defend the truth

Chapter 118: Live up to the youthful madness

Feng Longjian charged up and stood by. Li Chongming, who vowed not to bow his head, used his last breath of energy, not to dodge, nor to resist stubbornly, just to keep his body tall and straight, and to live up to the name of a hero!


However, with a sudden exclamation, the tough guy's iron bones melted away, tenderness and panic appeared on his face.Li Chongming hurriedly turned his head back, and shouted loudly: "If you still recognize me as a father, don't come here!"

Even if it is a man who stands upright, blood can flow and his head can be broken!But only the softest heart is reluctant to let her get hurt in the slightest!

Facing the tearful shout, Li Liushuang not only did not stop, but blocked between Ejiao and Li Chongming at a faster speed.

Just because of your kindness is like a mountain!

Three thousand blue silk fluttered in the wind, and it was supposed to be a sky-blue phoenix hairpin with curly hair, hanging in front of the master, emitting a brilliant aura.

Ejiao jokingly said in a deep voice, "What a father and daughter who love each other deeply, relying on this magic weapon to protect themselves? Even if you can't block half a sword, who gave you the confidence?"

Raising a child to be a hundred years old, often worrying about 99!Apart from that unsmiling old father, who else in the world would spend three whole years trying to figure out a phoenix hairpin?

Li Chongming has never compromised on others in his life. However, at this moment, his eyes were red, and his tone was very close to crying: "Shuang'er, hurry up! Take your mother and go to your master! You are not a man from the Li family. Funan City, this Li family has nothing to do with you anymore!"

"Father, if I don't leave, I want to see if God is going to destroy my Li family today!"

As the saying goes, a tiger father has no dog daughter, and the same is true for Li Liushuang!

Li Chongming often talked to his friends in private that his daughter's personality was up to him. Now it seems that there is absolutely no falsehood in this statement!

The thunder is rumbling, the heavy rain is even more torrential, and the sound of the wind passing through the dilapidated streets becomes more bleak, like sighs covering one's face!

Unexpectedly, the sword light that has not been released suddenly disappeared, and before the murderous intention came, what was exchanged was an extremely arrogant and weird laughter, "It's not the sky that will kill your Li family, it's me! Your Li family should have no children and grandchildren!" !"

The arrogant and vicious words were even worse than snakes and scorpions, Li Liushuang raised her sword eyebrows coldly, and shouted: "You beast, I will never tolerate you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Liushuang raised her figure, held the flying sword in her hand and angrily beheaded the dragon's head.

However, the evil dragon didn't dodge or dodge, but actually head-on, knocking the dodging figure down to the ground.

If it wasn't for Li Liushuang's spirit treasure to protect him, he would have been surging with energy and blood, and his weapon would have been torn apart!

During the war, both sides were injured, but the gap was getting bigger and bigger!

"A group of ants, I'm really not interested in playing with you any longer, so let you feel what despair is!"

Facing this group of stubborn resisters, Ejiao seemed to have lost his patience and suddenly soared into the air again.The bloody mouth opened up the boundless suction again, but this time it wasn't the dark clouds, let alone the magic weapon of the flying sword.

It's the corpses floating on the water or everywhere in the city. Among them are not only the corpses of immortals, but also the corpses of mortals.They were all sucked into the bloody mouth, and entered the abdomen whole.

After devouring the corpse, not only the blood and evil energy on the evil dragon's body became stronger, but the injuries on his body also showed signs of recovery.In the blood mist, the new scales completely covered the old scars, and they were more powerful than before!

Tan Zhuohua, who had tried his best to adjust his breath and recover after breaking his arm, saw this scene, his heart was almost broken, it was a kind of complete despair!

"Heaven demon turned into blood?"

Not only Tan Zhuohua, but everyone's hearts were full of grief and indignation!There is absolutely no mistake, that dragon is not just the blood of the great demon, but the world's most outstanding: the sky demon!

If it weren't for the peerless king of the monster clan, how could he have awakened to such heaven-defying supernatural powers?A mere Funan City, wanting to resist the slaughter of the sky demon?It's delusional!

