defend the truth

Chapter 122: The world is like chess

At three o'clock, the cold moon is cold in the pond.

In this winter moon season, it was late at night again, and a thin layer of cold frost naturally formed around the pond.

On the contrary, the center of the pond is still shining with silver light, reflecting the full moon in the sky in a particularly large way, which is more beautiful and softer than what you can see in other places!

In the pavilion on the water, Zhang Chaohu half-lyed on the cold and stiff stone bench, leaning against the pillar with his back, leaning on the railing with one hand, and holding a cigarette in the other hand, he was busy puffing away!

Smoke rings floated up one by one, as if they wanted to trap the full moon hanging in the sky.

Suddenly, the ripples on the surface of the water became a little rushed, not because there was something under the water, but because of the wind, which was a little anxious.

A slender and emerald green bamboo leaf came from a distance on the cold wind, and after a few turns in the air, it floated into the pavilion under an extremely unusual trajectory.

Zhang Chaohu sat up straighter, casually snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand, and said impatiently, "I've been waiting for you for an hour."

In the pavilion, out of thin air, there is a young man with soft appearance, fluttering green clothes and fluttering sleeves, a pair of willow leaf eyes full of autumn water, who can always bring out a touch of evil charm, who is it if it's not Zhu Wuxin?

Zhu Wuxin placed the emerald jade wine set on the stone table, and said in a leisurely manner: "My friend, why did it seem to be my fault when you said this? It's a quarter of an hour too early!"

Zhang Chaohu, who smelled the smell of wine, suddenly showed a bright look in his eyes, he laughed and said: "Of course it's your fault, I value loyalty, and it's not only hard work, but also credit for you to work on such a mess. You should come here early in the morning, throw a big feast, and treat me well!"

"Come on, don't be so busy! What kind of cup do you use?"

After saying that, Zhang Chaohu's figure flashed, and he snatched the emerald jade jug from Zhu Wuxin's hand, raised his head, and poured the fine wine into his throat, shouting happily!


"It's okay, you can only make one kind of wine anyway!"

The greetings of friends seem to be normal.However, suddenly, Zhu Wuxin's momentum soared, and he grabbed Zhang Chaohu's neck with one hand, and the fallen leaves in the pavilion were swaying, faintly forming a mysterious field!Even if that person with extremely good agility, no matter how the lightning flashes, he will not be able to break free at all!

Zhu Wuxin's murderous intent showed his eyes, and his tone was extremely stern: "Do you still have the face to talk about credit with me?"

Zhang Chaohu is now more like a kitten with someone strangling the back of its neck. It is futile to struggle, so he begged for mercy: "No one would want this kind of thing to happen. I didn't kill that dragon. I have it." Keep your hands! It’s just that I invited a thunder god to come down! Afterwards, you must take a few breaths, right?”

Suddenly, Zhang Chaohu's face darkened, and the strange pupils appeared again, and the field was smashed through.As if he was a different person, he knocked off Zhu Wuxin's hand with one hand, and said with a sneer, "I've acted in a play, so I really don't blame me for this matter. I suspect that your uncle has begun to wake up!"

Zhu Wuxin didn't care, she retracted her hands into her sleeves, put them behind her back, and said with a calm smile: "I know this, it's not a big problem, and I've already expected it! How can it be perfect with only three volumes of "Taiyin Xuanjing"?" ?”

Zhang Chaohu rubbed his eyes, returned to his original appearance, tilted his neck and looked sideways at Zhu Wuxin, and said, "Oh? Then I would like to know, is his surname Xu or Chen now?"

Zhu Wuxin shook his head, and his smile grew stronger, "He's nobody, that's what's interesting! He will be whoever I want him to be!"

"Hahahaha..." Zhang Chaohu laughed wildly, turned around and sat back on the long stone bench, with one foot on it, sitting in a bold posture!

"Then he is really pathetic! But he deserves it. He owed so much debt in his previous life. He deserves that he can't escape your grasp in this life!"

Zhu Wuxin's smile froze suddenly, and his tone became even colder, "You pity him? So, you don't hesitate to make a sworn marriage with that kid surnamed Li? Can he keep such a great opportunity?"

Zhang Chaohu put another cigarette in his mouth, and the smoke was lingering, his expression changed several times, as if there was an unspeakable past.

