Mr. Jiu

Chapter 342

"Aren't you sick?"

Liu Xia retracted her hand and placed it on her forehead for comparison, muttering.

Lin Yang's face was a little reddish, he had never been touched by a girl like this before, even though it was only his forehead.

"That... senior sister... you go wash it first, I'll wait."

Lin Yang hesitated.

"What's wrong? Xiaodie, usually everyone takes a bath together?"

Liu Xia was a little puzzled.

"Senior Sister! I have a stomachache. I need to make it easy. You guys should wash it first!"

Lin Yang hurried back to the house and quickly closed the door!

Liuxia frowned slightly, could it be that Xiaodie didn't want to see Second Senior Sister Han Han anymore because of Seventh Senior Sister Gu Jiu's incident?

We are all our own sisters, it's really not good to make a mess like this, if it spreads, it won't be laughed at by other female disciples in the sect.

It seems that we need to find a time when everyone sits down together and have a good talk to completely resolve this contradiction.

Lin Yang was not because he didn't want to see the girl named Han Han, but because if he really took a bath with seven beautiful girls with bumpy figures, then he might not be able to control his nosebleeds!

Even if he can control it, then when he finishes fighting Xuanfeng and releases the real Xiaodie, and everyone guesses his identity, wouldn't they want to eat him alive?Gu Jiu might also have opinions on herself.

The gain outweighs the loss, the gain outweighs the loss!

You still have to hold yourself.

The three days passed quickly. During these three days, everyone found that Xiaodie talked a lot less, and spent most of her time cultivating, because she was a new disciple accepted by Fairy Jiang Qing, so she hadn't started yet. One full year.

But the senior sisters saw that this Xiaodie had already mastered Xuanhuazong's elementary swordsmanship, the Xuanhua swordsmanship proficiently, and suddenly felt a little unbelievable, the talent of the ninth junior sister Xiaodie was a bit scary.

The reason why Lin Yang practiced the Xuanhua sword technique for another two days was because he was groping for how to intersperse simple sword moves in this ordinary sword technique.

For example, hacking, slashing, slashing, and stabbing, so that the sword moves I make look more casual. At that time, there will definitely be top-notch figures present, and Xu Changxiu is fine. It's not good to expose your own flaws on the spot.

Although it is said that Lin Yang's soul is preoccupied, his physical body is golden, and his spiritual power has been tempered eighteen times. He is completely one and some half-step half-step overlords, but he is not on the top of the mountain. To reach a higher level, one needs to maintain a heart of awe and admiration.

Everything has to be cautious, not afraid of [-], just in case, since Lin Yang decided to make a move, then he must defeat Xuanfeng under seemingly random coincidences!

Three days passed quickly, but Lin Yang still didn't see Gu Jiu's figure. Tomorrow is the day when Xuan Feng from the Xuan Clan will come to fight with Gu Jiu.

During these two days, he figured out why Fairy Jiang Qing would also retreat. It turned out that Gu Jiu's condition that he could not marry Xuanfeng as long as he beat Xuanfeng was the condition that Fairy Jiang Qing insisted on repeatedly. here.

Although it is ridiculous, Xuanfeng is the arrogance of the ancient clan, while Gu Jiu is just a disciple of the Xuanhua Sect.

But after all, it is a hope. Fairy Jiang Qing is retreating at the same time. I am afraid that she has made up her mind to improve her strength with all her strength. No matter what, she must protect her apprentice.

I have to say that Fairy Jiang Qing is really good.

On this day, the atmosphere of Xuanhuazong was a little different, because Xuanhuazong had a big shot, someone from the Xuan clan who came to fulfill the agreement and wanted to take Gu Jiu away.

The Xuanhua Sect has eight halls in total, and all the people from the eight halls came out to greet her, and Lin Yang also stood among the crowd.

There are not many people from the Xuan clan, after all, it is a martial arts competition, and there is no need to bring so many people to pick them up.

There were only five people, an old man in black, a young man, two young girls, and a cultivator whose whole body was covered in a black robe, so he couldn't see the whole picture clearly.

That boy should be Xuanfeng, Lin Yang stared at him.

This person's complexion is fair and imposing, and he looks like a general in the courtyard. He is indeed the arrogance of the ancient clan, and his fate is different from others.

There was always a faint smile on his face, as if he was very gentle and elegant.

If Gu Jiu doesn't have someone he likes and agrees to this person's marriage proposal, then it can be regarded as a good story between the Xuanhua Sect and the Xuan Clan. Unfortunately, Gu Jiu disagrees, but the Xuan Clan doesn't let go, instead borrowing the power of the clan exert pressure.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves happily, but in fact they were already at war.

But Xuanhuazong couldn't make a move, so he could only choose to compromise, and always do things where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. How could the foundation of nearly ten thousand years be destroyed in one day.

It is also impossible for the Xuan clan to easily eat the Dingxuanhuazong, because after all, the Bixuanhuazong has nearly ten thousand years of inheritance, and it still has some foundations.

Everyone understands that one more friend is better than one more enemy.

Today's competition is to solve the trivial matter of courtship.

Fairy Yuxuan, the patriarch of the Xuanhua Sect, came out to greet the Xuan clan and his party in person, because the black-clothed old man next to Xuanfeng was Xuanfeng's grandfather, that is to say, the old man was the son of the Xuan clan's grand elder.

His strength is terrifying, and he should be at the peak of the Giant Realm.

However, Fairy Yuxuan, the suzerain of Xuanhua Sect, is a half-step overlord, and she is not afraid of him, but she still has the courtesy she should have.

Everyone came to Xuanhuazong's martial arts arena.

The fight is about to start.

"Senior, where is Junior Sister Gu Jiu? Why haven't you seen it? It's been a long time since I saw her, but I really miss her."

Xuanfeng was not restrained, and asked directly to Fairy Yuxuan beside him.

Fairy Yuxuan smiled, this young man dared to say that he really liked Gu Jiu.

"Jiu'er should be here soon, don't worry, we'll wait for her for a while."

Now that the suzerain has spoken, the Xuan clan and his party naturally have nothing to say.

At this time, Fairy Jiang Qing and Gu Jiu appeared not far away, and they left the customs.

Lin Yang saw Gu Jiu coming towards him in the crowd, and for some reason, his heart beat faster.

This is the girl he misses day and night. In countless dark nights, he broke through the confusion in his heart and continued to move forward.

We finally met again.

She grew taller and became more beautiful, and her development became more and more well-balanced.

But at this moment, he couldn't recognize Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu's expression was indifferent, neither happy nor sad.

"Junior Sister Jiu'er! You're here!"

There was a gleam in Xuanfeng's eyes, and he greeted him happily.

"Let's go, beat me!"

Gu Jiu said coldly, obviously disgusted by the title Xuanfeng gave her.

"Sister Jiu'er, what's wrong with me? I will definitely change it! Do you really want to fight me? You know you can't beat me."

Xuanfeng frowned.

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