.

When the sword light fell outside the gate of the Immortal Mansion, Li Weizhen looked up, and the first thing he saw were the two strings of wind chimes hanging under the porch to ward off evil.

Recalling that when Luo Yicheng hung up the two strings of wind chimes with his own hands, and smirked and shouted: "Good luck, good luck.", Li Weizhen couldn't help laughing himself.

Li Weizhen popped out a ray of spiritual power from his fingertips, shot at the sound transmission jade tablet fixed on the wall, and shouted: "Ye Tong, An Lan, I'm back!"

I thought I would see two smiling faces and go out cheering, but after waiting for a while, the door didn't open, so Li Weizhen planned to open the restriction by himself.

"Could it be that these two naughty ghosts ran out to play again?"

But as soon as the words fell, someone finally came to open the door, a half-grown girl in a red jacket, who looked very juicy and pleasing.

"Sir, you are finally back. Didn't you agree to only go for two days? This is the third day!"

The girl in the red jacket muttered, with her hands on her hips, like a housekeeper.

Li Weizhen just laughed it off, and before entering the door, he deliberately brushed the bangs on the girl's forehead, and said with a smile: "It's not peaceful outside, so I was delayed on the way."

But as soon as the words were finished, Li Weizhen felt a little regretful. The little girl's angry face turned pale immediately, and she cried as if frightened: "Then, sir, will you be all right? Are you injured? Please check for me quickly." !"

Li Weizhen quickly squatted down, smiled like a spring breeze and said: "With your husband's ability, can something happen? I brought you back candied haws and sugar figurines from the foot of the mountain, how about..."

As soon as she heard that there was something delicious, the gloom on the girl's face disappeared immediately, her eyes gleamed brightly, she kept rubbing her hands and said, "Yes, of course! Hurry up and bring it!"

Li Weizhen quickly disarmed and surrendered, but he was able to coax it over, so he quickly asked: "Why are you alone at home, where is Ye Tong?"

The girl licked a mouthful of candied haws, narrowed her eyes, and twitched the corners of her mouth. She looked like she wanted to make a small report and couldn't escape Li Weizhen's eyes.But he still thought that he was covering it up very well, so he said in a bad mood: "He! He ran to the big rock by the waterfall and said that he wanted to learn from Mr. to feel the aura of heaven and earth! Turn around, sir, you have to talk about it. He can do it! Huh, let me do all the work by myself!"

Li Weizhen nodded, scraped the little girl's exquisite nose with his hand, and said with a smile: "That's it! Then I have to talk about him later, An Lan is the most obedient!"

The girl couldn't help crossing her waist again, as if she was exhausted.

This An Lan and Ye Tong are both Dao boys in Li Weizhen's Immortal Mansion. After all, he is often not in the sect, so he still needs to be a little popular at home, and someone will help take care of him.

The two Dao boys are both 12 years old, and they are like a combination of golden boys and jade girls.Ye Tong is older and has better bones, while An Lan is more alert and intelligent.Both of them have not yet revealed their cultivation potential, but Li Weizhen has already begun to cultivate the foundation of their cultivation.

Li Weizhen went back to the study first, and An Lan asked him what he would like to eat for lunch.

When Li Weizhen replied casually, "Then let's do it with spiced rabbit!"

An Lan muttered again: "It's this again, I eat this every time I come back, and I don't get tired of it, I've obviously learned a new dish!"

Li Weizhen could only laugh it off helplessly, and after that, he opened the book and read it intermittently for a month. He had just comprehended one-third of the "Compendium of Hundred Refinements", and fell into deep thought.

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