After exhaling another turbid breath, Zhang Chaohu sneered and said, "I pity him? I was only one step away from becoming an immortal in the five prisons. It can prove that this road that has been abandoned for 5000 years is feasible. ! As a result, his woman pulled up a huge team and tore my body in the boundless sea, should I pity him?"

"Who has pity on you and me?"

Then, Zhang Chaohu lit a cigarette again, and continued: "It's interesting to say, if I hadn't put a death curse on that woman back then, he wouldn't have been so cruel that he could dig out your demon core, right? Cut your head and change it!" You sworn brother of the neck! Doing this kind of thing for a woman? I really can't even think about it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Chaohu's face was gloomy, and he said every word, "If it were me, a traitor! I will send him to hell! Where is the next life?"

Zhu Wuxin's face was ashen, but he was powerless to refute, so he turned his back and said coldly: "The grievances between me and him are clearer than you, so you don't need to talk too much!"

Zhang Chaohu clapped his hands, shrugged and said with a smile: "You have your big plan, and I have my little plan! Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect the cooperation between each other, no one should talk too much!"

Zhu Wuxin looked back and said contemptuously: "I want a live snake, but you give me a dead snake. If this is just a pretense, can we still cooperate?"

Zhang Chaohu spread his hands, pretending to be stunned, "I told you, it was your two chess pieces that were killing each other, so I just took a nap, and it was all up to me? You buried this line for ten years , there is a little accident, a little risk, isn't it normal?"

"Forget it, you won't admit it anyway, I want to inspect the goods!"

"Of course you can, just look at it!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Chaohu turned over and flew into the air, and shot out a talisman hanging on the water surface with his hands. Once the handprints were knotted, the whole pond suddenly turned into an ice cave.

Afterwards, the body of the flood dragon was placed on the ice intact.

Zhang Chaohu landed on the ice, gave up on being condescending, but looked up at the dragon head, and sighed: "It had a chance to become a god of rivers and waters in our Jingzhou waters. right way!"

Then, Zhang Chaohu insinuated and said: "But Fu Bo, after all, the demon veins are more pure than the dragon veins, and someone forced him to fail in the way, and calculated step by step to death! It's really miserable!"

Zhu Wuxin seemed to turn a deaf ear and only concentrate on what was in front of her eyes.I saw him soaring in the air against the wind, raised his hand to show his sword finger, and just slashed horizontally in the air lightly, the flank of Jiaolong was cut open in an instant, and a horrible fishy substance flowed all over the ground.

And from the filth, a huge blue bead and a mottled ancient sword suddenly floated out.

The bead shrank and became smaller until it was shaped like a pill. In the end, Zhu Wuxin grabbed it in his hand, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it slowly!

For a moment, it was difficult to hide the demonic aura, and the monstrous power was ready to rise to the sky, but fortunately, before the moment when the demonic aura was about to soar into the sky, Zhu Wuxin forcibly suppressed it.

Zhang Chaohu put his arms around his chest and came to Zhu Wuxin's side, tsk-tsk, "Brother, are you too blatant? There is no restriction at all, and you just come here to inspect the goods on the spot? Really you and I Is it a serious business done under the sun with the signboard on? Are you afraid that if you are struck by lightning, you will implicate me?"

"I'll pay more attention next time!"

Zhu Wuxin's tone softened a little, because he also knew well that if the evil spirit of his own life just soared into the sky, he and the man beside him would be in great trouble!Even, his life is a little hanging!

Zhang Chaohu curled his lips, raised his eyebrows and said, "How about it, is the quality of the goods I gave you okay?"

Zhu Wuxin said blankly, "It would be even better if he was alive!"

If that dragon is still alive, then Zhu Wuxin will do his best to cure it!

Because, under this catastrophe, the dragon is very likely to make another breakthrough in the way of the demon blood, then the blood of the sky demon contained in the demon core will be even more pure!

And then, Zhu Wuxin will kill it with his own hands!

"Anyway, you have already received the goods, so what about my things?"

"Take it!"

Zhu Wuxin took out what looked like a secret book from his sleeve robe, and handed it to Zhang Chaohu, with eight large characters written on it!

"The Mantras of the Lei Department of the Yufu of the Shangqing Dynasty"

Shushan Qinglian Sword Sect, the top thunder method that has never been rumored!

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