defend the truth

Chapter 124: The Flowers Are Similar Every Year

"Brother Li, why do we have to slow down?"

"Because, Suoyunguan is just ahead, this place... is not easy!"

Time flies like a white horse. The ignorant boy who hid behind others in the past has grown into the leader of the team without knowing it. Senior brother, how amazing the world must be!

It's the beginning of spring again, and after careful calculation, this can barely be regarded as Li Weizhen's third year in Taiyi Sect.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, it is exactly the age when young and heroic. Li Weizhen has not grown much in the past three years, but anyone who sees him will exclaim, "Young hero!"

However, his complexion has become much fairer, and he is no longer the dark mountain boy he used to be.

After returning to the mountain from Funan City, Li Weizhen once asked Wen Renyu why he didn't bring Nie Geng with him when he went to Fengyi Pavilion that day?

Wen Renyu grinned and said, "Safflower must be matched with green leaves!"

If it were changed to today, Wen Renyu would feel a little guilty when he said this.

There have been several times when Wen Renyu did ideological work with Li Weizhen earnestly, saying, "Pay attention to your identity, don't get so close to those younger sisters!"

What about "Don't care so much about everyone, you are so pink and red, you attract more butterflies? As seniors, we should be aloof and don't do things that are easily misunderstood!"

What is "ambiguous and ambiguous, and the flowing water is ruthless, so don't hurt the meaning of falling flowers!"

Hearing this, Li Weizhen was confused and lost his voice, thinking: Brother, this is, did you take the wrong medicine?I have to ask Nie Geng later!

Entering Suoyun Pass again, the young man is already the leader!Some of the people around him are seniors, and more are juniors, but they all follow his lead. It can be said that even his team is also his loyal team.

The cultivation realm of Dzogchen during the qi training period is the same as that of Sui Wenyan back then.Even that identity... is comparable!

As for fame!Huo Ming, the youngest elder in Xuanguimen's history, personally gave the four-character evaluation of "a talent of a hundred generations", which is definitely enough!

After all, a young man who has made great achievements in slaying dragons with only his early stage of Qi training before reaching the weak crown, can't he still not be worthy of this four-character title?

The young man with freckles who was walking beside Li Weizhen while chasing the wind roar was named Duan Tianqing, a very arrogant and unruly name. He came from the heroic northern snowy region.

Li Weizhen sighed, this kid is agile enough, and smart enough, in just over a year, he was able to span a hundred thousand miles of mountains and rivers, from the north of the sky to the south of the sky!

Looking at this freckled boy, Li Weizhen seemed to feel like Wen Renyu saw him back then!Young and ignorant, he is very novel about everything, and he is also a full-fledged troublemaker!Set a record of the highest punishment for copying books in Taiyi Academy, and often made the old scholar fly into a rage.

However, martial arts and physical fitness are really excellent. During the same period, no one was able to catch his three moves, and he was called the Great Demon King in private!Therefore, the complexion is extremely white like snow, making the freckles on both sides of the nose particularly conspicuous, and it is often called: white pockmarks!

In addition, he speaks with a strong northern accent, and has almost no friends of the same age.

Once, Li Weizhen passed Zhanyuntai and saw the freckled boy squatting in the gazebo secretly wiping his tears. The lonely back made him even more moved.So he stepped forward to comfort him, so he became attached.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was Li Weizhen, who had a very good temper, who fell for this freckled boy.

The young man with freckles asked slyly: "Brother Li, you must have suffered here. You were bitten by a snake once, and you were afraid of it for ten years... What is it... Ma Suo?"

Li Weizhen said angrily: "It's Jingsheng, you can read this book well, you have to remake it!"

Duan Tianqing muttered, "In my hometown, Masuo is just a rope, isn't it all the same!"