Tan Zhuohua was lost, and he murmured with a half-crying voice: "So, it really has the luck of a real dragon?"

"Old bastard Tan, if you hadn't forced me into a near-death situation ten years ago, I wouldn't have dared to think that I would still be able to take another big step on the path of the demon veins? You said I should hate you, Or should I thank you?"

"I should still hate you, I hate you so madly! I don't want to be a demon, I want to transform into a dragon, I should have followed the right path! It was you who ruined me, and I want you to die!"

The extreme murderous intent and hatred spread crazily in the sky of Funan City, and the churning dragon became more and more mad. Its anger overwhelmed the violent wind and rain, and burned in the hearts of every shivering creature in Funan City, burning out all the hope of survival. idea!

"The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner! This is the grievance between you and Tan Zhuohua, why bother to involve innocent lives?"

"That's right! You are a creature conceived by a world, and you have the opportunity to carry you along with you. Don't commit any crimes and devote yourself to practicing, maybe you may have the possibility to re-prove the Dao!"

Two voices from the east and south of the city floated up with strong spiritual power, as if they wanted to seek peace!

Hearing this, the evil dragon couldn't help but sneered and responded, "You know you can't beat me, so you want to be reasonable? How shameless! Okay, then you two little bastards will tighten your necks for me! Wait until I kill Tan and Li!" The two families, think carefully about your proposal!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden silence, but it was no different from acquiescence!

However, this made Huo Ming, who is still in the midst of the battle, extremely embarrassed. Should he stay as a disciple of the Xuangui Sect, or watch as a disciple of the Huo family?

Li Liushuang was not to be outdone and said, "Then my Li family didn't offend you. Could it be that just because the west of the city is the closest to the Luofu River, is this an excuse for you to kill someone?"

In the voice, the tone was stern, and the meaning behind the words was even more unbearable. Li Chongming couldn't help saying angrily: "Shuang'er, what can you do?"

Due to the situation, Li Liushuang almost burst into tears, "Father! Our Li family was totally affected. Compared with those who stood by and watched, the reason is still here!"

"Your Li family is innocent?"

With a startled rage, the Dragon Sealing Sword reappeared in the bloody mouth of the evil dragon, and said angrily: "Do you really not know, or are you pretending to be pitiful? This Dragon Sealing Sword originated from the ancestors of your Li family? Forging swords from generation to generation, and beheading dragons from generation to generation , your Li family deserves to die!"

Suddenly, the evil dragon laughed wildly again: "By the way, your human race is the most important for the inheritance of incense, right? Li, you have no son, right? It must be because of sin!"


Li Chongming was so humiliated that he was so angry that he was so angry that his face flushed in vain, and then he spit out another mouthful of dark red, and his whole body became even more sluggish.

"Noisy, noisy, we've been arguing for a long time, are you still fighting?"

"By the way, who demolished my house? I'm older than you!"

Suddenly, in a dilapidated alley where most of the houses had collapsed, a young man stood up with a sword, raised his hand and cursed at the sky, which shocked everyone!

"Brother Wuming, have I never offended you? Please, give me back my body!"

"Who said you want to draw a knife to make a fast? With your young head on my head, can I not be as good as you want?"

"You said it too, that's my head!"

"it's the same!"

The disgraced young man put his hips on his hips, lowered his head and sneered and muttered, "It must be God's will in the dark! The dragon's chant in the box can't be hidden, and I ask when I will kill the blue dragon! It turns out that I am the one who said it!"

"Naughty beast, take your life!"

After saying that, the young man was already flying straight into the sky with his sword, and when the evil dragon was also stunned, he turned around in the air, and the Zhangang under his feet suddenly fell into his hand!

The evil dragon said angrily: "The scorpion shakes the tree and seeks death!"

Facing the bloody mouth of the evil dragon that opened its mouth angrily, the young man showed no fear, on the contrary, he showed a sinister and playful smile, raised his left hand high above his head, and in the palm of his hand, a golden bead was strikingly eye-catching!

"Go away!"

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