defend the truth

Chapter 103: Killing Not Enough

In the torrential rain, Li Weizhen, who was gliding in the air, was like a gust of wind disrupting the rain.His eyes were extremely sharp, and the knife in his hand was cold, like a falcon.But in terms of image, the cloak on his body is bulging and crackling in the wind, and it is dressed like a night bat.

All in all, it's hard not to attract attention when Li Wei really makes his sudden appearance.

What's more, the eyes of the red-eyed tree frog are so big.

There is still a long distance from the nearest target, even if Li Weizhen closes his eyes, he can feel three or four chills gathering towards him, of course he knows what that means.

Li Weizhen immediately turned sideways and lowered his body forcibly. After the tip of his toes touched the eaves, he did not dare to stop. He exerted his strength again and swooped down to avoid the many mucus falling from the sky.

Just because after dodging the first attack in the air, several groups of slime collided with each other, and then turned into more, but smaller, groups of slime and scattered.If Li Weizhen hesitated a little after landing, there would be endless troubles.

Of course, Li Weizhen didn't feel that his luck was so good that he could succeed in one blow. The first step was just to close the distance, and the next step was to look for good opportunities.

Now, Li Weizhen stopped at a roof. He moved his eyes quickly and searched for all the red-eyed tree frogs within a radius of ten feet from him.This is his most comfortable attack range, as long as he has the opportunity, he can attack at any time.

To be honest, Li Weizhen is confident that as long as he exerts strength with his feet, he can shorten the distance with any red-eyed tree frog to the sword.But the problem is, being able to get close and being able to hit are two different things.He has observed that these red-eyed tree frogs are very sensitive to moving objects. For example, once an arrow branch approaches, they will quickly dodge, and they can basically dodge successfully.

At this moment, Li Weizhen suppressed his desire to attack for the time being, while dodging slightly, always pay attention to the distance from the targets.He was waiting for an opportunity with full confidence, or in other words, out of trust in someone!

It was too late and then soon, there were two streamer arrows tearing through the night, within ten feet of Li Weizhen, it seemed that they wanted to use the power of sharp arrows to grab a piece of merit.

The next moment, Li Weizhen finally gathered his strength and sank to his knees, Zhan Gang raised his shoulders high, and launched a killer move.Because within his ten-foot forbidden area, there is finally a prey that wants to throw himself into the net!

In order to avoid the pursuit of sharp arrows, a red-eyed tree frog subconsciously jumped and dodged. When it jumped to the highest point, a piercing sword light suddenly approached, but there was nowhere to rely on it in the air, and it was extremely difficult to change its shape. .

In an instant, the sword light slashed, and a remnant body was separated from the left and right, and the blood and water mixed with the raindrops scattered all over the sky.

It turns out that the blood of the red-eyed tree frog is also red.

Li Weizhen, who finally succeeded in one blow, put down his sword, turned around and looked at the city in the distance, raised his arm high, clenched his four fingers, and only gave a thumbs up!

When you decide to give your back to your teammates and charge forward, the first thing you should do is: trust!

On another section of the city wall, Huo Ming, who was in charge of supervising the battle in the west of the city, did not make a move.If, facing these low-level monsters, he needed to carry his sword into battle, then there was really no need to continue this battle.

It is true that when he saw Li Weizhen's amazing appearance at first, Huo Ming was also a little surprised, because the young man's agility was indeed very fast.Of course, this speed is corresponding, and naturally it cannot be compared with him, but if it is placed in the same realm, it should be difficult to match.

But then, Li Weizhen's performance also made Huo Ming have some doubts, just because the young man behaved as if he was helpless, people couldn't help but label him a stunned young man.

But when Li Wei really exploded suddenly, Huo Ming finally couldn't hold back and asked the others when he killed the enemy with a single sword, "Do you know who this young man is?"

The close confidant next to Huo Ming holding an umbrella for him said in a deep voice: "According to what I understand, this person should be a new outer disciple of the Taiyi Sect. He seems to be called Li Weizhen. I met him in the forging workshop of the Li family earlier. If you pass him, he should be a disciple of Qilu!"

Huo Ming's ten fingers touched and separated again, the movement was repeated, and he seemed to be lost in thought. After a while, he slowly asked: "My surname is Li, and he still appeared in the forging workshop of the Li family? The young master who never showed his face? The Li family already has a Li Liushuang, if there is another genius, it will be very troublesome!"

Then, Huo Ming put away his friendly and innocent expression, turned his head and whispered to the cronies beside him: "After the war is over, you don't have to go back to the sect for now, just walk around for a while, I need to know More info on this kid."

"My subordinate understands!"

After bathing in the rain of blood, Li Weizhen's blood seemed to be boiled again.He licked his wet lips, it was fishy and sweet, and suddenly he felt delicious in the world.

The next moment, the lips parted slightly, and they appeared pale.Afterwards, the floating shadow swept across the sky, suddenly became eager like thunder, and the sword light shone, cutting in all directions!

In less than a stick of incense, as many as eight red-eyed tree frogs were dismembered by Li Weizhen's sword.

There should have been nine of them, but at that time Li Weizhen's own situation was not good, and he was distracted by avoiding the attack, resulting in a sword that only seriously injured the opponent, but failed to kill it, it was considered a miss.When he wanted to adjust his breath and make up another strike, Zhao Hongxue's arrows came late and snatched the victory.

Li Weizhen grinned, regardless of whether the other party could see it or not, he raised his arm again and gave a thumbs up.

The phoenix does not fall into the land of no treasure, and once a young man who has won a lot of battles makes a move, he will never fail.

This caused public outrage, all the red-eyed tree frogs were croaking and staring at Li Weizhen angrily.The foul-smelling mucus greeted him as if it had never stopped, greatly restricting his actions.

Fortunately, Li Weizhen is not fighting alone, not only Zhao Hongxue is his helper, but other people also released their attack power after the boy became the source of hatred of monsters, bending their bows and nodding their arrows unambiguously!

For a moment, dozens of shadows jumped to the heights, trying to scatter and escape.How could Li Weizhen miss such a good opportunity, even though he knew that such a battle was unintentional, but after all, he was young and self-willed, and his blood was red-eyed.

Li Weizhen soared into the sky, and swung his sword light to the place with the most intersection points.However, what the boy didn't expect was that the four red-eyed tree frogs in front of him opened their mouths wide and spit out their scarlet tongues at him, as fast as lightning.

"There are such tricks?"

Li Wei was really shocked, he couldn't relax, he had already expected that with this sword, maybe he could kill two of them, seriously wound one, and the remaining one would definitely have to swing the second sword.However, before cutting out the second sword, he will definitely be attacked.

This is a difficult choice, is it a bloody battle without retreat, or is it not a dangerous wall?

Li Weizhen's pupils narrowed slightly, restraining the forward-moving sword, and forced his body in an instant, leaving strange afterimages in the air.

The boy gave the answer that was most in line with his heart. He chose to win, and winning is beautiful!

Seven-Star Flowing Cloud Step, the second style, the situation is uncertain!

Although Li Weizhen dodged, he didn't give up the offensive, he was like an arrow that knew how to turn, and circled outside the encirclement.Then, he stomped on the head of a red-eyed tree frog, turned back, the sword was like a tornado, and the blood was like rain!

In the distance, Huo Ming put his fingers together subconsciously, his brows were stained with frost, and said in a deep voice: "You must check this person out for me!"

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