Mr. Jiu

Chapter 320

"Are you going to stop me?!"

Yan Fei looked sideways at Qing Shan and sneered, Shen's voice was full of disdain and madness, he wants to kill someone today, no matter what the price is!

At this time, his aura is very terrifying. I am afraid that the real hegemony cultivator is coming, and he will also fight. Fairy is here!Kill too!

Lin Yang's heart was awe-inspiring, and he was still ready to hide in the cauldron to escape. If Qingshan no longer resisted Yan Fei, Lin Yang felt that he could kill him with one move!

"You go! I don't want to fight it!"

Qingshan yelled at Lin Yang, things have developed to this point, it is certain that Yanfei will be extremely weak after this period of heyday, but now he is too strong, so strong that Qingshan feels that he is against him Both will suffer, or even fall.

I can't let my reputation be dusted. As long as Lin Yang walks out of the Yuhua Dojo alive, then everything has nothing to do with him. He can't fight, but he can escape!

"Thank you senior for saving my life today! In the future, I will definitely repay you with all my strength!"

Lin Yang didn't hesitate anymore, and after thanking Qingshan, he drove the stepmother Wuding and plundered towards the exit of Yuhua Dojo.

Seeing him running away, Yan Fei wanted to chase him. At this time, Qingshan continued to emit divine light, preventing Yan Fei from moving forward, so he could only watch Lin Yang escape.

He was annoyed and anxious, he didn't want to entangle Qingshan too much, he just wanted to catch up with Lin Jiu!

He blasted out a ray of bright divine light, and attacked and killed Lin Yang with incomparable speed, almost to the point of terror. Lin Yang only had a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and immediately subconsciously blocked the stepmother Wu Ding against his back.


After the tripod body was bombarded, it made a loud noise and quickly hit Lin Yang's back, and the two rushed out of the Yuhua Dojo. From this moment on, Qingshan will not help him any more.

Lin Yang fell on the street outside the Yuhua Dojo. Just now, the tripod body bombarded his back. The violent impact turned his internal organs upside down, as if someone hit him hard with an extremely huge hammer. for a moment.

Lin Yang coughed up blood, and just got up from the ground, but there was a sharp pain in his back, he staggered a few steps, and fell down again.

Such a terrifying blow, even if it was blocked by the stepmother Wuding, but the Wanjun force still hit Lin Yang after the stepmother Wuding.

Lin Yang felt that the muscles and bones of his back might have been shattered by the terrifying force just now. The severe pain hit his soul. When he first came out, he didn't feel it very much, but when he tried to stand up, he realized that he was The severity of the trauma suffered!

He panicked, how could this happen!He suffered such a serious injury!The injuries he suffered now were heavier than any injuries he had suffered in the past.

A sense of crisis hit his heart, Lin Yang tried his best to move himself, but as the severe pain from his back deepened, he seemed to gradually lose his perception and control of various parts of his body.

It seemed that even with all the strength in his body, he couldn't raise his hands, and couldn't make himself stand up.

At this critical juncture, Lin Yang urged the power of the soul, and finally made himself stand up. Using the soul to control the body feels like controlling an object, but this object is himself, which is somewhat strange.

The structure of the human body is too mysterious. Even though Lin Yang can rely on his soul to move his body, his actions are still somewhat uncoordinated. After all, this is the first time he does this, so it is inevitable that he will be a little jerky.

He wants to put himself in the tripod, and then flee with the tripod!

At this moment, Yan Fei rushed out from the Yuhua Dojo!It seems that after Lin Yang left, Qingshan still delayed Yanfei for a long time. This is really in place, and this kindness can be remembered.

Seeing Lin Yang escaping into the cauldron, Yan Fei hit him suddenly!

The body of the tripod vibrated, and it flew hundreds of feet horizontally, knocking down many buildings without knowing it.

With a flash of Yan Fei's figure, he immediately appeared on the side of the stepmother Wu Ding, which flew hundreds of feet away. This speed is really amazing. He continuously played seal formulas and divine lights, and the body of the tripod shook violently.

It had never withstood such a fierce attack, and in a short while, a figure fell from the cauldron, it was Lin Yang, his soul was shaken by the bombardment in the cauldron, and he was almost about to lose consciousness, and he could no longer control the stepmother Wuding, so It fell directly from it. If you continue to stay in it, you may fall into it.

He didn't expect Yan Fei to be so crazy, so eager to kill him, obviously he really angered him.

It turns out that even with a heavy weapon in his body, in the face of absolute strength, he can't protect his own safety at all, and he is still about to fall!

Lin Yang just broke a piece of muscle and bone in his back, but now almost all the muscles and bones of his body are broken. Such a serious injury has made him a disabled person, and he doesn't know how long it will take to recover.

The current Lin Yang is equivalent to being in the last moment of Mayfly's life, dying.

Everything today is done by himself. He is too confident, thinking that he can control everything, thinking that he has calculated everything clearly, as long as he hides in the Yuhua Dojo, everything will be fine. You can escape from Yanfei's hands.

But he was dead wrong!

Is it about to perish here?Lin Yang asked himself in his heart, but everything is very obvious now.

Seeing him lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, Yan Fei no longer rushed to make a move, but slowly walked towards him.

"You are a piece of rubbish. Bury it with my grandson! I want to sacrifice my grandson with your heart and soul!"

Yan Fei roared, like a beast that lost its son, roaring angrily.

"I will draw out your soul and torture you ten thousand times!"

He came up to Lin Yang, grabbed Lin Yang's hair, lifted Lin Yang's blood-stained head, and directed at Lin Yang viciously, the sinister look in his eyes was extremely permeating!

Lin Yang's muscles and bones were all broken, and his neck and larynx were also twisted in the previous shock. This body was about to die, and Lin Yang couldn't even speak.

Lin Yang wanted to use the Eighty-Nine Sword Formation to bombard Yan Fei, which might hurt him, but he gave up. The strength of his soul, combined with the Eighty-Nine Sword Formation, might be able to give a half-step overlord realm cultivator a sneak attack. harm.

But for the current Yanfei, I'm afraid it can't bring any harm.

"You are too happy, you will regret coming to me!"

Lin Yang's spirit transmitted the voice, and his words were full of ridicule.

Yan Fei was so angry that he punched him again!Lin Yang's head exploded, leaving only Shenhun, a naked little man covered in gold.

Yan Fei grabbed him and asked in a deep voice:

"What else do you have to be arrogant about?"

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