Knowing that the freckled boy would get a headache when he flipped through the book, Li Weizhen could only laugh it off, and brought the topic back to the original question, "This Suoyun Pass is in the daytime, so this monster is not the scariest! What I am afraid of is this Nowadays, the world is getting more and more chaotic, loose cultivators with unhealthy minds are running around, and there are some vicious people who dare to stroke their beards!"

What Li Weizhen was worried about was exactly what all the schools of Taoism in the southern border were worried about today.Since the tragedy that shocked the comprehension world that year, the flames of war that were ignited, not only were not extinguished, but burned more and more vigorously.

Originally, there are not so many casual cultivators in this world, and they are so rampant. In the past, when the world was peaceful, most of them could only live with their tails between their legs.The place of practice is either a remote mountain or an isolated island overseas.

Nowadays, it is said that everyone dares to pull up a team and compete with the sect that established the world, and it is more than just "arrogant and arrogant" to describe it!

It's no wonder that many sects have more or less lost their vitality because of their participation in the battle between immortals and demons. This is something that the Taiyi sect knows best.

Under internal and external troubles, it is inevitable that someone with a heart will covet it!

What's more, some casual cultivators, who are obviously those wandering ghosts who were unfortunately exterminated, are even more ambitious and want to snatch back a mountain full of spiritual energy and settle down!

In the past six months, the ones who have had the most fun picking things up in Tiannan are the monks from Yingzhou in the East China Sea and their old neighbor Yuedong.

Yingzhou is originally the only one family of the Hehuan Sect, but there are still many sects.Later, when the war broke out, the Hehuan faction fought against each other, and they were really happy, and found that they had the strength to take over the whole territory of Yingzhou.What happened after that is self-evident.

As one of the main battlefields of the Great War between Immortals and Demons in the East China Sea, the Yuedong border is half covered with smoke. Where do those refugees from the cultivation world who lost their mountain gates flee?How about fleeing to the side, fleeing to Yangzhou or Tiannan Territory!

Those who can see the future may flee farther to Jingzhou or cross the sea to Aquarius Island.

Those careerists who are broken and broken will naturally regard the Tiannan Realm, where a hundred schools of thought contend, as their first choice.

It's just because there is an undercurrent in the Tiannan Realm, and the hundreds of Xuanmen families are fighting to the death. If you think about it, this place is definitely a treasure!

For this mission, the number of people dispatched should be fine and not too many. Including Li Weizhen himself, there are only eleven inner disciples, but there are seventeen or eighteen quasi-newcomers behind.It is pulled by a cart, and the one who pulls the cart is also chasing wind and roaring.

After a group of people wandered in the canyon for more than half the distance, Li Weizhen suddenly raised his right hand, opened his fingers slightly, and shouted: "Is there really someone who is not afraid of death? I will count to three times. After three times, either get out or go away." Dot! Three, two..."

Without Li Weizhen's order, the ten disciples of Taiyi Sect under his command had already sacrificed their flying swords, turned over and landed, and Kui Gang burst into battle.Faintly seen, the freckled boy's position is actually one of the two eyes.

Before Li Weizhen could say a word, there were already more than ten figures, who rushed out from the mountain wall, landed on all sides, forming a siege.

These people's clothes are not uniform, and there is nothing to cover their faces. From Jie Dao's point of view, they are regarded as aboveboard.

A man who looked like a leader carried a huge sword on his sword, and grinned, his front teeth were all sharpened, shaped like shark teeth, and he was not afraid of biting his tongue.The man grinned grimly and said, "You Xuanmen disciples are quite proud! Listen carefully, I, Donghai Kuangjiao - Bancang Dongbao, I will teach you today..."

However, before he finished speaking, he saw an extreme shadow passing by, with a chilling killing intent, and his head was thrown high!

Li Weizhen patted himself on the shoulder with Zhan Gang, who didn't touch a drop of blood, and turned to look at the group of smiling classmates, as well as the dumbfounded robbers who hadn't recovered.

He asked in astonishment: "I didn't hear clearly just now, what did he say his name was Jiao?"

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