Mr. Jiu

Chapter 345 I Robbed Money and Robbed Sex

This girl is so arrogant, the suzerain told her to stop, yet she dared to make a move!

However, after Lin Yang cut off Xuanfeng's other arm, he put the sword back into the scabbard.

He looked down at Xuanfeng who was panicking like a bereaved dog and said:

"As cowardly as you are, you still want to marry my senior sister? The strength is so vulnerable, it's really flamboyant, and it's useless! Go home and piss to take care of your current virtue!"

Xuanfeng was aroused by these words, stagnated in his chest, and spurted out another mouthful of blood.

He only felt a burning pain on his face, as if he had just been slapped in the face.

When he walked in earlier, he was so high-spirited, a young man of a generation, got the girl of his dreams, in his opinion, this should have been a good story.

He had ridiculed this Xiaodie before for overthinking her abilities and seeking her own death, but he never thought that it was him who looked down on people with a dog's eyes!

All the disciples of the Xuanhua Sect see him in such a mess now, and he has no image in front of the girl he likes!

This time, it can be said that I lost face to my grandma's house, and lost all the face of the eighteen generations of my ancestors!

After this incident gets out, he will definitely become the laughing stock of Xidi!

He looked at Xiaodie played by Lin Yang, and there was a kind of extremely hazy resentment and murderous intent.

Lin Yang naturally had a panoramic view of this kind of gaze. This person saw his sanctimonious appearance, but he did not expect to be so narrow-minded.He will undoubtedly kill this person, otherwise he will become a strong enemy when he grows up in the future.

Since you can't kill in Xuanhuazong, you can only wait until you leave Xuanhuazong to kill!

However, whoever puts such a thing on him will feel uncomfortable. As an ordinary person, if he is humiliated by this, he might violently fight Lin Yang.

A genius is a genius only when he is alive, and he is nothing when he is dead.

Seeing that Xiaodie finally stopped, the two young girls from the Xuan Clan rushed to the stage to help Xuanfeng up, and brought him back to Xuan Ce.

These two girls are younger sisters who are closer to him in the clan, and they went together today, because they were afraid that Gu Jiu would be too embarrassed to be alone on the way back, so they specially called to accompany them.

But judging from the current situation, he couldn't take Gu Jiu away.

"I'm not reconciled! I can't beat a girl!"

Xuanfeng's smoldering fire hit his heart, and he vomited blood.

Xuan Ce looked at the fracture between Xuanfeng's shoulders, rubbed his hands tremblingly, and still couldn't believe that such a thing was true.

On it, the divine pattern left on Lin Yang's sword is constantly hindering the regeneration of the wound.

Xuan Ce sighed heavily.

"let's go!"

Xuan Ce let out a cold snort, and directly led the Xuan Clan and his party to leave.

"Elder Xuan is leaving!"

Fairy Yuxuan said politely.

"Hmph, I'm afraid my grandson will never have a chance with that disciple of your Xuanhuazong. The twisted melon is not sweet, so I bid farewell!"

After Xuance left a cold sentence, the group left without looking back.

Everyone was watching the Xuan Clan people off, and a group of Xuanhuazong senior officials even stepped forward to send a section.

Fairy Jiang Qing spoke to Lin Yang;

"Go back and punish you!"

Although her words were fierce, there was no trace of anger on her face.

When everyone's attention was on the farewell, Lin Yang quietly hid behind the crowd.

His strength far surpassed some of the female disciples present, and no one noticed his departure at all.

He came to a remote place, released the real Xiaodie from the stepmother Wuding, knocked her unconscious, and untied her.

Someone will find her, and Lin Yang will catch up with these five people and kill them all.

Outside the mountain gate, Fairy Yuxuan watched the figures of Xuan Ce and the others completely disappear, and the smile on her face gradually faded away.

Although they didn't have a complete falling out with the Xuan Clan this time, at least they won't look good. Xuan Feng's great-grandfather, Xuan Ce's father, and the Xuan Clan's Supreme Elder still hold a lot of weight in the clan!

"That disciple of yours is very talented, take me to meet him."

Fairy Yuxuan said to Fairy Jiang Qing.

As soon as they walked back to the sect, a disciple came to report. It was Fairy Jiang Qing's big apprentice and Gu Jiu's senior sister, Jiang Ying.

"Master! Xiaodie fainted!"

When Jiang Qing heard this, his expression changed, and he hurriedly followed Jiang Ying to check. Xiaodie had already been sent back to Fairy Jiang Qing's Xuanqing Palace.

"Jiang Qing! After Xiaodie wakes up, bring her to see me!"

Fairy Yuxuan said calmly to Jiang Qing.



"Grandpa, brother Feng is bleeding profusely!"

After Xuance walked for a while, one of the two girls said worriedly.

Xuanxue, put him down, we will heal Feng'er on the spot! "

Seeing that Xuanfeng's injury was getting worse, Xuan Ce immediately said decisively.

"Old Hei, please pay attention."

The black-robed man nodded, indicating that the guardian would leave it to him.

Lin Yang had already caught up at this time. He took off his women's clothes and changed back to his own clothes, but he did not return to his previous appearance, but turned into the appearance of the robber he killed a few days ago.

Now is not the best time to make a move, wait until that old thief Xuan Ce fully heals his grandson's wounds, and concentrates on it, and then attack and kill, it will definitely have a miraculous effect!

Lin Yang dormant quietly, like a leopard slowly approaching its prey, as quiet as an old pine, moving like a rabbit!

In the distance, he directly used endless spiritual power to condense into a purple-gold energy bow, and then sacrificed the Zhanlu sword, and rode the pitch-black Zhanlu sword on the bow.

The monstrous killing intent on his body was suppressed to the minimum by Lin Yang. He wanted to kill him with one blow, and not let the other party notice easily. If he stepped forward directly, he would be exposed too early. The Qi machine fluctuates up and down.

Lin Yang felt that he might be able to kill him easily, but he felt a strong sense of crisis from that person.

It was because of such a small intuition that Lin Yang had to be cautious.

He knows his own current strength, which has almost reached the point of being invincible at the same level. The one who can make him feel the dangerous aura must be a strong man in the half-step hegemony state, or have the combat power of this half-step hegemony state!

It has to be said that Xuan Ce is really an old man. At the moment Lin Yang shot Zhanlu sword, he felt alert and moved his body violently, unexpectedly dodging Lin Yang's fatal blow!

"Who is putting an arrow in the back! Do you know who I am!"

Xuan Ce's arm was sliced ​​by the Zhan Lu sword's blade, and he was very angry for a short time, and said originally that this sword was going to penetrate his back and nail him directly to the ground!

Seeing that he was discovered, Lin Yang simply stopped hiding and walked out from behind a rock where he was hiding.

"I rob money and sex!"

Lin Yang shouted, pretending to be a gangster nearby!

The figure of the black-robed man was like lightning, and he stood in front of Lin Yang, with a black gun in his hand at his side.

"Go now, you can still live"

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